Where do I start with this series?
Where do I start with this series?
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final fantasy legend
It doesn't matter
Mystic Quest
X if you want the best right from the bat with the knowledge that none of the other ones you'll play will be better than it.
IV if you're new to JRPGs, but started gaming in at least gen 4. If you're new to the genre, but started gaming later, again FFX
VII is also a good start if you don't want to spoil yourself with the best, you've played a fair number of JRPGs, or you're in the same situation that would make you play IV, but you started gaming in gen V
Final Fantasy on NES
Final Fantasy on PSP
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy XV
it doesn't matter there is no continuous story or anything each game is stand alone. hell the battle system isn't even the same from game to game
13 or 14, rest is shit lol
I started with 6 two months ago, I think it's a good place to begin the series than work backwards in a random order. I was told to play 7 before 9 and then everything after as follows. I got warned about 2 8 and 13 but I really enjoyed 2 so test the waters before never touching a game
depend how much retro you can handle.
10, 7 or 4 i'd say is the best FF to start.
I don't even know what the bottom one is.
Start with ff7 or ff9. Everybody else in here is fucking retarded
One hellish mess of a JRPG series
>start with a love letter to the series
Yeah no.
or 6 is pretty viable but i think its overrated
start with the homage of the older FFs he never played, fucking brilliant
>play the dated PSX games
>start with a throwback game
Start with the movie
Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within
Just how bad is that?
This are the only ff games worth playing:
Snes: 5 or 6 is the way to go. 5 has simple plot but amazing job system. 6 has very good plot and shitton of side content
ps1:7. No need to explain.
ps2:10 good story, amazing atmosphere and soundtrack(Wandering Flames is my favorite ff track), 12izjs/remaster great game with insane amount of side quests and additional content. Best plot, character development and best quality of writing of dialogues of all ff games(this doesn't say much, both plot and characters are very bland in most of ff).
Ps3: Uhhh, FF14? But better play it on pc.
Ps4: 15 but wait for goty edition with all the patches and dlc. The current state of the game is early access.
They're all shit play something else
Its tolerable as a generic sci-fi movie.
Not that bad. But it was a spit in the face of every FF fans because it was just an average sci-fi that had nothing to do with FF
You played all Final Fantasy even though you hate the serie?
I suggest playing them from oldest to newest as the early ones will give you the groundwork for a lot of the stuff (music scores, Chocobos, etc.) If you want to you can play 1 for the SNES to start, it's pretty good but you won't miss much if you skip this one. Then I'd play 6, like others have said great plot, lots of content. Then my personal favorite 7. You probably won't like it as much as I do as a part of my love is honestly nostalgia but it's still amazing. This is the only time I'm stepping out of the order but Crises Core should deffinitely be played after 7, it's my second favorite FF game after 7 and they share a story (CC is the prequel to 7 but still play it after IMO). Then 8 is another optional one in my opinion. Then 10, a load of people consider this their favorite, I'd put it in the top 3.Then move onto 13 (the only one worth playing is the first part of 13.) Haven't played 14 or 15 yet but I'd move onto those last.
>play 1 for the SNES
If you had read 5 more seconds you would have seen I said it wasn't important to play you autist.
Don't start with I. Don't listen to that man.
VII or X are the only reasonable answer.
I'd say no one should touch VII until the remake comes out.
Why start with the best? It's all downhill from there. My way spaces the good ones out and goes in order so you can feel the game evolve.
1 should not be played first. I definitely think moving between generations of games is better snes -> ps1 > ps2 etc, but 1 is way too barebones. It should be appreciated as a time piece and nothing more
You can really start anywhere and be fine since the games don't relate to each other plotwise (aside from sequels like x-2) and the mechanics aren't too hard to grasp unless you have never played a jrpg before.1,2,3,and 5 are very skippable since they are quite dated and you have more important games to play. Same goes for 4, but the ds remastered was very good so you can always try that. 6 is really the only 2d one you have to play since it's one of the best in the series. 7 Is also one of the best and is generally considered a good starting point. A lot of people hate 8 since the main mechanic was poorly explained(you got a huge wall of text at the start of the game, but couldn't do a lot with the more advanced features until later when you forgot how to do them). Either be prepared to take notes or skip this one. 9 is a great game, but was a love letter to the old 2d ones, so it's a very bad starting place. 10 is also a great one, but I found the mc to be one of the most annoying ones in the series. 12 has combat problems and some imbalanced bosses but is worth a play if you have time. Fuck 13 and anything associated with it. Listen to the soundtrack and jerk it to lightning character's model since those are the only things of value it produced (I still listen to the main battle theme because fuck yes muh dick). If you want a good mmo and have lots of free time play 14. 15 has bad combat that is easily exploited, and the plot is confusing as fuck and is a total unexplained clusterfuck in the last third. Play kingdom hearts if you want that type of combat. Tactics is a fantastic example of a trpg, but it has characters and references from the other games so don't start there.
VI and IX are the best.
>Tactics is a fantastic example of a trpg, but it has characters and references from the other games so don't start there.
What? You mean optional side content like Cloud showing up? Or whoever he was replaced with in the psp remake.
IX is THE best though.
psp version of 1 and 4
GBA of 5 and 6 with graphic and music patch
emulate 7
tactics, maybe 8, 10, and 12, 15.
5 games to first start off with:
FF4, FF6, FF7, FF10 and FF13. Most consistent design right there. These 5 games are either good to decent.
Then afterwords, you can go after FF5, FF8, FF9, FF15.
Then be warned about the rest FF1, FF2, FF3, FF12. Or I don't have much of an opinion on FF14's remake ARR.
FF12 fanboy. Just because your game was an incomplete offline MMO doesn't mean you can say that FF13 was shit. FF13 was objectively superior to FF12's game.
The original on NES is still very much playable once you get into the groove of playing the 2D entries. Just gotta make sure to bump up the battle speed at the title screen.
Oh boy here we go.
1 is a NES game, you double homo. It is not on the SNES.
>have to pay to save
Maybe don't run out of money.
Oh fuck of man everyone knew what I meant. I'd take a literal Nazi over a some shut-in semantics Nazi.
Maybe don't introduce arcade game design in a home console game
grinding ogres for money isn't fun. Nor is limited spell uses.
9 is trash.
neck yourself
like romancing saga yeah? i heard the others suck, is this true?
Unironically, same.
>i heard the others suck, is this true?
They can have obtuse game mechanics, but I've never heard anyone say they outright suck.
The two Frontier games are really good in my opinion, especially the first one.
>Better than anything
That game was a clusterfuck from start to finish. It is the only jrpg that I can honestly say had linear level design and combat. There was literally no strategy involved for the first third of the game, just hit a and occasionally heal. The middle portion was somewhat balanced and kind of fun, but then the bosses quickly get to much hp and heal abilities so they take an hour to kill. That game is objectively one of the worst things this series has produced.
>just hit a and occasionally heal
That's every Final Fantasy though.
this probably isnt recommended, but i played (so far) I-IX in order to see how the series evolves. I played the original nes verisons (prob a bad idea) of I-III.
Try playing all of them if you can. I-III are definatly good, and are very instreating but try to play the most recent versions of them
IV-VI is amazing, only played snes versions.
VII-IX is also amazing, each in their own way. a real dark sheep i would say is VIII, very different, sorta kinda out there, but enjoyable and im looking foward to another playthough now that I beaten it.
Start with the first on PSP and skip to IV on PSP/DS if it's too tedious
onIy if you're a pussy and don't play underleveled.
cool, maybe ill check them out. how is the romancing trilogy btw?
At this point 1,2,and 3 really shouldn't be played at all unless you have a shit ton of free time. They aren't bad at all, but there are so many later ff games that take 40+ hours to beat that newcomers really shouldn't bother.
Really good, especially the third one. The series also has really good music. Frontier II had the prototype for Thunder Plains from Final Fantasy X in it.
that is true. compared to the later games, not very good, but soild games on their own right imo
First play X and X-2, and then XII
Every other game, any order you like
Except 13 takes it to a much more monotonous level. You don't even have think about which spells to use on who or which order to attack what enemy to win battles in the first third of the game.
>You don't even have think about which spells to use on who or which order to attack what enemy to win battles in the first third of the game.
Once again this is every Final Fantasy.
3 or 5
>That game was a clusterfuck from start to finish. It is the only jrpg that I can honestly say had linear level design and combat
Except for Final Fantasy X which had linear level design. And did you forget about the paradigm shift, stagger system, triangle button, abilities button, controllable summons, integration of buffs/debuffs and timing/precision of attacks?
>The middle portion was somewhat balanced and kind of fun, but then the bosses quickly get to much hp and heal abilities so they take an hour to kill.
That's why you have to strategize more and use more of the controls that I stated above. The game teaches you this but you didn't do such.
Except for all the stuff I mentioned above in this post.
People only seem to hate on 8 because they couldn't understand the junction system and ended up very under powered (It was explained horribly so I can't blame them).
>very under powered
You mean very overpowered? Also the story is comically bad by JRPG standards.
Also the story shits the bed pretty badly.
Correct answer
only autists who drawed 99 of every new magic they found ended up overpower.
I knew all about those systems, but they were never really necessary. I did use them, and they did help somewhat, but overall they just made a tedious system somewhat less tedious.
The art and music were some of the best in the series, but I really felt the overall gameplay was just incredibly boring.
Final fantasy 4
This. This entire genre is not for people who consider themselves to be "power players"
Don't even worry about equipment or skill development or any of that bullshit until you get stuck. And even then beat your head against the boss for a bit before you delve into all that crap.
If you stick around and grind you're a shitter
I've only watched 2 Fast&Furious movies but I can 100% guarantee you those are all shit too
>I knew all about those systems, but they were never really necessary. I did use them, and they did help somewhat, but overall they just made a tedious system somewhat less tedious.
But then you failed to play the game dude. The game was teaching you how to use those mechanics. People have much more fun when the game teaches you mechanics that you will have to use all over again.
>not for power players
You have never attempted one of the secret dungeons in any game have you?
V, VI, VII, IX, X in that order, tactics is ok too
and maybe XV when they finally finish making it
I donĀ“t know but after the turd that is XV i want to play XIII again and maybe the sequels
As I said before those mechanics really didn't help too much during the first third of the game. Once the incredibly slow buildup was done, yes I did enjoy the combat and all of those mechanics did matter. But the the game gives the enemies too much hp and healing spells that battles just get too drawn out.
FFiv is the earliest one that most accessible.Pretty much start the series with iv then go straight forward to X.You might want to consider skipping 8 though.
Also try to play tactics and chrono trigger at some point.
Doesn't matter, if you're fine with sprites then FF1, if you want 3D then FF7.
Want old school? FFVI.
Want PS1 era? FFVII
Want semi modern? FFXII
Want modern? Don't do it.
Want a nice spin off? FF Tactics
VIII is unironically my favorite. I like VI and think it's a really good games, but I also think it's overrated
>VIII is unironically my favorite
It has a great setting and an interesting feel to it. Also, music is top notch.
Want modern? Don't do it.
This x5000000
>Want Modern? Don't do it?
FF13 and FF15 say otherwise dumb asses.
XIII-2 is literally the logical conclusion of turn-based JRPGs anyway
all the final fantasies i have played and beaten i have liked. 3 was alright, 8 is my personal favorite, 10 is good, 12 is great, the 13 series as a whole was fun, and 15 can be fun, especially when you're high.
>Final Fantasy XV was a bad gam-
Just skip
and 15
>it's more than I can take
You know what they say, if you can't take the dick don't suck for a ride.
X-2 is cheesy fun and has a decent job and battle system. Definitely not a game to start with, but shouldn't be disregard completely.