Is the puzzle genre saved in the west, at least?
Puyo Puyo Tetris thread.
Is the puzzle genre saved in the west, at least?
Puyo Puyo Tetris thread.
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This game actually looks pretty fun. Maybe even Tetris Plus or DS tier. How much is it?
>paying for tetris in the year 2017
40 burgers for Switch physical which comes with keychains. Switch digital and PS4 physical are 30. PS4 isn't getting digital supposedly because Tetris Company doesn't want two games on the same marketplace competing against each other.
And how else would you play it?
I can live with that.
Does it have Arle?
>tfw no more meteos
This looks fun though, too bad it's not a launch title
>hypothosis confermed
>not I ROVE U
Why wouldn't it?
Because this sounds too good to be true.
It literally is though?
No it comes in april.
I honestly don't get the appeal of this game. The game is too bright and colorful which can hurt your eyes when playing, and Tetris is too outdated to enjoy. Puyo doesn't seem much fun either.
I'm getting this the day it launches.
Now we just need Lumines on the Switch.
That's how I felt when I actually saw the localization announced to begin with. It's still a little jarring to hear characters like Arle and Amitie speaking better English now.
I played some kind of Kirby or Robotnik version of this back in the 90s, wonder how much has changed since then.
Not too much as far as Puyo Tetris is concerned. TSU/2 is the standard ruleset whose main addition is offsetting which lets you counter incoming garbage with chains. It's a simple change, but it adds a lot to competitive play.
>Wait, tetris has kawaii anime characters too?
>mfw Kotaku
>Tetris doesn't have kawaii anime characters, so they made OCs for this game
>T is a prince and captain of the AYYLMAO
>I is a Furry AYYMLAO
>L and J are twins.
>S is a brat AYYLMAO unless his bara robot companion is around
>Z is that bara companion
>O is Pikachu AYYLMAO
Have a (You).
T-thanks, fampai...
it doesn't help that most of the Tetris OCs kinda suck and took the place of Puyo characters people actually like.
If it's on DS's level, I'm definitely buying it!
Well they had to have something for Tetris.
There's also the next block showing two pieces instead of 1, the chaining power being way different, and double rotation being possible even if you're blocked on both sides.
Do Puyo Puyo games usually have good music?
It's been saved for a long time.
Not all the songs are hitters, but most games have a handful of some good shit.
The "boss" themes are consistently great.
I enjoy the music.
is the best song.
finally someone with some sense
I can't wait for it.
It's going to be great. I'm glad I held off on importing the PS4 version. I was about to order it but decided against it for the time being. One week later the localisation was announced.
Online multiplayer?
I'm getting it. It looks fun. I've been playing a lot of Pokémon Puzzle League on my N64 lately and I could use a new game like that.
>Taisen 4
Popoi's theme was always the fucking best thing in the game
I'm decent at tetris but don't know shit about puyo. As a beginner, what puyo game should I play to git gud?
Sega has been doing really fucking well lately.
Sig is cute!
which Tetris games should i get for ds or 3ds?
God I hope we can set voices to Japanese. English doesn't sound great here. Rather have sound I don't entirely understand but sounds relatively better than something I do understand.
Tetris DS is the best Tetris game ever made. Prove me wrong, faggots.
20th anniversary is widely regarded as the best one, but it has no english patch.
Fever and 7 are supposed to be "entry" games for beginners, but they're gimmicky. A lot people like fever mode though. Both available in english.
Tsu (2) for snes is a classic and does have an english patch. But the ai in that game feels pretty archaic and the endless mode is bad for combo practice because it speeds up a shit ton after just a minute of playing.
Puyo Puyo vs 2 is good for netplay on the pc, but the ai is retarded and may as well not exist. It's a fangame, but it feels just like the real thing.
All of them but tsu are good for just going into endless mode and doing chains.
What's the most recent version of Puyo Puyo (Besides this PuyoxTetris)? Is there any version that has a community that plays online?
Where's the best place to get information about and download Puyo Puyo vs 2? Definitely want to give it a try! Thanks
Can I take this to mean that the other tetris games on the DS and 3DS are shit compared to vanilla Tetris DS?
Mechanically the newer games are a bit better (DS is a bit slow horizontally and you can infinitely spin if I recall), but DS is probably the most enjoyable.
Haven't really touched the 3DS ones though.
>Is there any version that has a community that plays online?
I believe the online for the 3ds version of 20th anniversary is still up, but it's japan only. 20th originally came out in 2011, but besides tetris no other "real" puyo puyo games have come out since then.
Puyo Puyo Vs 2 is a fangame but it always has people around. Mainly japs, so stay out of ranked matches unless you want to lose pitifully.
The base game doesn't have any music or characters by default.
We used to have Sup Forums threads for it, and in those threads we used this link instead. It had some stuff in them to get people started (music, characters, backgrounds, etc.):
Outside of that, puyonexus is the main place to go for mods.
I wanted the Tetris side of the cast to be russian characters.
No problem. Forgot to mention, but to register you just type in a name and password in the login screen. If it wasn't taken yet it auto-registers.
On literally any other electronic device. It's like the Doom meme, except Doom isn't in arcades.
Sorry you can't do that in the land of freedom where everything is allowed except things your government has biased against
I beat this game a few days ago, it's a really interesting twist on Tetris, I was pretty terrible at puyo puyo at first, but eventually got better.
Woulda been a better pun if it was just rei instead.
Aren't all of Yu's puns terrible anyway?
Why would anyone pay for the Switch version when the Wii-U version is free, and is literally the exact same game..
tetris is tetris. puyopuyo is also a falling block action (timed) puzzle game but there's greater emphasis on chains.
Puns are awful in general.
Because some people want Sega to start bringing the series over more. Poor sales already made them drop all interest for over ten years before, so fans really want to show their appreciation for finally giving it a chance again, even if it does have to ride on Tetris to get its footing here.
>every single platform besides PC
>tsu rule instead of fever rule
>no ocean prince
>no dongurigaeru
>no hohow bird
>no skeleton T
>no popoi
>no oshare bones
>no zoh
>no nohoho
>dub only
I'm buying it, but I hate it.
Yeah, no
Fever is best as an alternate mode though. For a crossover game it shouldn't be the default.
I mostly just want fever rule for endless offsetting, more than anything else.
Fever-style offsetting wouldn't stop tetris from ruining your day.
Fever came back in Chronicle and Tetris does have Endless Fever mode, so I imagine it was excluded due to difficulties finding a way to make Tetris work with it, particularly building up the meter for it in a way that's fair.
the voices are good, it maintains the spirit (enunciation) of the Japanese acting at least
I don't actually know how good the PPT dub is. I'm just going by the PPF dub, which was awful aside from Hohow and Oshare.
Seriously, what the fuck is up with Ocean Prince's dub voice?
>dub only
I'll stick to my imported PS3 copy, thanks
Ringo is best girl
Only those two?
I liked Klug, Raffine, and Amitie's dub voices just fine.
Thank god it's getting a physical PS4 release.
But that's Raffine's line
>no digital PS4 release
I guess online there will be dead in the water
>Can't even make it past the second floor in Puyo Puyo 2 in the Sega 3D Classics collection.
I'm going to get fucking destroyed online.
That Ringo sounds unfitting as fuck. Everyone else sounds fine, though
What is going to have more active online, PS4 or Switch?
If you ask me, the second floor is fucking weird. Like the first floor is generally a breeze, and then the second floor likes to just randomly throw 5-chains at you or something.
In fact Puyo Puyo 2's single player seems really inconsistent with its difficulty to begin with. I'll get destroyed by someone, then go on to mop the floor with whoever I face after continuing.
>actually wanting to subject yourself to Japanese Draco
Chihaya has it rough these days. I mean, look at what they're making her sing:
I imported a Japanese copy, it's a really fun game but I don't want to buy it again because then I'd feel the need to unlock all the characters again through story mode.
This new version comes with all the DLC already unlocked IIRC, though. That's a pretty fair tradeoff
DLC? Didn't even know the game had that, unless you meant unlockables.
Reminder that PuyoPuyo x Tetris came out 3 fucking years ago.
Better late than never. Also, buying this guarantees that we'll get future games and much sooner to boot.
Where the fuck is fabulous skeleton?
Yeah, there was shit like extra story mode chapters, puyo skins, alt voices, etc
I think the reason we didn't get it sooner was because Ubiniggersoft had the rights in the west.
I think they still do, considering the PS4 version is physical only.
Actually, that just sounds like his celebration clip for clearing the chain during fever, not his spell. I can't actually make out what he's saying before HYPOTHESIS CONFIRMED, but something is there.
His voice is too high pitched though, needs to be deeper.
Yeah I guess Ubisoft is still trying to sell their shitty Tetris Ultimate or whatever it's called digitally.
I wouldn't get it because they have a habit of just forcing UPlay into their games and abandoning support for it right away.
Wait what? Ubisoft has rights to Puyo? Or Tetris? Because I could have sworn Tetris was big enough to have it's own dedicated company by now, and Puyo...honestly I could see that because that franchise is a legal mess in japan as it is.
They have exclusivity rights to Tetris games on certain platforms
Ubisoft had the rights to tetris around the same time that Sega had the rights to tetris. I think in Japan PxT came out on Wii U, 3DS, Xbone, and PS4.
Meanwhile around the same time Ubisoft was releasing Tetris Ultimate on those same systems.
It event as far as Nintendo having the Tetris license again and coming out with Tetris Axis around 2011-2013, and when Ubisoft got the license, Nintendo pulled the GameBoy version of Tetris and Tetris Axis off the eShop.
I'm not sure what the fuck is Sega's problem with Puyo, because the only western release this gen has been a mini game in the Hatsune Miku game for 3DS, because in Japan there's been at least 3-4 Puyo games, Puyo Virtual Console, and the Sega 3D Classics.