Which 4 would make the best team?
Which 4 would make the best team?
cruel, candy, coin and cute. Guaranteed good dps, tank, survivability and items.
Does Casanova's buff affect the whole party or just himself? What's the critical hit buff percentage?
what the fuck is spd
i sure hope it ain't special defense because that means either having one mediocre tank or two good tanks
Only himself
so what does it mean? who gets the first turn a la pokemon, or number of attacks per turn?
i don't see any buffers, so kid cub is useless
Uncanny for the dialog changes, Cruel for the DPS, Kid for the item spam and Candy for the meatshield.
Find me a flaw, I dare you.
Turn order, like Pokemon.
Also, Cosplay works like Ditto.
Prove me wrong.
Kid dies or becomes a healing drainer, pretty much.
Cruel for dps
Cruel for more dps
Candy for meatsheild
Cute for healing
Cruel, Chubby, Cute, Cracker
Plenty of damage with a health tank and healer thrown in.
>he doesn't think I stock up on party wide healing items
i don't know if there are such items in this game so i'm going with only characters for now
Cute for heals
Chubby for tanking
Clever for speed
Coin for $$$$$$
Cruel for damage
Cute for heals
Candy/Chubby for tank, depends on whether there are defense piercing/lowering attacks in the game
Casanova/Coin/Cosplay for last slot depending on what items there are, how strong crits are and how strong enemies are.
>nearly an hour has gone by
>ZERO porn of Kid Cub
Who are you and what have you done with my Sup Forums
Cute, Chubby, Candy, Casanova
Turtle and hope for crits
Captain, Cracker, Clever and Uncanny.
Cursed, Kid, Chubby, and Candy. One of each has a max stat.
>Not wanting porn of Cracker cub
Candy, Cracker, Captain and Cosplay.