What is the scariest game ever?

What is the scariest game ever?

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five fucks at fredberts

That's deep man


Die you degenerate Barneyfag
That background is from the Cutie Remark Part 2

>That background is from the Cutie Remark Part 2
how would you know that you degenerate ponyfag


Lee pls

Oh, well let's see here, there's the Discovery Family logo in the corner so that gives me suspicion.
Go into derpibooru, use its reverse image search feature, pic shows up, look in the tags, gives me the name of the episode. Simple as that.

Which is why all these faggots need to die horrible painful deaths

You're a faggot, Barney is the shit

Fucking kill all these degenerates

ITT: Closet Bronies

I hate them all

What did he mean by this?

I fucking want them dead

Wait what? Isn't that just a still from the simpsons?

Based barneyfag is back!

The background isn't.

I've always been here.

>Played on Hardest difficulty
>Always in the dark
>Expensive HQ headphones on
>Alien gets smarter and less predictable on harder difficulties

Still haven't finished it.

This is like the people who dedicate their lives to stalking chris chan without realizing how pathetically autistic they themselves look. Literally no one would have thought that image had anything to do with MLP if you hadn't brought it up.

When will these faggots fucking die already

Look Lee, no one bothers to photoshop Homer Simpson into some spoopy background without deleting the logo. That alone tells me this is sketchy. Besides, if you wanted a spoopy background it's far easier to get some stock pics. In other words, that background was chosen.
Now, why would a ponyfag use fucking backgrounds? They're infatuated with the characters, who cares about a background. In the unlikely case that someone used the background accidentally, well, that's not a ponyfag anymore.
So we have
a) ponyfag makes pic, but then they'd delete the logo or use a character and not the background
b) random makes pic, but then they'd find something better and without a logo
Then you post within twenty minutes.
We all know you posted the OP but I like to explain it step by step. So next I ask: what's the point of obviously falseflagging? I don't remember a single thread where the OP was not so ridiculously subtle that nobody could tell at a glance.

This user gets it. Definitely a good contender.

Null is a cuck

Maybe if their shit was allowed outside of containment, I'd let it slide, but since it isn't I have to dedicate myself to calling out their shit since they're constantly breaking Rule 15 every day and in abnormal ways.

I think you need to cool down
By about 20%

Sup baby

hang yourself

>Now, why would a ponyfag use fucking backgrounds?
It's all part of their goal to insert their shitty show into every piece of media in existence.

>We all know you posted the OP
Unless you're a mod and have access to all the IPs on the site, you literally have no reason to believe this bullshit

Kill these faggots

I don't need to see your IP to notice that every barneyfag thread involves an impossibly convoluted allusion to ponies and that one faggot who starts posting the same "evidence" pictures within a relatively short timeframe.
Besides, if I sound crazy,
>It's all part of their goal to insert their shitty show into every piece of media in existence.
sounds straight out of /x/ conspiracy threads. Just stop it man, it's embarrassing.

No need to get violent sugarcube

>you literally have no reason to believe this bullshit
It's so obvious by now

>sounds straight out of /x/ conspiracy threads.
Their autism makes it sound extremely palatable.
It's like those Pooh's Adventures fucktards.

Don't be talking shit about Winnie the Pooh, you cunt

The Evil Within...and I'm not even a fan of the game. The ridiculous amount of forced encounters was annoying, one minute you're walking down a hallway finally enjoying a level then BOOM suddenly somewhere completely different, over and over again. Honestly, I'd rate it a 5/10 overall as a game. But...the scares were done well. If that game had been well made it could have been a classic. Ah, a man can dream.

I thought this was Sup Forums?
Not fags arguing over children's shows.

>Unless you're a mod and have access to all the IPs on the site, you literally have no reason to believe this bullshit
>you cant prove me wrong, therefore I'm right
Just admit it, Barneyfag

But that's what Sup Forums is

but that's never been the case, believe me

>It's like those Pooh's Adventures fucktards.
First off, don't you fucking dare talk shit about Winnie the Pooh.
Second, please don't tell me you're talking about the Home Run Derby threads.

>that time Lammy went to hell

This, Sup Forums is fags arguing over console wars and sjws

I'm pretty sure I have Barneyfag's info saved somewhere from the time he got doxxed. Anyone want to help me track him down and kill him?


Can Lee beat Pooh in a fight?

>Spends all day consuming pony media and talking about ponies
>Links everyone to pony related sites to see pony related material
>Claims he'll stop when GR15 is deleted because then bothering the mods would do do less than what they've done now
>Literally the only reason why ponyshit is ever talked about on Sup Forums
We get it Lee, you're upset your favourite non vidya show got banned on Sup Forums and you've shitposted about it for 6 years straight.
You've wasted years of your life trying to get rid GR15 instead of just going to a pony site and staying there

Sup Forums is for whining about furries while debating which beast race is the coolest the answer is birds

>Second, please don't tell me you're talking about the Home Run Derby threads.
I'm not, I'm talking about these autistic-ass fan movies called "Pooh's Adventures" where they try to mix together the Pooh cartoons with movies so it'd be like "Pooh's Adventures of The Emperor's New Groove" or "Pooh's Adventures of Toy Story.
It even has its own wiki, for fuck's sake

I have never done such bullshit


hang these degenerates

kill them all

I shall make him pay in the name of Barney

Don't go to Canada tomorrow

>grr I hate him for making fun of my favourite show!
>I just want this board to know what lengths I'll go to defend my precious equines!

>you will never be barneyfag
honestly this guy is the only reason I haven't killed myself yet. keep up the good work you pathetic piece of shit.

God I hate these degenerates

Barney always finds his way

I really hate them all


Murder them

Post yfw you will never be as mentally damaged as barneyfag

Fatal frame for me.


Nothing wrong with crusading against the most cancerous fandom in existence