Skyrim is an objectively shit game

>Skyrim is an objectively shit game
>It's still fun to debate Stormcucks or Imperials
why is this?

pro skub and anti skub is always fun

Because the previous games were good and established a detailed lore.

I still play skyrim several hours a week because I've modded the hell out of it to fix the problems with it. Yes, including the writing: I just download compelling quest mods and have long ignored the Bethesda content.

I would never side with someone that tried to kill me. It's basically making yourself a cuck if you do that.

Oh, I get it, being a cuck means that you make the smart decision and don't side with the losing side because of stupid bravado.

Is fucking a Khajiit that barely looks like a furry a furry thing?

>losing side

Shaved cat is still a cat you furry fuck

Yeah, since the Khajiit change so much they just made up that they are different forms based on the moon phase.

Some Khajiit are tigers and others are humans with grey hair or superhero masks apparently.

There isn't an option to side with the Thalmor so I'll pick the Empire who at least has a modest chance.

but they still look more like elves

at worst it's elf fucking

Any side with the dragonborn is basically guaranteed to win the war, dumbass

>le "empire is our only hope of beating the thalmor" meme
>completely forgetting the fact that the redguards are singlehandedly winning their war against the thalmor

imperials are literal cucks who voted democrat in the last federal election

fucking absolute madmen the Redguards, how are they doing it

>there are people on this board that actually supported rebel scum

Sword skills or whatever they hell they're called are OP. Just like the Dragonborn.

because there are actual reasons to support either one, unlike fallout 4

which is a shame because they totally botched the quest line

>Not supporting the most American side in any vidya conflict
FREEEEEEEEEDOOOOOMMMMM!!!!! [eagles screeching in the distance]

well Nords are mostly retards, so I dunno

Is there any game that does this right? Every single time I've seen a faction war like this I generally think both sides are fucking retarded, or one side is clearly evil.

Are there any games that genuinely make you think about what faction is right? If so, what made them so engaging?

Wish the Thalmor were a a joinable faction

>be Dunmer
>won't help the Stormcloaks for obvious reasons
>won't join Imperials because they left Morrowind defenseless at the first sign of trouble

Fallout New Vegas
Shin Megami Tensei

Because Elder Scrolls is a fun series to bant about

Yeah comparing Nords to redguards in the current era of the game world is retarded as Nords at their peak were destroyed by dark elves when they tried to thu'm red mountain or some shit.

Now all of them think that kyne left them so only very few use the thu'm. Nords are just stupid fucks right now.

Redguards just by nature are more powerful than any other race other than high elves in the story just by being born.

Except NV could have improved the Legion a little, Caesar himself was a very interesting character but his legionnaires weren't as interesting

From what I know about those games...

Ancient Roman guys for some reason: want to unite all of NV under their rule to bring peace instead of everyone squabbling
Some sort of rebel outpost thing with a bear flag: Probably some shit about freedom?
Some guy in a computer: Literally no idea, but apparently he did nothing wrong

God: Fuck free will, you're all going to obey me and we'll live in a world of peace forever
Devil: No fuck that,I'm going to let humans have ultimate free will and they can do whatever they want. Even if it means they're free to fuck up
Neutral: Fuck those two guys, I'm just going to go home and take a nap


>Ulfric: No, but I belong to her.


>Doing shit for the Imperials
>I get promoted
>Here, take this blade to display your rank and prowess proudly
>Gives me a shield



Neutral is more like

At least strange journey is like that

>it's still fun

No it's not. One idiot posts the same thread over and over again saying you should pick the stormcloaks because he knows Sup Forums primarily supports the Empire because that's what makes sense. It's literally troll threads.

>new vegas
>well meaning, yet messy NCR
>the legion a group of retards led by a cancer patient with a rome fetish, and missing all of its planned content
>a bubble boy with a gambling addiction
>le crazy and wacky yes man

>lvl 100 in two handed
>literally a god and can obliterate anything with my greatsword

>equip a dagger
>cant even scratch a peasant

Fuck Tod and his shitty games

>not putting some work in one-handed, just in case

Makes more sense than FFXIV at least, since you still keep your gear and levels

>be a max level tank
>pick up a staff
>you are now a lv 1 fuckboy
>you have all the stats of a lv 1 as well, you're basically starting all over again

How? Why?! Sure I'd understand doing less damage going from a melee to a magic class. Maybe my guy hasn't learnt how to explode things properly yet. But why the hell did all of his stats drop too?

Sooo is Skyrim SE decent now in terms of available mods? Or do we still have to wait for SKSE?

At the very least you should gain experience faster if you already mastered/have a higher level in a physical weapon art.

It does make sense that you would be shit with daggers if you only have been using 2h swords your whole life though. But you would be aware of how they work since you have been fighting people with daggers and have been using a bladed weapon the entire time.

>Not going barehanded



>no barehanded skill
>have to play one of the furfag races if you want more damage

So you'd join the Thalmor instead? They hate the dark elves as much as the Nords.

>letting your land and people get cucked by prude elves and sissy imperials

Should have a base skill and techniques.

Base skill should be general and techniques should be developed through training or being taught by masters.

Combat should be completely different if you actually learned how to fight a certain way, too bad TES games will just get more streamlined and more shit as time goes on.

TES' level system is shit. They should've done an attribute and scaling system like Fallout and Dark Souls, that way you'd need a high STR to wreck shit with a 2h sword but can still translate at least most of that to a dagger if you wanna switch.

Strange Journey is the only mainline where neutral is an objective good ending

Nords lack everything they need to fight the Thalmor: manpower, food, and magic.

Skyrim being involved in a civil war has decimated their population.

Skyrim has been dependent on trade with the empire to fulfill its food needs.

Skyrim Nords hate magic, which gives the Thalmor the major edge.

>Start of game
>Imperials are literally going to execute you
>Stormcloaks try to help you escape

Why would anyone cuck themselves and join the Imperials?

SMT IV As well.


You sad sad fool
No sense of nuance

Your single track line of thinking makes you perfect to join the stormcloaks.

>stormcloaks try help you escape
>literally just running along with whoever because a dragon is killing everyone
>stormcucks chimp out when they see you and try to murder you when you try to talk to them

Because Skyrim is fun, and Sup Forums is filled with hypocritical people and meme spouting children

>Go to Markarth immediately afterwards
>Markarth happens

Gee suddenly supporting the stormcloaks seems fucking retarded.

You're not formally joining the Thalmor unless you're on the approved Altmer eugenics list and haven't resided in a territory that isn't the Summerset Isles without the Thalmor's approval.

At best, you will be employed as a disposable assassin.

Stormcloaks are conservative pedophiles who think voting republican makes them some kind of edgelord.

Why are Democrats so fucking terrible at insults

Imperilards are progressive homosexuals who think voting democrat makes them some kind of knight in shining armor.

YOU NEVER SHOULD HAVE bought a skyrim game that has an older version with a vastly expanded Script Extender
