Mike Matei is a shitlord

>Mike Matei sees this
>releases his own Punch Out video anyway
>continues to quarantine any mention of Bootsy in Cinemassacre comments
>took over Bootsy's role on Cinemassacre videos like nobody would notice


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literally who and why should i care

I fucking dare you to tell me Mike isn't going to kick James off of his own channel and brand

He wouldn't because that would spell certai doom for his reputation, people come for James, not for Mike

You beat me to it. James has no idea what's coming

Mike has always been a crafty gypsy who uses his friends to make as much money as humanly possible.

He parlayed drawing opening title cards, into being a bit character in AVGN episodes to now having three or four of his own weekly segments as well as a now cancelled one.

I mean... it's been clear for years but I just didn't mind because the Bootsy videos were genuinely some of the only stuff on Youtube worth looking forward to.

Now that he has, in his own words, been "ghosted" by Mr.Matei (who he has known since like fucking grade 2) I'll be glad to move on to watching just Bootsy.

Boosty probably wanted some of the Cinemassacre cake and they either didn't have the funds for another person or just felt he wasn't worth it. It's basically Mike's channel at this point anyway, with James only appearing on monday videos, the quarterly AVGNs, and or paid advertisements like the power rangers video he did.

At first I hated Mike, then kinda liked him but goddamn he's such an annoying faggot it's impossible to like him anymore. And then he goes bat shit insane on Bootsy just because he's good at video games and because Mike is an insecure and insane son of a bitch.

Mike is the only one putting in effort though. James doesn't appear in shit any more, baring the weekly 10 minute let's play. I think Mike is even writing and directing the AVGN episodes at this point.

it doesn't help that everyone's sucking him off in his videos lately

he will turn on Ryan as well if Ryan ever gains any popularity among cinemassacre fans

Mike does such a great job when he writes his own stuff. That's why he's been trying to get it all removed from YouTube every day for 5 years


Check this 4

I don't care about any of those faggots though, James is the only thing I watch from Cinemassacre. The Power Rangers review was great.


who will mike rape with his thundercock next?

But Mike Matei is r/OurGuy

is this the autistic man who came up with the miney crafta video

fuck you, Mike

>if Ryan ever gains any popularity among cinemassacre fans
Like that would ever happen.

I know he isn't liked right now and I don't care for him either but Mike wasn't always getting sucked off by the fans either.

I'm right there with you senpai! I mean come on... Ryan getting popular? Uh... yeah... sheesh. You and I both know that ain't gonna happen! Hah! Am I right folks?

What was the conflict anyway?

I don't know about you, but I wouldn't think a friendship dating back to primary school just goes to shit over nothing. It must've been something major.

One good thing I can say about him is that at least it seems like he's started washing himself more recently. The comments most have gotten to him.

Same user senpai! I guess we're friends now. I made a trip. Okay, now say it with me, "RYAN NOT GONNA GET POPULAR. NOPE. NOT. GONNA. HAPPEN. CAP'N!!" Haha. You get it. That's why we're friends. What's you're favorite ps2 title anyway? Mine is Dark Cloud 2

The only way Ryan'll get popular is if Mike's reputation continues to burn to fucking ashes like it is now that people are starting to see that he's a crazy backstabbing scumbag. I kinda like seeing it happen, desu

Same user here. Did you notice my other recent post directed at you? You should probably adopt a trip for the remainder of this thread. I want to be friends so lets use the thread to get to know each other better. It's not every day you meet such a nice user after all! I'm 23 and cis. Straight as all get out but a great ally to lgbt causes. I like retro games and Metal Gear titles. My favorite is Rising surprisingly! I like some adventure games too. I'm slim. Sort of handsome. A loyal friend. Ok your turn!

if Mike starts genuinely feeling threatened he will go nuclear and will try his best to destroy Cinemassacre or damage it as much as he can
he's a scumbag and not one of the good guys

Is this the most kino cinemassacre video?
Also look at upload date and length

Does anyone even follow cinemassacre for any reason besides James?

I did it for Bootsy too, but obviously not anymore.


To mods:
Please make an e-celeb board.


just unsubbed from cinemassacre

I mainly watch their content because of James and also Bootsy (rip). The more out there and detailed/autistic James gets about something specific the better it usually is.
Sometimes a Mike video is somewhat entertaining. But that's pretty rare.

Um hellooooo? You still there? You read any of my messages??

The OTHER deleted Mike video that isn't as memetic, but just as humorless


This one is far worse because it wasn't scripted, so you can tell how TRULY unfunny he is. When you're that big of a shitbag, you just can't hide it. I don't understand how this jerkoff has a single fanboy... his existence makes me sick and I know I'm not alone

>tfw james does next to nothing anymore
seriously how many AVGN episodes have been released in the past 3 years? as much as i dont give a single shit about mike hes carrying the channel now
james needs to get off his ass and either get a fucking episode out or start streaming as well, mike is so boring solo

they probably couldn't afford to give bootsy money tbqh


Mike has the most boring personality.


Can we get a "dislike" campaign going on Mike's shitty Punch Out video? You know he deserves every second of this hate

>mike plays an old video game
>mike gets mad
>mike says "fuck" and other cusswords
>mike gets mad again
>mike can't stop getting mad over an old video game
>mike will be 40 years old soon

Pay attention to something besides AVGN

What makes it really bad is that he's just so fucking mean spirited when he insists on being funny. Like he has to be mad about the trivial thing he's mocking. It has no point. It's just shitty dickheadedness for no reason.

>its a mike and a fat sweaty mouthbreather play dead rising 1 and fail every time
>duur those new games have too much story
jesus fuck Im not that younger than them yet I love dead rising 1.

Isn't Mike the one who harassed the pure innocent creative hard working Chris Bores?

>dead rising 1 has too much story
The fuck

>mike notices the game actually has a story
>mike whines and starts mashing a button to skip it because stories are baaaaaad
>later mike starts talking about old cartoons and their stories because cartoons have the best stories

what happened between them?
I figured bootsy was just trying to go back to making music.

watch their dr1 stream
>why they talk so much
>ddurrr cutscene every minute
>let me play
and then they fail the simplest action

>Dead Rising
>too much story
Haha, what

Bootsy got shit for being boring, but at least his humor was somewhat intelligent. Like, he'd make a unique observation about something, and it was never like, "Hey, that looks like a dick!!" *cackles to himself*

That's exactly what happened, but Sup Forums thinks it's funnier to blame Brown Bricks.

>later you post about it on Sup Forums


I'm still convinced that Bootsy beating Battletoads triggered it
the fans started to think that Bootsy was the best of the group in vidya and Mike was jelly and Mike being the small minded douchebag that he is let it get to him and he began to hate Bootsy

Why does everyone keep making dumbass test posts

Then why isn't the new Bootsy beats episode gonna be on cinemassacre and why did Mike steal his idea? And why won't either of them to respond to any questions? Read between the lines, they hate each other

No one knows. All we have is speculation based on Mike taking out his DELET THIS game on fan questions about Bootsy.

jesus fuck, its fucking awful wtf why does he shit on a fucking kids cartoon. is this autism? and his humor is awful - "penis hehe pussy hehe kill yourself hehe elmo is a retard hehe". Now I know "Mineycrapy" is the pinnacle of his humor.

Bootsy is one of those pretendo nazi punchers, so I don't really care.

Cinemassacre has been shit for a long time anyways.

why wasn't Mike even trying to defend James when SJWs and the diseased fake media were shitting on him? does he only care about himself after all?

>does he only care about himself after all?
yep and shekels dont forget he and ryan shilled Dungeon 2 just like other jewtubers did.

I kinda want to stop visiting cinemassacre since it's become shit, but I've been on there for so long that I'm afraid of making such a big change to my life.

I noticed Mike's identity on the channel changed after Bootsy showed up because he became this crazy tryhard with his live streams and stuff. Fans loved Bootsy for his skill and his demeanor, and Mike has neither but he can't admit it to himself. I'd feel bad for him if he wasn't such a snake

>people come for James


To be fair ignoring the whole shitstorm was the right thing to do for both of them.

Fuck Mike and James for what they did to Based Bootsy. What kind of piece of shit fucks over a friend like that? Fuck Cinemassacre I'm done with those assholes

When I think of what solution is needed for Mike's influence on the channel, the words MEINY KAMPFA come to mind

Well, since James is a fucking normalfag now he has no time for youtube, his channel, his life proyect or his friends for life. He has to use all of his time in that life eater shit called "wife" and his little life leech called "kid"

He is done for.


I heard that after the thing that happened, the person went on a twitter rampage and called the people involved all kinds of bad names! I couldn't believe it! I'm not sure who is in the right but this is definitely interesting.

i hope james reviews the sentai series.

>they play Bully
>clocks says like 2pm
>words Truancy start flashing in red on the screen
>"wwwwwaaaaaaht why are they chasing me, i'm pressing buttons"

Mike might have a big dick but James is a genuinely nice guy and much more interesting so he'd be the better partner.

woooow Im pressing buttons

>boo hoo fuck him for having a family

James is an autist.

Fuck Mike he's a cringeworthy faggot who is killing the channel.

Fake news

reading between the lines and "finding" shit that isn't there is the problem.

Good point. Bootsy responded to Patton Oswalt and went after Devin Faraci hard, I remember. Where was Mike? Probably hoping that James would get destroyed so that he could take over the channel - his end game

so does the OP of that pic desu

>saving this retardation

that was really painful to watch, they got to be the most unobservant people going. Watching them struggle with a word jumble while complaining how it was like actual school was the only semi entertaining thing about it. They're basically third graders.

Word is Bootsy made a Trump comment and James went apeshit about how Cinemassacre isn't supposed to get political and that was a deciding factor in letting him go.

Thoughts on Ryan's wife?

>he thought 1-2 switch was good

You need to go back to school, you have no idea how to read.

looks like user is the autist.
>look at this carpet it's the same one from this video of here!
seriously get tested

I heard that they hate each other because they were both arguing about who got to be the bottom. It was a pretty big fight I imagine.
Mike called Bootsy a "little bitch" and Bootsy probably punched Mike in the face. Then Mike used his years of Ninjitsu training to knock bootsy on his ass! Then I imagine the cops were called and they were both arrested. Right now they probably have a restraining order against each other. And all because they couldn't agree on something.

Get fucked Mike you piece of unfunny fucking shit, no one likes you.

james and mike are actually horrible peoples.

Like how they treat other reviewers are notorious.

bootsy is great. ryan is a fucking fat faggot who doesn't deserve to be in front of a camera.

if ryan somehow sees this, i want him to know that he is the most boring person on the entire planet. fuck you ryan.

he has a wife? that's not a hamplanet?

tell us the name of your channel if you want to be treated well, reviewer

Coming from Miney Crafta I guess they're now equals

What is it with Cinnemassacre and people roleplaying as grocery store tabloids about them ?