LIVESTREAM: President Donald Trump Address To Congress

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this is Sup Forums you fucking mong


What are some games that lets me address the congress?
Now it videogames. Dont you deleted this thread you stinky fatfingered janny tranny fuck!

>tfw there will never be a more polished less buggy version of geopolitical simulator


How is this videogames? Dumb frogposter.


you trumpfags really smear your shit everywhere, huh?


When was the last time you made love to your honey, Sup Forums?

>needs ppl to watch role model to validate his retardation

whatever washes the taste of orange cock outta yer mouth fag

Check this 9

Do you agree with the political themes present in Gone Home?
Fuck off Sup Forums I don't go to your board to shitpost this crap there


I'm radical centrist
I'm just curious why Sup Forums has so many liberals? Surely reddit is more your taste, no? videogamessssssss

FUCK OFF Sup Forums

This is why he has the lowest approval rating ever recorded in history. And why his rallies today had no one show up.

Say that to my face, not online. Lets see how "tough" you are IRL.
No. You fuck off. dont you know about the alliance you newfriend?

>Sup Forums isn't cancerous I swear!
>this is all just backlash because of SJWs!
lol. As your favorite meme would say. You need to go back.

>literal americlaps

Reddit is for Trumpets.

nice videogames

Holy shit, he paraded that widow like a piece of meat :/

yea a lot of newcomers came with the election season falseflagging as oldfags


oh shit

I've seen people calling him out on this and I wonder how old they are

It's a staple of presidential speeches, even West Wing had it

Not even this shit thread deserves that.

great mods, hiro! check my 5 you useless pieces of shit

This is /v fucktard, take this shit to /pol. Now watch me get a 5, nerd.

Hmm... you say something?

Yeah because the father of the SEAL he killed refused to meet him in person and called for an investigation into the botched raid Trump approved. Complete disaster and lack of leadership. Trump pimped the widow like a whore to disguise his failures.

You wouldn't


Who else /missbarack/ here?.

Please Obama, save us from the Orange Orangutan.


Nice 5, friend

Wouldn't I?

I would take 5 terms of Obama over 1 term of Trump.

Oh shit. 3


i hope you get banned for life


Yeah but not with a widow whos husband died because you wanted to show off your presidential dick. That raid was a shitshow, there was a reason Obama said no to it.

Mods are dead

At least we're not /vp/. They have several porn threads on the front page right now.

Why is a president already in office still holding rallies? This is beyond pathetic.


don't you dare

who cares, check this out instead

This thread will reach 500 posts.
Cap this and check my 6.


What a slut.


We'll just ave to see about that wont we?

I think the idea was to try boost his image by going directly to people instead of the media

which is silly because even if the media was as shitty as he makes it out to be, (Not saying it's perfect) people would be too lazy anyways as it's not as hip to be politically active as it is during elections

Because he can't lead. He sucks at being president and wants to go back to campaigning when he had people praising his ego. He feels like shit as he watches his presidency crash and burn. He needs an ego boost.

Time for Spoosh

She's obviously cool with it

This goes back to the hypocrisy of calling it grandstanding when he does it and calling it a slam dunk when dems used the muslim soldiers parents

This obviously makes me hate Sup Forums posters! Why the fuck would they post their retarded shit in other boards?!? Maybe they think this will make other Sup Forums posters see the truth of Trump, from this livestream... how can they be such miserable fuck ups?

But how would you feel about the people that have to use such tactics to defame a fucking anonymous image board that is publicly accessible?

Don't break the rules you fag.

JFK:Reload Trump version when?

Video games

What a boring, lazy speech. His 4th grade reading level really showed during it.






Who the hell types like this on Sup Forums

Red isn't straight though

>some cuck wasted his time making this

>4.5 is the average size now
Was this written by a 6foot gangly freak with a dick who masturbates all the time

You people are literally the bronies of politics.


You really want Mike Pence as your president?

I can only imagine you're turning people against you. Why not make an argument with logic, reason, and data to prove points then do things like this?

>Saving samples
You're just barely above MAGAfags.

Chandler: *Is sitting*
Sheldon: "You're in my spot."
Chandler: "Your spot? What, did you write your name on it or something?"
Sheldon: "... You're still in my spot."
House and Sherlock: "Idiots."
Tony: "No, but it is a Stark Industries chair. So my name's on it. So get up."
Jack: "Unless of course, he knew you would have your name on the chair so he sat there anyways because he was expecting you to say that but you weren't expecting him to expect you to say that, so he was going to sit there regardless of whose name was on the chair. Savvy?"
Sherlock: "Stop talking. You're lowering the IQ of the entire street."
Chandler: "Stop arguing! You're tearing this family apart!"

Pls don't


Die you degenerate Barneyfag

At least Mike Pence is an American who understands the threat Russia poses to the world.

girls crave dick. deep down they all do.

Anime gay is easily beaten by the dick.

>Sup Forums hates Trump now

It's really interesting to see the wheels of contrarianism turn

You should really learn about Mike Pence's beliefs.


Pence would at least run the country like a president and not as a gameshow host. A little dignity goes a long way to garnering respect.

>yeah but not with a widow whos husband died because you wanted to show off your presidential dick
but that's categorically and completely fucking wrong you gigantic faggot

>that raid was a shitshow, there was a reason Obama said no to it
Oh shit have we got in insider in this thread?


Well that was lame. What a waste of time. He didn't say anything worth hearing.


where the video games?


>Voted for Trump because I wanted him to bring the lols
>The entire world is losing their minds because of him

Before Trump I didn't care if the world ended, now I get to smile and laugh everyday.



Mods are clearly playing with their dicks

We always hated him, it's just Sup Forums was mega-splerging like a bunch of autists on every board

That sounded like a speech at a highschool graduation.

Mike Pence's beliefs are reprehensible but Trump is a serious national security risk because of how compromised he is by Russian influence. Pence would be secure for American interests even if he is a backwards neanderthal. Our national security and sovereignty are more important than ideological differences.