This is your Gerudo girl (male) for tonight, say something nice about her

This is your Gerudo girl (male) for tonight, say something nice about her.

that was fucking quick

Mine is better


But that one isn't canon while this one is.

Stop trying to make an Alpha Herero like Link gay, autists

>The Zelda fanbase are now literal faggots
Thanks for the "diversity" Nintendo

>m-muh a-alpha male
>he crossdresses to fuck an amazonian giantess

There's nothing more alpha than that.


get that shit out of here
we're discussing MEN

I hope she's good with her mouth

What the fuck I'm gonna buy a Nintendo Switch bundled with Zelda and 1-2-Switch + GoPro controller and red and blue colored joycon NOW?!?

meh, I honestly much prefer the coloring in OP's
plus the anatomy is shit in yours


You can die any clothing green provided you have the required ingredients

Honestly, how are you supposed to decide between fucking the girl (male)s and being the girl (male)s

Not gonna lie, I've started fapping to Traps recently. Is Sup Forums making me gay?

I want a boyfriend to dress cutely for!

I've already been bi for a while so I'm ok with this


Kill yourself OP.

>Katt even close to being that tall

this sjw shit is disgusting, nintendo is the WORST

The art quality, lighting, and anatomy are way better in the OP

Do you like dick in your ass? then be the girl. If not then be normal

>having your boypussy bothered this easily

ha faglord

You can cry SJW when Link gets a pink strand in his hair and shouts "EQUALITY FOR WOMEN" which will never ever happen



Too bad real boys aren't that cute

When are they going to draw her (male) getting fucked

Enough of the teasing

There's plenty already.

Someone post the screencap of him talking to the Gerudo.

Shindo L 's BOTW doujin, WHEN?

wtf im gay now

what serious fucking bummer that is, isn't it?

heh more like breath of the cock

yeah a real shame


What a cute girl.

tranny, doesn't count

underage, doesn't count

>tranny, doesn't count

That's a 15 year old boy.

>tfw you will never actually be gay because you have not met a single guy who can comapre to link



I'm assuming there will be a musical number at some point in this game? To truly complete the gay experience?

Can I wear that through out the whole game, I'm asking for a friend


not him but

kill yourself, you shitstain

Can I wear that while getting fucked by Ganon after losing to him in battle forever becoming his bitch boy? Asking for a friend


is this the Female(Male) thread?



>draw a ganguro twink
>lazily scrawl link's hair and hat onto it
>call it link

Link has always been canonically gay. Nintendo is just confirming it now.

>Draw a few lines and a couple circles
>Connect them with some extra lines
>Draw a few more lines on top
>Call it link

Real boys are even cuter.

>last year we got crossdressing cheerleader and princess link
>this year we get crossdressing arabian bellydancer link

her game is alright

I'm glad I got it for free and didn't waste money on a shitty tablet

ok fug bohz which is it drag queen cloud or link


you found BotW Link cute in this year?

Is there more like this?


unfortunately no



He's literally dressing up to sneak into the "girls-only" area.

Post more fat feminine boy butts.


>First you draw a circle,
>Then you dot the eyes.
>Add a great big smile
>And presto, it's Link!

My heart can't take this shit

Is this Toon Link reference?

Why is japan the only one putting cross dressing in their games?

when you ascend to true feature-based sexuality the only things holding you back are the values of low-frequency humans.

more like my wet dream

This isn't Link


Link is Best WAIFU

can you stop going on about that! this is no dream this is reality!



Its too late for me :/

That's just a guy. There's no such thing as a girl (male) that's just a guy you faggot.

This isn't even moot worthy because it's not a bug.

Actually, because of how linguistics works, in this community there is such a thing as a "girl (male)", because it communicates a different idea than the word "guy". Words work to communicate ideas. That's all they all or ever will be.

Doesn't make it any less gay


the only good zelda games are 2d


When you ascend you will have no more need for black/white thinking. There is grey in every area of life; the first step is to investigate the words you use and their connotations. Discover where they seem to blur, in your opinion, and it will lead you to a fuller understanding of how they work.

we said boys not trannies

>>trannies arent boys
tumblr detected

boys are pure, trannies are sick freaks!


im sorry that you think the mentally disabled are so important to even consider them part or your gender

Fuck off, Sup Forums. Trannies aren't boys.

Does anyone else think trannies are just guys who were too afraid to be gay? So they though "becoming a woman" would make it not gay to be with a guy?

my trolling worked :^)