Duke Nukem 3D

>Duke Nukem 3D
>Isn't actually 3D but fucking 2D

shut up retard


Sprites are 2D, enviroment 3D, plus there are full 3D versions (they look like shit)

Shit bait.

But the Build engine is full 3D. Room-over room is possible.

>Isn't actually 3D
>Is actually 4D

>Game is called Shadow Warrior
>Literally no stealth or hiding in shadows just run n gun combat

But you are a warrior, and you can stand in a shadow, and probably cast one yourself if not for engine, therefore shadow warrior.

>You aren't actually doomed
fucking hell

The monsters are doomed though.

>you're actually the heretic

If anyone truly wants to argue semantics (like OP), then your mind will be blown when you find out that humans do not possess the ability to see true 3D in reality (depth perception is a pseudo-illusion) or else, right now, you could see the back of your computer monitor without having it in your direct vision.

Shut up, nerd. You know what he fucking means.

>Randy says Duke Nukem Forever will Kick Ass
>He Rapes Duke up the fucking ass instead

What exactly was he supposed to say, that it was going to suck? 3DRealms shit all over that game, nothing could be done after 14 years of mistreatment.

>Isn't actually 3D but fucking 2D
It's not 3D?

Shit game

Kill yourself as fast as you can.

Neither was Doom


>Legend of Zelda
>Hero is called Link
>Zelda is just a mortal princess that doesn't deserve any legends to speak of
Unless she was a legendary slut that sleeps with anyone, I don't see why Link even bothers.

"What exactly was he supposed to say?"

Maybe he would not have to worry about being called out on his lies if his devlopment team would actually put out a product that isn't shit instead of DNF.

Release a good game instead of a shit game.

See: id Software and scrapping Doom 4 for nuDoom

im so sick of you faggots who watched the same youtube videos claiming they arent 3D.
I could argue that no games are 3D because they are played on a flat surface. Doom and Duke3D are 3d. Fucking youtube fags.

You're implying Gearbox made the game, which would be incorrect. they bought the rights to Duke and was given a pile a shit on a platter to release. They had two realistic options: piece it together and release it after 14 years of anticipation or scrap it and start over.

There is a correct answer.

Funny thing is it wasn't id who made that decision but Bethesda.

Oh really? I watched an interview and Tim Willits said that he was the one that made the call

id flat out said that Bethesda made that decision after Zenimax bought them.

Acording to the documentary they supported the decision but the team itself didn't like the direction they were going with and retooled it into nuDoom.