Gaming forum

>Gaming forum
>Member make a thread about not getting "Gone Home"
>I redpill him that the game got good reviews only cause it caters to SJWLGBT people
>Get banned

Other urls found in this thread:

good get fucked animetard

Gone Home is genuinely good

>I redpill him that the game got good reviews only cause it caters to SJWLGBT people
if you put legitimate criticisms of the game forward instead of just posting nonsense they wouldn't have banned you

Stop joining SJW forums then.

Corporate controlled internet is killing free speech.
Sjws, feminists, antifa, faggots,etc. are tools that are being used for that.

Can you please explain, in very concise terms, why you think this is the case?


>act like an autistic retard out of Sup Forums
>get banned for it
>come to Sup Forums to complain to your internet pals

don't fucking post on neogaf, have you not learned this lesson?

is this meant to be a thinly veiled pol thread?

>Gaming forum

Corporations are driven by profit and by their owners. Corporations are inhuman entities and responsibility for actions of corporations and their employees and owners actions gets dissipated and corporations can get away with things that an individual would get killed for.
Owners of corporations are extremely rich, and they do things that expand or preserve their wealth.
Here is an example.
Microsoft corporation has made Windows 10 operating system with inbuilt targeted commercials. Many people that buy an operating system do not want to see those commercials. An explosion of reviews of the Win 10 os appears that grade it higher than Windows 7 and higher than some other os that do not have built in targeted commercials. Most of the reviews were paid for by Microsoft.
Average consumer of operating systems blindly trusts those "expert" reviews and buys the Win 10 os against their best interests. If you call out some pajeet that sold out to Microsoft and wrote the review you can get attacked by sjws and antifa under the pretense that you are "racist". In Germany you can even get to jail, while your life can get destroyed.

It is a viscous spiral.

now let me redpill you.
You're a bigot and you can't see past your own nose.
Hows about using an actual argument.
How many games out there pander to a certain demographic and are still good?
Chip on your shoulder there?

It's a thread on Sup Forums.
Of course it's a thinly veiled Sup Forums thread.

Okay. I'm not sure what this has to do with how extreme leftism and corporate controlled internet are suppressing free speech.

Corporations performing actions that violate basic moral principles due to their size and inhumanity is more of a problem with a capitalist society. In any case, favoritism of the rich and wealthy is a trait more associated with the American right, unless we're talking the government in which case yes, the left would be to blame for corruption.

Your example is also rather poor. It's not free speech suppression to pay off reviewers - that's a choice the reviewers consciously make. I've also not seen a real example of someone in Germany being sent to jail over criticising an Indian involved in the making of Windows 10 - if you can provide a source, please do. I know Indians tend to be mass employed by these corporations and that Germany sends people to jail ovet hate crimes, but you're making too many connections here. Occam's razor is a thing.


Pretty much, although I remember it happening several times when I was in college.

Only sjw shit I've seen is in college, and even then its mostly stuff like people who want more support for LGBT/racial groups and do a lot of community work. I remember one or two people throwing a tantrum the night trump was elected but most of the libs were either very slightly annoyed or even glad that hillary didn't win since she would make liberals look even worse. I also dated a girl back in high school who hated Lord of the Flies since it showed 'humanity' as a bunch of white upper class boys, so theres that

I've never seen a person who asks me to use certain pronouns, tells me to be ashamed of my whiteness, checks my privilege, etc. outside of the stuff Sup Forums digs up

>Gone Homo

Fixed that for you

Bring up "SJW" in any video game-related context outside of a chan, and this is what happens. Let that be a lesson to everyone here.


>gone homo

stop 'red pilling' people, most humans find people like you d e p l o r a b l e. pls go back tp Sup Forums k thx byeeeee

>how extreme leftism and corporate controlled internet are suppressing free speech.
Here have another example.

EA publishes Bioware game Dragon Age inquisition.
Dragon Age inquisition is objectively a pile of shit compared to Dragon Age origins.
If I posted the above statement on any gaming forum I would get banned, or the statement would be deleted, censored or obscured in one of the many techniques for doing so.
The fact that Dragon age inquisition is a pile of shit is forbidden on the internet because it goes against profits of EA and against an agenda that is pushing faggotry and some other social engineering to kids.

It is a viscous spiral.

>Dragon Age inquisition is objectively a pile of shit compared to Dragon Age origins.

No it isn't.

[Respectfully disagrees.]

In many aspects Dragon Age inquisition is a pile of shit compared to dragon Age origins.

Thank you for respectfully disagreeing. I think many gaming forums would be less likely to ban such opinions if they were expressed respectfully like yours.

>I think many gaming forums would be less likely to ban such opinions if they were expressed respectfully like yours.


escapist magazine dot com? probaly?

or neogaf?

you can tell us where you got branned

The writing is SJW but putting that aside, the RPG mechanics and depth were downgraded for a more streamlined casual experience.

My problem is really with the more shallow gameplay, rather than the worse story (the original is still shit compared to baldur's gate 2 so yeah)

>dumb anime poster whines on Sup Forums after reddit banned him again