why don't they just make a videogame based on Arkham Horror so that people don't have to read a 72 page rule book?
Arkham Horror
Because Arkham Horror is objectively one of the worst fucking board games ever made.
see this
>bitching about the size of the rulebook
>not about the horrendous setup time
>not about the shitty upkeep dragging the game out and making it take forever to pass turns
>not about the extraordinarily inconsistent play times
>not about the ridiculous amounts of random chance that make player decision practically worthless
>not about the fact that one player will inevitably be the star while everyone else does Jack shit other than hope to stumble into something worthwhile
>not about the fact the game practically promotes one person to boss everyone else around, practically making it a single-player game
The real question is why are you playing outdated meme games.
Of course, if you have trouble with Arkham despite the hundreds of resources available to help then maybe board games are too hard for you.
Eldritch Horror > Arkham Horror
Set up on the table next to me right now. You can't play with fucks OP's pic though. With just me and one other player who I know isn't a retard it goes really quick.
Because it's a social game that isn't a great game on its own merits and would be pretty boring to play outside of a social setting.
/tg/ shit that should've gotten vidya a long time ago thread?
Pic related as proof; there are a million other solo activities one could do.
Sure, but Eldritch Horror is just Cthulhu Pandemic except its harder to get around the map.
You can play online at random.org; see who gets the highest number.
But even if I wanted to play it, applies.
What's the worst? Munchkin, Arkham Horror, or Talisman?
If you aren't playing 8-hour train games, you're doing it wrong.
>playing with 3 women
This is the real madness.
Arkham at least doesn't pretend to be a competitive thing with "winners" and "losers". If you accept it more or less as an experience (in the vein of Tales of Arabian Nights) then you can have a good time.
I haven't, and probably won't, play Talisman but I understand it leans in that direction too.
Munchkin, on the other hand, is the equivalent of telling a series of bad jokes and then saying someone won.
Tales of the Arabian Nights is a legitimately great game
If you aren't playing 12 hour games of Twilight Imperium you're doing it wrong.
If your games of Twilight Imperium take 12 hours instead of like, 6, then it's your head that's wrong.
>no good turn-based grip game based on Warhammer
>he doesn't want to spend 4 hours playing a board game
>good game
>based off warhammer
ive played talisman like 10 times and never lost. i know theres no real skill involved in it but its always funny to me. its a fun game regardless though, theyre all games based around playing with your friends while you drink and banter, which is the ideal way to play almost every tabletop game desu
> Friend buys Eldritch Horror
> We all spend an age playing just one game
> Find out we lost hours ago
Every fucking time.
>Playing Cthulu Mythos boardgames that aren't Mansions of Madness
CitOW is great
I much prefer Arkham due to it being much more thematic and claustrophobic in a small town compared to around the world in 80 days with cthulu bros.
I will agree though that eldritch is a better game though.
I bought that game five years ago and have literally never managed to finish a game.
I can't ever get people to sit still for the 27 hours it takes to play. And remembering all the shit you gotta do requires at least two masters degrees.
who the heck are these
Those titties on the right aren't bad.
go play Dark Corners of the Earth if you to play something Cthulhu. based off an RPG module too
get the patch or the game is unwinnable
Barely fuckin anybody understands HP horror.
Even on Sup Forums. Niggers talk about it and have no idea. Fake ass cunts.
OOOh, tentacles! OOOOh, octupi! Ia! Ia! Ftagn! Cthulhu! Nonsense! It's so funny!
Arkham Horror is a fine game - IF you've got the time to spare and 2-3 friends who all know all the rules. It's a fucking chore if nobody, or just 1-2 people, don't know how to play. If everyone knows the rules and you've got a few expansions it's pretty good.
But honestly, you should just be playing Eldritch Horror instead.
Whats wrong with Talisman?
>don't have to read a 72 page rule book
>sit through hours and hours of unskippable tutorials
it's faster to read
Why are there so few flapper girls in vidya?
They would have to rename it, seeing how everyone thinks "Arkham" is just related to Batman and nothing else.
uhhh wrong... board?
We talking about board games?
>no monopoly
>giant, futuristic, brown dildo on the bottom center of the pic
Embarrassing :-/
>no Scythe
>no Chaos in the Old World
>unironically having Betrayal and Descent on your shelf
at least there's no monopoly
That picture is actually a year old.I don't have room for Scythe in there anyway though.
thoughts on Splendor?
Nice lite game. Good for people who don't play a whole lot of board games and just want to relax or drink while playing.
This. Mansions is GOAT tier and the only Cthulhu mythos boardgame one should ever partake in.
It's not a dildo, it's the "Bullet Edition" of BANG! .
My brethren of African descent.
Is that a QuesQ Tenshi?
Nah, it's some shitty Griffin. I have a Kotobukiya Tenshi which is really rare, but that's it.
Also here's the updated closet.
Once Upon a Time is GOAT
mansions is a meme game for mythos hipsters that's not even better than fucking cthulhu realms
this is fucking awesome
just the right amount of cringe
where do you get friends like this
I haven't played Mansions but it looks excellent, I have no idea why you think that.
Time Stories is the real meme game, I hate that shit.
>tfw you feel dirty for giving money to GW
Fun game, though.
Because not that many games take place in 1920s
oh man i forgot about eldritch horror. me and a few friends used to play that a lot months ago. one round of that game took forever and we always lost.
can we be friends?
I'm not weird or anything, I drink and have my own place.
Has anyone here played The Gears of War boardgame? I've played both versions of the Doom boardgame and I'm thinking about getting the Gears one. Fun fact for boardgame casuals, the Gears of War boardgame is mechanically based on the original Doom boardgame.
I played it, it's a good co-op. I dunno why you'd want to go back to it, it's pretty much dead and won't see expansions. Doom may.
>not playing Best Werewolf
I have arkham horror. It's actually not bad and some of the rules have to be based on "house rules" as some of the context makes NO god damn sense without conversation on it. Otherwise, not a bad board game. Recently got a norse mythology risk game. Need to get some friends over for some board games and drinks.
Arctic Scavengers
It's nice to see a man of good taste
What does a board game not getting more expansions have to do with playing it? Do you just stop playing a game when it's been announced that it isn't getting anymore expansions?
Werewolf is fucking stupid.
Why play the same game? If one is newer and will get expansions and it's pretty much the same game (a better version) why go for the older one? By that logic you can just keep playing the base Doom.
Arkham Horror LCG>Mansions of Madness 2E>>>>>>>>>SHIT>>>>>Every other arkham files game
I have both and they're both fun. They feel like their respective titles, where Gears is more cover-shooty based (except when Lancer chainsawing) and DOOM is more speedy movement-shooty based. Gears is also strictly solo or co-op, whereas DOOM is adversarial (invader vs one or more marines). I'm glad both are in my collection.
Is that the new Batman Game?
The original Doom and new Doom are different enough mechanically that they really aren't "pretty much the same game". Although I do like the new Doom a bit more because you don't run out of ammo. Also I said that the Gears of War game is mechanically based on the original Doom boardgame, not that it is exactly the same, although I have not played it this guy gave an example contrasting the two games.
Here's your (You)
>tfw no irl friends to play mansion of madness with
>giving in to the thunderstone hype
Otherwise bwetty good collection, although you could use more light games such as once upon a time
did someone say boardgames?
Loot from the last essen.
>*slaps your weekend's ass
Some people don't know the meaning of time consuming.
Friendly reminder that Chaos in the Old World is one of the best Fantasy Flight Boardgames and is now for about 100-200$ on ebay.
AH LCG = Eldritch horror w/ expansions >>MoM 2 > elder sign >>>your mom's cooch >>>>>> Arkham horror
I'm a fan of random RPGs and I certainly wouldn't mind getting this just for the novelty.
>tfw you'll never be a rich multi-milionare with nerd friends so you can have all the boards game you want and play all day every day
Why are board games so much better than vidya bros
Just buy blood rage dude, its the same fucking game. Unless you cant play a game without muh spaec mareens
>no Zombies!!!
>no Dead Of Winter
>no Zombicide
>Old World
>Space Marines
What are you talking about?
>not rpgs
>furry shit
rpgs are boardgames too
Oh shit I thought it was 40k.
>Blood Bowl is pretty much a direct port of the board game
>Highly successful
>No other board game company even bothers giving vidya ports a shot
>No other board game company even bothers giving vidya ports a shot
Lots of them do, they just stick with mobile versions because they know that nobody is going to be spending $20 for a Steam version of their game.
8 player game of TI may be my favourite board gaming experience ever
The modern Talisman game is $7.99 on Steam.
>No RoboRally
>No Talisman
Chaos in the Old World is fairly fun
>Friendly reminder that Chaos in the Old World is one of the best Fantasy Flight Boardgames and is now for about 100-200$ on ebay.
Wtf? A friend ditched a copy of that here in my appartment some time ago. It's actually worth money?
Will people buy it for that much?
Except for power grid and dominion, it's shit
All WH stuff is super expensive now with FFG because they ended the licence.
Also the game is very good.