This is fucking bullshit, how can I afford to buy 5 games in one month? Fuck you Sony

This is fucking bullshit, how can I afford to buy 5 games in one month? Fuck you Sony

Don't buy Horizon. Buy the others.

If I got one it'd be Yakuza, but I already have a backlog I'll never be able to finish.

Then don't buy them. But one, if you have the time to play it, and get the others when they drop in price.

Don't buy Yakuza. Buy the others

If I got one it'd be Horizon, but i already have a backlog i'll never be able to finish

>buy one
>finish it
>buy another one

Change horizon for zelda.

Horizon will be $29.99 in 92 days.

Horizon is the usual open world bugged garbage.

Don't bother wit hit.


>not buying Aloy's game

Are you buying one of them twice?


You could just not buy them. Maybe go outside and hang out with the people you love.

Do not buy Horizon, at least not right now.
Other games should be fine.

3 fucking games whit female protagonist... This shit is getting anoying

By cutting out the one bad game in that list.

You know the one.

Don't buy Nioh. Buy the others.

Only Yakuza and Nioh are worth buying.

Don't buy Nioh. Buy the others

If I got one it'd be Nioh, but i already have a backlog i'll never be able to finish

Moonlight or something.

and yet the Japanese ones (Gravity Rush 2 and Nier Automata) are the only good ones

The bottom picture represents two games.
Gravity rush 2 and Nier automata.

I got Yakuza and Nioh. Tempted to get Horizon.
I was enjoying Yakuza but the actual gameplay is meh.

Nioh is dark souls-lite.

How is Horizon?

>How is Horizon?

generic western trash

Yakuza 0 has a female protagonist?


Why do people always think they have to buy games on release? They're not going anywhere.

Hell playing games when they come out is not just a financially unsound proposition but you're also playing an inferior product. Enjoy.

Did you like Far Cry Primal? You'll like Horizon.

People actually played that game?

You guys actually took him seriously. He just wanted a basic edition consolewar thread

After you played a TPs with bows?
It's that. The story rail rodes you along a set pathway. doesn't matter though since the "open world" isn't much to begin with outside that path.

The game is a amalgamation of every mechanic that investors though sold other triple A games. Except with no heart or effort put into making said mechanics either fresh or interesting.

It is also riddled with bugs ranging from gameplay oriented bugs of invisible walls to falling through floors and such.

Enemies are all sponges for damage. animations in the cutscene department make Dragon age inquisition blush.

It is a all around mediocre experience. I shouldn't have expected anything from a developer that never made a game above par.

I don't even know, I'm still not sure if the game actually released.

Just don't buy horizon.
I can't stress enough how much of a utter bore it is.
The other 4 games actually bring things to the table.
Horizon is just more of the same shit you have played in the last 3 years from every Triple A western game.

>Not buying aloy's game
Kys beta faggot

Yeah, We are not buying Aloy's game.
We would rather stare at attractive woman while playing fun and interesting games.
Something Aloy's game does not give but the rest do.

>We would rather stare at attractive woman while playing fun and interesting games.

which Gravity Rush 2 delivers in spades

Same with the other 3 games.
You can date and watch videos of attractive women Yakuza.
You play as attractive woman and walk around and are supported by attractive women in Nier Automata.
There are two pretty hot bitches in Nioh. The ninja girl and the Onmyo woman.

Horizon has.

>amazon won't let me cancel Horizon pre-order because I pre-ordered it in 2015 as part of some promotion
>hasn't shipped the game today either
Jesus fuck Amazon is dogshit.

No amount of ironic waifuposting will make her not look like an ugly sack of potatoes

Why did they feel the need to make her completely flat? For her size and body shape she could easily have at least C or D-cup tits, but no she can't even have that.

and what did nier get?


Persona 5
Yakuza 0

Gravity Rush 2
Gravity Rush Remastered
Kingdom Hearts II.8

The Last Guardian
Tales of Berseria

Final Fantasy XV

Horizon Zero Dawn


>Not a game
Uncharted 4
Until Dawn
The Order 1886

It hasn't released in Burgerland yet, so nothing.

because its jewtendo

>Why did they feel the need to make her completely flat?


>preordering a game two years in advance


Can't you millennials just speak for your individual selves, and not have this herd mentality?

sadly that is how society is today.

You HAVE to take a side. There is no neutral bullshit.

As for me, I am personally avoiding Horizon because it looks like generic western trash.

The following games are more interesting to me than Horizon:
Nioh (currently playing)
Pokemon Sun (on my backlog)
Yakuza 0 (have not bought)
Nier Automata (have not bought)
SRW V (waiting for a price drop)
Cyberdimension Neptune (waiting for US release)

Are you older then 34? I agree with the hivemind mentality being stupid but I see alot of people in their early thirties thinking they are not millennials.

>playing pokemon
>weeb trash like srw and neptune

How old are you?

I will get NiOH depending on the quality of the DLCs and get Nier when it hits the bargain bin. Would have bought Nier full price if A2 got more scenes with her dead girlfriend

>How old are you?

Don't those games get samey after awhile
I actually had one of my weeb friends let me try that game and I don't fucking see were the appeal comes from.

We as the people who aren't buying Horizon.
Not we as in everyone.

> how can I afford to buy 5 games in one month?

By not being a NEET.

But then you have no time for games.


Horizon Zero Dawn, Ni-Oh, and Gravity Rush are good gam-

I've got a full time job, and still have plenty of time for games. Was replaying planescape torment for four and a half hours already this evening. Probably going to play some Overwatch before I head to bed.

Come on idort.
Can't you shitpost in some other board?

But besides graphics. Crisis is boring.

False. Your argument has no valid point because you spelt Crysis wrong.

I think I've bought 7 games and a fucking Pro since December.

You work, that's how.

I also can't wait for next week. I'm dropping everything to play Nier so that I can fucking go into the discussions already. And I'm waiting on that 2B costume for Kat to finish her (fucking amazing) game.

>Didn't care about NioH after the alph , and its confirmed Alpha > final game
>Horizon and Nier Automata are 30$ tier aka buy later
>Bought Y0 and GR2 at full price , both worth it and both GOTY.

Its easy user

Oh shut the fuck up guy.

I do have a full time job.

No way am I getting five fucking games in the span of 40 days. That's fucking stupid.

I already bought Horizon and will get the DS3 Ringed City too. But after that it's wait for sales or special deals.

Crysis 2 is better than Crysis 1

Yeah, Nah, You're a cunt.
"Crysis" is boring. Get over it. It was to be used as a benchmark years ago. Nothing more. Nothing less.

This is the first time I've ever seen this opinion before
I agree


Why are you posting review scores like they matter? Also, I'm pretty sure that's fucking IGN

>get Nier when it hits the bargain bin.
if it's anything like previous Taro games it'll just get more ad more scarce while still selling at almost rrp.

>Bought GR2 and Yakuza 0
>haven't even started them yet

>still trying to finish Nioh on NG+

Interested in Halo Wars 2 actually. First one was fun

It's not as fun as the first one. If I were you, I'd wait a while and get it used.

I don't think zelda works on the PS4 user

Not everything needs to be on the PS4. If a mainline AAA exclusive like Mario or Halo released on PS4, it'd have the shittiest sales of all time since PS4 has such abysmal attach rates.