Thoughts on this abomination?
Bad character design
Meaning the game is automatically shit
"Yay, let's all shit on furries so we feel better about our own sad lives!."
The game is fucking garbage and the dev is a faggot, even for a furry.
found the furry
I shit on furries because they sicken me and should be persecuted at every turn
Which button is the BLOO MAYUS button
How come you don't know, user? Do you even vidya?
Can't be any sadder than the life of a furry
anything by the furry "community" is automatically garbage, no exceptions. its a bunch of maladjusted man/woman-children trying to lock themselves inside an escapist fantasy where they can ignore their sad lives.
that said, furry porn can be some pretty good shit at times
I have no thoughts on it because I haven't played it and do not intend to
this lmao
it's just old virgns
yiff in hell you fucking faggot
Ain't you guys got better things to do then talk about low budget furry chatroom games?
>trying to lock themselves inside an escapist fantasy where they can ignore their sad lives
Says the Sup Forums video game board poster. The irony. But do tell me about your successful job, family, and stock porfolio.
>anything by the furry "community" is automatically garbage, no exceptions
>that said, furry porn can be some pretty good shit at times
Way to contradict yourself you fucking idiot
Any other fan bases that woulkd blindly buy my product?
To much self-respect to try and cash in on the furry-bucks
Give it good character design and furry fapbait and your guaranteed to have some autists give you money
ABDL bucks.
Why is Holo best boy?
fuck off trap autist
You trannies are on par with furfags with your cancer
>made with stolen assets
>by a spanish clickbait youtuber
>who is an actual fucking pedo
Steam is increasing its quality every single day.
t. mad furry
Kill yourself, Kit. Your art was never good.
>made with stolen assets
>by a spanish clickbait youtuber
>who is an actual fucking pedo
Jesus Christ what
DalasReview on YouTube was one of the "developers" of this game, he's used his position as an e-celeb to manipulate people.
no lets shit on furries for trying to bring the gene pool down
Don't you mean fursecuted?
Furries don't actually say this.
It's the truth
It's our worst nightmare
Okay but can we shit on the game itself since its pretty bad?
Salty Yiffer lmao
Why in every 3D indie game, there's a huge sign that displays the instructions?
This game looks like a fucking dumpster fire, and not because it has a furry in it.
because this dumbass literally ripped assets from YL, even down to the Playtonic Kickstarter page
literally the only thing rusted in that image is the pot
looks like a second life server
My life is quite happy, I'll have you know. Doesn't mean I can't shit on furries.
Where do I pirate this game? All I found was a chinese torrent with no seeders
>anything by the furry "community" is automatically garbage, no exceptions. its a bunch of maladjusted man/woman-children trying to lock themselves inside an escapist fantasy where they can ignore their sad lives.
Found the normalfag. Why don't you want to lock yourself in an escapist fantasy to ignore your life?
not that the game isn't garbage
>anything by the furry "community" is automatically garbage, no exceptions
speaking of FP2, does Goshaag do commissions?
I want to see this nigger draw some of Pixel's girls
Looks like your typical PC exclusive.
>All the assumptions made by the poster in this picture.
The old woman could be upset about her photo being taken and the old guy looks like he's just squeezing past. If anything, the post says more about the poster himself than anyone in the picture.
>Made all that stuff with his own hands
What, like the fucking microwave and boxed cereal?
They need to patch out the "narrator"
those with glass houses
oh god im straight edge and what is this cringe shit
>shit on furries
I wouldn't be surprised if it was every furfags fetish
He's done commissions before by the looks of it, but I don't know if he does them anymore.
according to those comments, he still does
shame I dont have paypal
10/10 bait, holy shit.