I traded my ps4 pro and some games for a Nintendo Switch, console. good or bad move?

I traded my ps4 pro and some games for a Nintendo Switch, console. good or bad move?

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Jesus he fucking raped you lmao

a PS4 pro and games for a DOA tablet with shovelware and Zelda being released for the first year? nice move idiot

The switch is already out?

he gave me the paid off pre order receipt, he will accompany me to pick it up

IMO good move. the pro doesn't sound worth it in comparison with a refurbished OG PS4

lol scammed

How so?

>yeah bro I'll pick it up with you
>he picks it up without you
>your receipt means absolutely nothing because it was reserved under his name

you got played

cancels it and gets his money back
you go day of and they laugh at you
you have to be clinically retarded to give your ps4 away for a receipt i cant event

I doubt he would do that, and where would he go? We have been friends for years know where he lives family lives etc.

then you're fine

if it was a random Craigslist dude I would say you made a stupid move but if you've known him for years, you still made a stupid move, but at least he won't rip you off by cancelling preorder or something

I honestly was tired of the ps4, and I rented horizon dawn today and it didnt wow me, so I was like fuck it why not get the switch

bad. why are you buying a console day 1?

why not? Nintendo is known for quality too

you just dont gain anything from being an early adopter. i ended up buying a wii u 2 years ago and it came bundled during a holiday sale with mario kart 8+ all dlc , nintendoland and super mario 3d world. from what i remember the original wii u shipments werent even 32 gig so i ended up being able to have one of those. also waiting till a hacking sene comes into play wouldnt hurt. i have 0 interest in the switch, but if i did that is something id be waiting for.

i just dont see the point of immediately buying it when you could wait for bundles and whatnot. from what it looks like theres a huge drought from launch till the next big game comes out. i think i read that mario isnt expected till holiday at the end of the year.

splatoon 2!

oh boi am I laufin




whats it like to be poor user?

frugal not poor

the real mistake here is that poorly made majoras mask

Why? No you can't enjoy PS4 exclusives you might want, you coulda just had both.

ps4 exclusives blow