>From there I died horribly
>from there i died horribly
i dont get it
is this good or bad?
It's bad, you need certain items and upgrades from areas to stand a chance despite it being an OPEN WORLD GAME.
I don't get your thread OP, explain your faggotry
Yeah you can skip right to the late game dungeons in Zelda 1 as well.
It's kind of what they're going for.
You know damn well that if you could face the final boss from the get go you would be making threads saying
>you have to play the game in order to gain the power to beat the final boss
wow what a flop
>game doesn't hold your hand and block off areas
>this is somehow a bad thing
Fucking neo-Sup Forums
wow, its almost like getting better equipment makes the game easier.
I guess Morrowind is a bad game, too.
you can actually beat it wihtout the master sword
just it would take you quite some wepaons becasue you will have to face the 4 dungeon bosses in a row.
>you have to become stronger to defeat the final boss
very funny OP
you'd be shitposting just as much if the boss was either gated off, or actually easy at the start of the game
listen to this man
What, did you want that your upgrades be pointless? Did you want to have the same difficulty in the whole world? Was that not a weak point of ALBW?
>complaining about not being able to beat the last boss without having the equipment
Did you fucking cry at Chrono Trigger when you couldn't instantly kill Lavos without NG+
You can finish the entire game in 10 minutes you say?
>Nintendo repeatedly said for months since E3 the game could be beat in like 15 minutes
>no one believes them
>game comes out
>you have to be stronger than you are at the start of a game to beat the final boss.
Really fires the neurotransmitters
Not too much different from Dark Souls then?
A thousand times this.
So you mean you have to go on a journey before you have the power to beat the final boss? Wow!
Nah, you can go and get your ass fucked by all the bosses within 15 though.
I mean, it's still open. You can go, you'll just get BTFO. I'm sure they'll eventually figure out a way to kill him in 15 minutes or some shit.
I dont even own a switch or whatever but that makes sense. I mean think of Morrowind. Sure you could get to dagoth ur in 5mins but beating the game requires a massive amount of power and story items barring crazy exploits and even then understanding those is a game onto itself.
>damage control
What would you prefer?
That's the point of the game. Haven't you read anything ? Or is your entire perception of this game based on Sup Forums's shitposting?
Morrowind came to mind when I read this as well.
Zelda CHIM when?
Chrono Trigger let you get to the final boss early and you would get shit stomped its really the same concept. Never heard anyone criticize it for being able to do this, sounds like your grasping at straws.
>lazy trolling
>with the gear you get in the first 15 min.
good luck with that
>Quoting the whole thread
Have a (you), because you seem to want that badly.
a game that isnt 50 minutes with 30 hours of side quests
I'm confused. For one, the guy couldn't beat the game, therefore it literally do not matter how quickly he made it to the boss. For two, he clearly states he took 50 minutes, yet he made a 12 minute video to mislead people. At that point, why not just lie and say it only took the 12 minutes from start to the final boss?
Just a quickly reminder there is still time for you to cancel your Switch pre-order and avoid wasting 300 dollars
The classic mass reply butthurt
You can fight the final boss from start but you have to play the game without 100% it to actually stand a chance, that's actually the most open game ever.
It's almost like you actually didn't read your own OP image and desperatly tried to keep shitting on it with more flawed and retarded opinions. Fanboys sure are amusing creatures.
I can't fucking wait.
>finish grabbing all of the plateau gear
>look out over the horizon towards hyrule castle
>tame a horse and charge straight at it ignoring all other distractions
>wander into castle town
>horse gets fucked by a gaurdian sleeping in an alleyway
>narrowly escape
>crawling from bush to bush up to a great raging storm of darkness surrounding hyrule castle
>step a little too close
>fucking wave of darkness shaped like a monstrous pig erupts from the highest tower and rains down on top of me
>wake up back on the plateau
>decide to jack that raft and follow the river down to the coast and hit the beach
I see the people who confuse open world with "I can do anything any time I want", raised off Bethesda's bullshit are still in full force.
wouldn't it just be the same as Skyrim's scale to level bullshit otherwise?
But it's not 50 minutes, do you even think before shitposting?
You would need to take down guardians and whatever else in in or around hyrule castle and perfect the parrying.
Pretty sure they said months ago that you'd be able to face the final boss at any time you want. How is this news?
Makes me want to replay Morrowind.
>Not taming a bear
Just why, user?
>posting seriously in shitposting threads instead of reporting them
>not even using sage
Fucking newfags from other sites who can't even recognize trolls and don't know how sage works
>video says 50 minutes from new game to final boss
>title says 12 from plateau to final boss
please don't tell me there's 40 minutes worth of cutscenes before you actually start the game
>game gives you no sense of progression, or give you new abilities to look at old areas in a new light
>this is somehow a good thing
lol, you blind mindless consumer whores will eat shit if daddy kimishima tells you to.
It's actually pretty sad.
>Sir Bearington and Link's excellent adventure
>this is what Bethesda fucks honestly believe
Skyrim was a mistake.
I've never played a nintendo game that wasn't super mario and even I know BotW will be fun.
All this shitposting is dumb as shit.
Children love everything nintendo puts out.
>thread about how short the game really is
>hurrr durr yurrr just trolling!!!
nintendrones should be purged
I guess the only open world games you've played were Skyrim, ubisoft shit, and GTA?
While I firmly believe this place's "console war" falseflagging and shilling have gone way too far, I will always have a sweet spot in my heart for OC like this
Merely pretending to be retarded, I see.
> Zelda game
>Didn't expect the game to explain in great detail that the control stick let's you move
holy shit you are the most retarded poster i've seen this week
and that's saying something
The game actualy has very clear landmarks of progression, a mission given by you very early on by a story character.
You can just choose not to follow it.
OP is just shitposting. Most people who post on Sup Forums abandon their threads soon after they create them. Op is already gone. He just wanted to stir shit and he succeeded. The people in this thread are arguing over nothing
Are we running full time ads on Reddit or something today?
>nv having invisible walls
>fallout 3, skyrim, witcher 3 having more open world
>botw having an open world where you can face the boss early
What is that you faggots want, holy shit. Literally everything is bad
It's an option for those who want it. A nearly impossible one but one nevertheless. It's pretty much like Lavos in Chrono Trigger. The game is designed around exploring so naturally if you try to skip to the final boss you'll get destroyed in minutes.
Reddit runs adds?
Actually, you get into the gameplay almost instantly
>everyone complains about linearity in games
>complains when it's not linear
Here we have a fine example of a low quality shitposter
It is low quality because he has to attack certain fan group(s) to hope to get replies to his ridiculous mental gymnastics
This is fourchin. You can never win.
Abandon thread
Abandon thread
Abandon thread
>witcher 3 world being even remotely open
>skyrim, fallout 3
>more open than any of their predecessors
name one game where you can finish it right away and it's good.
when a game in this genre has zero restrictions you just wind up with a toy, like minecraft. that's fine, but then don't pretend the story matters.
Dumbest motherfucker alive
Dammit! Fuck nintendo! I'm gonna buy Horizon: Zelda Killer instead!
This is actually new neo Nuevo nu-Sup Forums.
>Chrono Trigger
>You can beat the final boss early
>Masterpiece, truly a classic of our generation
>Zelda BoTW
>You can beat the final boss early
I don't get it
video games are toys though...
>being so retarded he couldn't notice user was using nv as reference
really activates my almonds
Whats this all about
>one is a nintendo game past the 2000s
>one isn't
Didn't you get the memo? Anything nintendo past the 2000s is bad
...Beating the game takes going to the falling sky-mage and soaring across the sky into the end of the game. It takes like 5 minutes.
sonyggers are mad its going to score higher than horizon
Perhaps he died inside because the game was so short.
If not durability bullshit maybe then you could defeat him early.
But you can't beat minecraft by running straight to the end either
I thought this Zelda was suppose to be filled with story, does that mean I can just skip all that and kill the final boss when I¨ve early on abused the AI to get good gear?
There is progression if you continue the main story.
You eventually meet NPCs that will give you more equipment space, NPCs who tell you recipes that you can use to make better food with, hearts and stamina increase via shrines, better equipment in other areas of the game as you progress the main story, etc.
What is it with Nintendo related threads and turbo-autistic meta shitposting?
>Uh oh, a post is getting a lot of replies! Better try to look like I'm above that!
There is no main story if you can just obliterate the end boss at will once you're appropriately powerful.
The main story is "Get items, go kill big bad guy in X spot"
They want to play the games but they have to pay for them first, that's a no-no on /vee/
I was afk during the intro and started hearing talking from the other room, came back and was completely baffled by what had happened
Even if you get good gear durability makes sure they break during final bosses. So you need master sword for them.