
Console-tan Tuesday after dark

Other urls found in this thread:




Second for xbone best girl

Reminder that this is thread is nothing but an off topic circle jerk to draw fapbait and is not vidya.


I was personally against a new thread
This is the kind of thing that gets people sent to /trash/

>going into threads that make you angry
that isn't healthy

o ok


>make a new thread when it's clearly past tuesday

consoles are vidya, user


if this doesn't end with him being raped by 4 cocks just stop

>this cringy thread still a thing on Sup Forums


What are you gonna do about it? Post a bitch post everytime they pop up?


Shut up and just roll with it until the mods come to clean up our mess

That's all I got so far. See you all next week.

actkshually its retron 5

Fuck off leafy

Don't give @368972808 (you)s. Also will scorpio be new best tan

Only because that fits your rethotiric so you can comfort yourself that I'm over emotional and you're calm and reasonable.

ctt is
1. a general so should go to /vg/ at least
2. Not vidya

It has no right to be here and just enables more shitposting


>weekly reddit circle jerk is still a thing
Reminder to report sage and hide all reddit threads

Yes, she will beat up all the other consoles but get laughed at for her poor sales and no exclusives. She'll be like a girl version of PC

Gee, I wonder what Ganon's up to?

Thank you backseat janitor

You can't report or sage without Sup Forums gold, ya dork

/ctt/ has been on Sup Forums for over three years now, newfag. It's not going anywhere.

After dark means post lewd, right?

so playstation, xbox and switch aren't vidya?
this is news to me


This, instead of sitting up the thread just let the mods and janitors do their thing


>we've been shitposting for over three years now

>we've been falsefalg console warmongering for over three years now

>we've been BBBRRRAAAPPPing for over three years now

Doesn't make any of this acceptable.
time someone takes the trash out

I'm not even sure if "only tuesdays" is a grounded rule, pretty sure it's just a preference

I think they've deleted after dark threads that guy made too late before

>time someone takes the trash out
>haha guyz I said the penn meme, that's popular with you guys right? time to take out the trash xD look guyz I'm fitting in

>draw a girl
>call it a console

No, it's not. Using a SNES cartridge as a hanner doesn't mean I'm playing vidya either


but it's vidya related
it's more at home on Sup Forums than any other board

Been a while.


why is vita being so mean to her children

Fug, this style is killing my dick

Yes, we shall.

Wake up /ctt/.

muh aesthetics

it's not. you're nit talking about the consoles nor the games. You're drawing girls, call them consoles and randomly assign them personalities so you can (e)rp. Building a fort out of game casings isn't vidya.
even if you did enough mental gymnastics to somehow make it vidya related: it's still a general. You'd be contained and had more posts to stroke each other's dick.

whatever happens I am going nowhere and if you keep shitting up the board, I will keep shitting up the thread

shut the fuck up and be mad elsewhere
only happens every tuesday

still against the rules little man

>whatever happens I am going nowhere and if you keep shitting up the board, I will keep shitting up the thread
jesus christ how autistic
well good luck with that, these threads aren't going anywhere so you'll just be that one angry manlet autistically screeching before getting banned


seemy like I fit right in here

time to get comfy my dudes

It ain't, its been here longer than you. Apply as a janitor if you're that bitter.

Why are you people arguing, if we're going to do this let's not waste valuable posts with bullshit

How embarrassing

>for over 2 years every tuesday this has happened
user please

there are far more problematic things happening on Sup Forums right now that are still there


Requesting Wii U giving a tearful goodbye to all her switch kids

Did you say K?

her leg is still freaking me out

Who could be...?


Does she look like a dummy to you?

1. wrong
2. I might actually do that

as I said, I fit in here

no. this is just as bad
you're signaling that it's okay to endulge in off topic shit

yeah a big dummy retard

Oh man she's got those egg hanging on a nail titties

Muh dick


Get off the internet tard! You're coming out soon!

Gave me a laugh.

What kind of glasses would she wear?

>you're signaling that it's okay to endulge in off topic shit
then by all means be mad that other off-topic shit is constantly here

i once mad a while thread regarding the status of Sup Forums which you can see here
in the end the result was - mods dont give a shit. during that time they were actively moderate and delete on topic shit and allow blatant porn threads that were made while this thread was gong to see if mods did anything

for hours it was showing that mods on Sup Forums truly did not give a shit and did not care for the state of Sup Forums, nor did they care that off-topic shit or the on topic vidya threads which were actively being pruned instead of the problematic content

if you wanna bitch, bitch, but its shown that when i did it they didnt care

they did however care about a moderator banning a user for fire safety threads and how its lgbt or some shit (mod was fired as we later learned and laughed about)

so again, bitch all you want, but even i myself bitched and got nothing

I present to you: the real 360 tan

isn't she cute?


Wii U isn't dead, she's retired

yeah man

then appropriate COMF in as many threads as possible until it spreads to reddit

any new shield /ss/?

Yeah you are probably right.

But at the very least I can show this circle jerk that they're no better than eceleb shit and the likes. Sad enough that draw fags hunker up here to pretend to be cute girls instead of actually making OC for "board culture".

The "console" prefix is nothing but an excuse to have your weekly chatroom and to exchange lewds.

be glad its contained more than the rest of the autism if you have to take anything away from this

we make an effort to keep it on tuesday. we bitch about non-tuesday threads and the dog switch. i dont know any autistic group that controls shit better than this

HNNNGG those thighs

Almost as good as GBCtan

Request: Draw PC as Adam and Eve from Nier Automata

Here, go fuck yourself already.

>still being this mad


Better have some lube nearby just saying

Best tan coming through

B-but user I'm just a little girl
D-dont you find me cute ~

I sure hope you shitpost in every other thread on the board, because very, very few of them are any more vidya related. Shit, most of them are even less related. But no, it turns out that you just feel the need to bitch when it's something you don't like. You don't care for the state of the board, you just need to bitch at someone and you've chosen /ctt/ as your random target of ire.


Like both of them? At the same time?

Only little boys with feminine dicks are cute.


I like how you're admitting to be in the wrong but then just point the finger an say "they're doing it too!"

Other off topic shit gets deleted sooner or later

/ctt/ get's an unfair advantage over this because of some non arguments

You're no better than the rest and today I shall remind you


Hide in shame

There's no admission of "wrongdoing", just calling you out on your silly hypocracy and targeting a one-day-a-week two-go thread because you need more space to shitpost about even more non-vidya bullshit.
