Final Fantasy XIV

now that the dust has settled, how shit was proto ultima?
are you looking forward to the next patch and expansion?

you are doing your anima quest, right user?

Is this good

there's a free trial you can play, it's about two weeks of free play. you get capped at level 35 but it's enough time to see if you'll enjoy the game

>you are doing your anima quest, right user?
7/10 runes
I hate light farming

finally had an a1s bonus window when I was playing today

But, keep in mind that your job will function differently at 50 than it did at 1-49, and drastically different at 60 compared to 50.

I got addicted to tank queues today. SB will be a blast if I decide to stick with this.

>7/10 runes
>I hate light farming
>finally had an a1s bonus window when I was playing today
Would I start at the very beginning or would I be getting into the expansions to start? (Relatively little experience when it comes to MMO's. Capped one character on GW2 and that's about it.)

No I didn't like the game and stopped playing after I got my relic bow like 4 years ago.

Tanks in stormblood will be able to make the entire group RP sucking them off while running the dungeon under threat of leaving, and people would actually do it.

Didn't mean to green text

>macro one of Megumin's EXPLOSION speeches to Flare
>play dead emote

This shit is fun

who odin here

you'll be doing all the base game content, i think the last boss you can fight before you hit 35 is titan (one of my favourite fights)
just give it a go and see if you like it, but do keep in mind that for a while earlygame combos and skills are pretty bare and basic. the game's speed comes more from weaving in your buffs/skills while using your main attacks

Do grand companys matter? Should I just join whatever capital I started in?

choose the one with the aesthetics you want, if you really really want to you can switch later

proto ultima is a trash mob thrown into dun scaith replacing the succubus. About as shit as it can get

Only differences are cosmetic and which city you go to to do GC-related things. Pick whichever one you like.

They all have unique armor sets, but that's all.

I heard your pvp team is whatever GC you're in as well.

It is, but you can queue as a freelancer now and avoid being forced to match with your GC.

It's been changed recently so you can queue freely and it'll just put you in whatever team.

>nerf umbrite but not sand
>just switch the bottleneck around

There's an option now to just freelance and join an random company when you queue up.

Don't worry, you'll always lose anyways

Reminds me of the first year and change of ARR when there was no leaving penalty and you could see the exact progress of an in-progress dungeon. One of the funniest instances I heard about was someone complaining on the OF about a tank that had ditched a pt. It went something as follows:

>duty starts
>DPS are saying thank god the queue finally popped
>tank asks how long they were waiting, and they both reported around an hour
>tank responds with "lol you assholes didn't wait half as long as you should have"[sic] and left the duty

Thanks fellas, Guess I'll stick with Ul'dah.

new meta


>mfw done with both WAR and DRK anima in one day
I'm never doing this shit again, it's such a fucking waste.

One day? How?

I should have worded it better, but i had like 7/10 runes on my WAR anima, finished up the 275 step earlier, and grinded void ark for the rest of the runes. Honestly I think if you're a healer or DPS void ark is the best way to go, quick queues, good light, and it can be fairly quick for sturdy/hardened. Right now I'm turning in the 260 to make it 270, then finish the rest of the dungeons since it's easy + war so auto OT whenever I can.

>Start the quest a few days ago after getting back to the game due to the Garo collab
>tfw the unidentified material step
I don't care if I have 3 1/2 months to get to Lux, I might as well do it since the xpack is around the corner.


>Mfw Proto wasn't its own raid

Umbrite was never a problem since the game throws lore at you for almost everything, sand was always a problem for anyone that wasnt a crafting or gathering autist

its shit.

When it turned out(as expected) that the boost ARR animas would give HW animas was fucking nothing, I decided to stick to welfare weapons and never looked back. If something better happens to drop when doing primals or whatever, hey, great, but that's as far as it goes.

>mfw warrior and monk





Scholar and paladin get me hard


The green's really grown on me since this morning, and the warrior anima is still a marked improvement over it's previous blue step.

Yeah, this was my first iteration of a relic weapon, I'm not gonna go through this timesink again. I'll take the tomestone/savage weapon instead, more effort but not a huge waste of time.

Really should have worked on an anima for my alt job after seeing how shit the one for my main is.

guess the jobs

If you look at it closely you can see that the glow is intended to trace out the shape of a much larger axe head, but the effect is so wimpy that it's almost unnoticeable unless you're really looking.

Proto ultima was a complete waste of time, this patch in general was a fucking joke and jesus did it not have to be split in 2.

Expansion I'll play because the only thing these devs seem to be good at is music, and theme-park styled content releases.

same happened with excalibur zeta back in the day, the blade was kinda short, but the glow traced out the shape of a much bigger blade, speaking about the PLD relic, the lux version is like holding the burning phoenix in my hand, fucking badass

They could have delayed the whole patch to accommodate Diadem, but then you would have hordes of screaming babies because "U PROMIZED PATCH IN FEBRARY" Besides, isn't 3.55b supposed to come out like, a week or so from now?

I am aware, I'd rather they wait and release patches that are worth a shit instead of the giant wet-fart we got this time around.

I'm irritated that Proto-ultima is now relegated to yet another stop-gap to keep people doing old content.

Where do you trade in the Ultima Weapon tokens? Can't find the NPC.

Proto Ultima was a let-down but I think people need to be reminded that this was just a filler patch, and that the other part of its content won't even be available until tomorrow. This kind of thing is why they wait until major patches to release anything instead of just putting the little stuff in as soon as it's done. It actually creates more complaints than if they had just released nothing.

>More maintenance march 1
God damn it yoshi

I don't mind, because it's still an enjoyable fight and the average level of competence you find in a 24-man still makes the fight dangerous, though I would like to have a trial encounter with Proto Ultima, too.

In the building you get the quest from

I haven't played since the level cap was raised to 60.

How hard would it be to catch up? Is all the progression linear, or could I just skip ahead and get current gear with not much hassle?

Thanks, as I thought right under my nose.

oh boy, another dingus who can't sit still for 15 minutes to discharge his completely worthless leves

you got like 3 months to catch up you got time if you do decide to come back

Yeah there's loads of catchup mechanics. You probably won't be able to get into any raiding statics since it'll take you weeks of weekly gear lockouts to reach the same item level as others, but you can pretty quickly get enough stuff to boost yourself to the point where you can queue for and run the current stuff.

excalibur's size was okay

it was small compared only to the enormous curtana

>fish for 2hours
>get enough blue tokens for 4 sands

Yeah he was hidden behind a mob of people so I couldnt find him at first either

>drastically different at 60 compared to 50

>it's almost the next expansion and i'm still salty about WHM's 60 kit

Heavensward is not as stressing as ARR was with main scenario quests. You can easily clear everything there in one week. And leveling to 60 is piss easy since you have also PotD. You can get some gear with money (ilvl 250) or just farm it from mhach and then weekly from dun scaith.

Leves give you a decent stack of stand quickly if you have a full set, but then it's 2 weeks to build up another 100 allowances. Assuming you start with a 100 stack, it would probably take 2 months to get enough sands from leves alone.

you know being a scrub I'm pleased that they actually put accessories into the 24 man catch up raid

>burn 100 leves
>wait weeks for 100 more
Stop defending your no life autism, leves are fast but only give you a fraction of what you need and thanks to rng you can burn 36 leves after waiting a week and only get 3 vilekin

Everyone I've seen has spent their first token on that piece of armor though, the ring is actually useful for my nin so I got that instead

>i shitsocked 15,000 lore in a week and now i might have to spend some poetics or buy some materia 4s! AUTISM

it must be weird to live in a world completely devoid of irony

>muh strawman
Just running the normal weekly shit gives you more than enough umbrite
Literally only erping and crafting faggots had a problem with it since they never run any content which you all but confirmed by falling back on the "muh scrips and just do leves"
Fuck off /vg/

>say 'poetics and materia'
>read 'scrips' because it suits his argument

>not fishing illuminati perch

>ran brayflox three times in a row
>no levels

was 30 to 40 always this slow or is this just my imagination

Without rested xp dungeon running is slow even with armory bonus.

>crystal sand
Is your only source of Crystal Sand buying Moonstones from GC Seals? You realise you can do shit like gather and craft as well, right? Like, for real, the nerfed price of Umbrite is what it should've been from the fucking beginning, but by no means is Crystal Sand a bottleneck now.
Maybe you should do more than just log in and do your Expert Roulette every day, followed by idling for 10 hours.

Damn. Thought I'd run dungeons for tanking since i've never tanked before but potd gives me full levels per run so guess I'll stick with that

Run potd or fuck off is the name of the game these days. Floor 50 will get a lot of xp

Minos is sexy as hell. How can anyone hate it?

You never said materia retard, nice back pedal

Assize, Aero 3, Tetra, and Asylum are all great.

Stone 3 is the odd man out because it's just a Stone 2 replacement with extra damage. But that's more of a case of them not creating traits from 50>60.

curtana also looked like shit desu

WAR players like big axes heads that compensate for their inadequate penises. That's why the job is about being angry all the time.

>It's another "WHM uses Medica 2 when everyone is topped off but the tank and let's the tank die" episode.

>bootyblasted PF shitter is too blind to read posts, let alone read the different ways to get crystal sand
if even the relic grind is too hard for your candy ass, it's time for you to go back

Question, how do I get into relic quests nowadays? Where do I start? I never bothered with the old ones, as I had better shit to do at the time.

Starts in Idyllshire after finishing 3.0 story.

Hope you enjoy self harm.

>still projecting this hard
Umbrite must be so hard to get with a cock in your ass huh, also
>materia 4s being cheap en mass
We don't always buy gil erp shitter

I'm still mad I can't spend wolf marks on crystal sand. Seems like that's all I'm doing recently since there's nothing else to do.

Thanks friend, wish me luck!


>implying I would read everything an erp shitter would bother to say
You buy gil and spend all day gathering like an autist, we get it

tfw can't use leve on sands for chuuni reason

Sweet fucking jesus that PLD.
I hope they fix literally everything wrong with it for Stormblood so that they become god-tier in aesthetic and meta.

I have all jobs at 60, i270 on main job, completed relic, fully melded ironworks on all gatherers/crafters, all TT cards and max rank chocobo in both racing and companion, and I'll still never be autistic enough to do 500 fieldcraft levequests.


Because very few players care about minute details and just want an unreasonably big glowing axe.

>what is irony

Were these all made by different developers? How could they make something as extravagant as PLD and BRD, then turn around and make the bastard children NIN and MNK. Hell, some primal weapons look better than these, and you don't have to frind and wait for new content over a span of months for those.

I play WAR and I love big axes, but I also love stuff that sits closer to the middle of the form/function balance. Minos really hits the spot for me.

It's really good while you have content to do, yeah. Just don't play once you run out of shit to do

>doing gubal speedruns for twelve hours isn't autism
>15 minutes of leves and buying 10k materias off the MB is autism

maybe you can find out what irony is when you go back. Azeroth needs your 15 BlizzBucks, and you can use your excess gold to buy Overwatch boxes now :^)