Literally the most overrated game dev of all time...

Literally the most overrated game dev of all time. Can't believe Sup Forums is obsessed with this pathetic excuse of a writer.

Yoko Taro's writing is fucking typical terrible Japanese nonsense that relies on fanservice, vaguely dark but mostly just weird humor that breaks up tonal consistency more often than not (see every Metal Gear Solid game since the first one really) and the whole grail of all Japanese writing guaranteed to work with a certain audience every single time, weepy melodramatic plot twists that apparently manage to make people bawl their eyes out like babies if they're to be taken at their word.

Same shit, different game and skin and frankly anyone that says that even a fraction of these guys like Taro Yoko are some kind of stand out genius of writing (and lord knows they say that about every other Light Novel writer for example just for being memetic, self aware and writing sudden tragic twists of fate into their stories like it's something revolutionary) either haven't been exposed to nearly enough Japanese TV Dramas and animation in the past 20 years or are just saying shit to fit in.

Other urls found in this thread:

Man you have to learn how to separate sentences. Try to use this -> . more often.

Not an argument.

Nobody's going to read your shitposts if they're comprised of paragraph-long run-ons.

Yoko went fron niche and cult followed to criminally overrated

Wtf Sup Forums!?

Please explain how niche this guy is when every greasy western weeaboo, and possibly nippon alike, blather on about his games non-stop. Mind you, he is not call of duty tier, but around every forum where a stuck up video game thread pops up you are sure to find his name somewhere in the midst of that cancer.

>a well written argument is now a shitpost

no wonder this place is so garbage

My favorite part of Yoko Taro right now is the fact that no matter what pictures of him with the mask are posted and it's just the norm as if it's his face.


I would literally pay a million dollars to hire a hitman to kill this fucker just to shut up his retarded fanbase. Jesus christ I didnt even realize there was such a more obnoxious fanbase than Twilight fans. Everything this human shit stain is like gold to them.

>well written argument
>can't use periods properly
Fuck off retard.

Not an argument.

What a weird thread to fish for you's. You'll have better luck when the game is released OP.

this isnt about fishing for you's, its about spreading the cold hard truth that Sup Forums's idol, Yoko Taro, is a fucking hack who has never made anything worthwhile in his life.

Here's your (you) OP

>Breath of the Wild babies upset that their game has no actual music integrated into gameplay
>Zero Horizon babies upset that his game does their shitty twist better
>PC babies crying because they can't have it yet



i dont want your you i just want Sup Forums to finally become enlightened to the objective fact that Yoko Taro is the biggest hack of the videogame industry

If only you weren't a poor, basement-dwelling NEET waiting for your mother to finish microwaving a Hot-Pocket for your obese ass to consume.

You wouldn't be spouting such inane drivel if you actually had a million dollars, or even a low-tier job something above "Internet shitposter" and "Redditor".

He wont be so blessed when he's six feet below the ground

That's not Kojima, Aonuma or the entire Western Developer Sphere.

This is a man who laughed when his friend fell off a building and died because his friend died with an erection. You have no power over him.

I have met one person in my entirely life who even knew who he was. One day I'll have a cool IRL conversation about his works, maybe even his manga.

thats not shigeru miyamoto

Why? Asshurt that I insulted your meme idol? This fucker walks out of the confines of Japan and he's gonna get shanked with an ice pick to the guts

Kojima has MGS1-3

Aonuma has OOT and Majoras Mask

What does Taro have? Literally nothing.

shouldnt you be shilling in the Horizon threads with your other tumblar buddies

FACT: Drakengard is a piece of shit thats over rated as hell, is a terrible game with an ""interesting story"

Nier is both a good game AND a good story. This makes Drakengard obsolete, and no reason to exist, or ever be played.

He wont be laughing when his chopped off limbs are being dipped in acid. That puta doesnt know any better.

Fun fact: While you're shitposting Yoko, he's busy compiling fan nudes of 2B and handing them out in zip folders.

Who's the bigger man here?

>Nier is both a good game AND a good story.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Its a shitty ass game with a shitty ass story

I fail to see how that makes him any better.

dare I say is Yoko Taro finally a better director than Hideo Kojima now?

The fucker whos gonna get a bullet between his eyes for killing off 2B.

>Another edgelord who rants and raves about killing an unrelated vidya dev when he couldn't even kill himself.

Yawn. When will these homicide kiddies be a bannable offense Hiro? Would clean up the board quite a bit.

>Its a shitty ass game with a shitty ass story

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Its a good game with a good story

You? Damn user, I get that you suck at the game, but thats no reason to off yourself, just hit continue man.

Nobody rates his games high though, just stories. Even from fans you are often going to hear that gameplay is crap.

We'll stop when you stop shilling this piece of shit dev like he's the best out there. He'll die of liver cancer anyway. Fuck this man and everything he stands for.

>all the butthurt ITT

He must be doing something right.

Not an argument.

Did you even read the OP, simpleton? His writing is what's overrated, not the games.

Jesus you people are retarded I have to literally spell EVERYTHING out


Tell that to Automata. Its sickening on how people praise this as the god of jrpgs when the melee combat is shallower than your Dynasty Warriors 8.

If he's so shit then who do you think is a good writer?

Fuck off. Ending D was fucking retarded anime shit. Literally Tokyo Ghoul tier edgy


>literally [media made 10 years later] tier edgy

user, you can't compare something past to something future, and stille xpect us to take you seriously, silly.

It's not only v.
Any place with hardcore gamers loves him.

Neither is OP.

Noice edit. Saved.

This. Taro FINALLY gets SOMEONE ELSE to do the gameplay for him and it turns out to be just okay but because its attatched to a Taro game people say its literally the greatest thing ever.....pathetic....

Literally any of the Ultima games are better written than Taro's bowel movements

>being this mad you have to write paragraphs that basically consist of "waaaaa"
Jesus Christ.

His point is no writer should ever be above criticism. Its stupid how people think Taro is infallible.

totally agree, dude wants to be a meme on the level of kojima but he's just embarrassing himself.

his games are just anime cliches that only people who ONLY play video games and watch anime would praise. people spamming that he's a "MADMAN" are just fucking stupid, all in all, Suda is does a lot of what he does just far better.

>being this mad that you can't even come up with an argument

lol, just, lol.


>I've never actually played a Taro game or even knew he existed before i saw 2B's ass

Not. An. Argument.

>dude wants to be a meme on the level of kojima
Does Sup Forums just make shit up for no reason?

Why are you so retarded, man?

I fucking beat nier for four required times and it's a shit show of retarded anime cliches like the op describes. the fucking melodrama of everything and just how apocalyptic it got made the game seem like a fucking joke, I can't believe people praise that shit.

Not an argument

Don't worry he will redeem himself with his magnum opus.

I'm pretty sure that very, very few people think that his writing is flawless or beyond criticism.

It's just that criticism coming from people who are buttmad at something for being popular tends to be disingenuous bad faith reductionism.

I could probably fill pages with a list of writing problems in any one of Taro's games, but I still think he's an international treasure and one of the few individuals in the industry who's worth a damn.

The guy is clearly aiming high this time. I hope he falls flat on his face and dies of depression.

>I've never actually played NieR i just heard the game was sad and that it had 4 endings

So far you Tarofags have come up with ZERO (0) arguemnts for why OP is even remotly wrong

god you fags are pathteic LOL

>his Twitter posts where he acts coy about getting people to buy his game for a fap bait profit
>his self defacing attitude that he puts on to seem self aware

fuck him

how is he Sup Forumss idol when you are the first thread I've seen about him in weeks

thread theme
op btfo ed

Not an argument

You still praise him though. He will make a dud eventually and people will realize that he's just human. Time will come that he'll reach his MGS4 and he'll fall from grace.

>71 posts
>29 posters
What the shit.

I already made my arguement in the OP, fag. Its time to make yours.

Not an argument

the lengths of delusion you faggots go to

That feature with completely "killing" MC in every sense was retarded anime garbage, i also learned that this white haired hot chick was actually a trap wtf? Why is this allowed?
Nier is trash. period.

>nier automata by other dev
"""western trash""
""tumblr tier""
""mediocre game
>game made by some nippon fag

Game is mediocre as fuck , no interesting subquest , same Platinum combat. Trying to hard with the endings.

Not an argument

Where the fuck have you been? Sup Forums has been sucking his cock since DoD1.

Nier Automata is objectively one of the best games of this generation.

Tarofags, everyone.

>You still praise him though.
Is that supposed to be a bad thing? Every writer is flawed, every story has its problems. That doesn't mean that there are literally no praiseworthy writers or stories out there.

>stumble upon Sup Forums
>see picture of dude in silly mask
>supposedly this guy is well known and over rated
>entire thread of autistic raging assblast
holy fuck, user's gonna reflect on this whole murder fantasy post phase and cringe himself to death
>inb4 not and argument

See, this right here is why I appreciate Taro. He knows how to laugh at himself and genuinely enjoys his work., He's not like most developers who have their head so far up their ass.

he killed the MC to pull a switch just like kojima already did in mgs2

Not an argument

he's up his own ass in an entirely different way user, you just don't notice.

Not an argument.

Nier Automata is already this.
>you only play as 2b for 25%
>Most of game you play as shota
Fucking Taro pulled Raiden on us.

I don't know man. I like it and I think the game play and setting vastly make up for the flaws in story that you think are so apparent.

There just aren't enough games like Taro's, and I would rather encourage a wave of these types of games than encourage the current norm.

Also, you really ought to consider learning how to write shorter more concise sentences instead of the run-on arguments you made in your first post.

>I never played the game but it's trash
>i take plot points out of context and base my opinions off shitposters on an anonymous image board


for doing something kojima already did 16 years back

EoPs/people who don't know to play the game early on Nip PSN will believe this./

Seeing as half of Sup Forums are creative medium, be it writters, game designers, artists, what have you. It's not surprising they can level and idolize another visionary.

The people here shitting on taro have no creative bones in their body, and are probably the most empathetic people on the planet who crawled so deep into their own hole of cynisism that they never came out.

Waifufags not realizing that Jackass is best girl.

Fucking who? He gets praised for making interesting trainwrecks with some emotion behind them. Almost nobody think he's a genius.

Bad day at school?

It's pretty telling when someone who never played the game knows its trash, but the loser that played it all the way doesn't.

>pulling out that argument when his games are just rips off of other peoples work

Not saying that I entirely disagree with you, but the argument that just because somebody isn't creative means they can't determine if something is well written or not just plain doesn't work.