Ok Sup Forums

I think we all agree on this

>Yakuza 0
>Nier Automata


Gravity Rush 2 wasn't even that good, put yakuza there

released in japan before but..

>Not Zelda
>Not Nier

>Sony has been releasing so many good games we need a year with 24 months

what a time to be a live

epic thread bro

NiOh got too repetitive to be game of the month.

>not Nyay: A Tom a taw

Is this a banner? This should be a banner. Why isn't this a banner?

I dont see Resident Evil 7 Biohazard: Biohazard Resident evil on here

If you actually pronounce it like that, murder yourself.

>Meme Evil
>Plz be scary
>I Hope you rike it :)
>Prease buy our DRC and get a new skin. Thank you!

Why isnt march zelda?


Wrong thread, kido.

>he doesn't know how to pronounce Neeay Autumn ate a

It's either Horizon or Nier. No place for Zelda

Horizon came out in February dipshit

>March is either knock-off ubishit or a game that came out in February

literally no one agrees with that horizon shit game

>Yakuza NA date
>nier Jap date

Back to neogaf

>poorman's Bloodborne
It wasn't even game of the day it was released on.

I'm counting the day they released in English. Literally who cares that physical copies aren't out yet when you can buy the PSN version will full English subtitles and VA

>I'm counting the day they released in English
Only in China.

haha if your game is not on ps4 it doesn't exist. I'm a triple A gaaamer

I get you're a fucking dumbass fanboy and your having a giggle putting Horizon up there and in March but come on, if you honestly celebrate a AAA turd like Horizon you'd probably be happier on neofag or plebbit.

>only in China
>or anywhere with an internet connection

March only just started you fucking queer cunt.

Sony is the only company releasing games. It's not my problem the first three games don't have a steam port

You simply can't do it.

You are fucking retarded.

>You simply can't do it.
But I did?
And I played the game and loved it?

BotW is obviously March

March is Nier my dude.

March: BOTW
April: Persona 5
May: ???

Leave March to PeeBee.


Nier already released my man.
Go grab it on PSN.

>p-p-please buy my shitty western games

unironically delete this

I legitimately don't know what you're trying to say with this picture.

Hong Kong PSN you mean
it's still a Jap release date

actually Nier is going to have a PC port

With english subs and fully dubbed.
That's a release to me.

>that uncanny valley
Oh god, please no.

Fire Emblem Echos


Bad bait.

Just post your own if you're so great.

Close, but I added some that you were missing

>I haven't played Gaiden yet: the post
Calm your tits and wait for the game to come out.

Better than just weeb games that everyone else is filling them up with.

Slow down there, Sparky. Nier's coming out next week.

This is an American board my dude so I go by American release dates

Thanks for the heads up though.

Still Jap release date.

Replace that zelda wannabe with an actual good Ubi game ffs.

For Honor is where it's at.


Too lazy to open Photoshop right now

Resident Evil 7


Looks like it will be Nier

Persona 5 no contest

Now neogaf started to destroy the thread

Thank you

literal autism

Nigga I played that shit in english in February, I'm not gonna do some time warp to fit your shit


>""""Playing"""" SJW cuck games
Lamoing @ your life right now

Shame how Yakuza 5 was never released here since you could only get it in full English off PSN instead of in stores



>no hollow knight


Where is here?

Anywhere outside of Japan really

Games only exist if you can buy them at gamestop

We all know that migu is better than GR2.

go back to tumblar

Ok Kid you are starting to push things off limits
It's all funny and stuff until someone gets hurt

June: Tekken 7

She even has a higher meta critic score than GR2.

January - GR2 & Yakuza0 equal split
February - NioH
March - Nier Automata
April - Persona 5

May is a wash, only shit.
After that we don't have solid enough release dates, Splatoon2 might come out in June, July or August, no one knows.

>Dragon Quest Heroes II

These are the only two games that can compete with Persona.

May: Prey
June: Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy

July: FFXII Zodiac

Injustice 2 comes out in May
Tekken 7 comes out in June

This is the most retarded list/opinion in this entire thread, and that's saying something.

One one hand you use Yakuza0's western release date, but then use NierA's japanese release date. What's the logic in that? You either remove Yakuza0 which is more than a year old (according to your logic) and place GravityRush2 which released in january worldwide, or you move Nier Automata to March.

Right now your image is just a shitty double standard.

because wojacks are literally only used by shitposters trying to end all discussion on a topic

As explained above, I used the English release dates since I speak English and only care about when the game comes out in a language I can speak, not when it's put on the shelf of the nearest gamestop. Anyone in America has been able to get fully voiced English version of Nier since the 25th, it would be retarded to put that in March.

DAMN, must be tough being a PCuck.

Holy shit, that's all you have to play? You need to scrape the bottom of the barrel and play Ubishit and EA games? god damn.... sad.

Just buy a console already and get yourself a nice girlfriend. End your suffering please.

>Injustice 2 comes out in May
like I said; May is a wash, only shit.

Is that truly hard to understand?

this is objectively true
