I only main female characters that wear pantyhose

I only main female characters that wear pantyhose

hopefully get a mod to remove the shorts on her third strike outfit

I wish she could take off her shoes.

>Description in store for her 3rd strike costume specifically states she purposely doesn't wear tights with that outfit.

Thanks for saving me the $4 Capcom.

>Try out Kolin
>Hey she's actually pretty fun and easy
>try online
>get bodied by two Ryus with near-impossible reads, reactions, and pitch-perfect unanswerable combs and a lagswitcher Cammy

Thanks Capcom.

Is she good or Ibuki-tier useless?

Too early to tell, probably not top tier but has a lot of potential. People already finding actual setplay options off her EX hands

Is she hard to use? Ryu has spoiled me.

>She doesn't wear pantyhose in her OL outfit

So... close.

>Blaming Capcom for being shit at the game

Come on now.

Das it mane. Aside from Chun Li Rose also great gams.

I like colon but I'll never get good at her. She has some cool potential.

What is the command of that move?

Same brother. I feel like I'm okay against CPU's then in multiplayer I get fucking destroyed.


It's the animation for her low counter

I feel like good players will constantly be dashing and baiting out shit.

Story Costume is the best her hair is 2cute

Agreed, glad it wasn't that shitty swimsuit one for the fight money.


pantyhose is great

tfw can't find full sheer to waist crotchless pantyhose for my gf to wear while we fuck

>Urien thong code changes her costume too




Her parry timing is weird

what is the functional purpose of pantyhose?

why don't you make webms instead? that gif is missing some frames even

Spent 140k FM on her and her costume.

I don't think I'll use her again after today. The SFV DLC cycle.

because I didn't make it

also yours is too fast

Ibuki's pretty good in s2 actually.

Ibuki is top 5 in season 2, scrub.

>You can OTG with vtrigger

only works if they don't quick rise , so it's not good

Or hard knockdowns

So CC sweep gets you 423 with super