Switch OGs 2: Electric Boogaloo


only a couple days left to claim an original-looking ID for the new Nintendo Account system, user. I hope you got something good

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yeah I got nintendofan42 that's pretty good right?

for the uncreative and lazy

i sure did

daily reminder that only cucks and newfags cant take five letter names

Surprised jebus wasnt taken 2bh


Wait, is this separate from the Nintendo Network ID now? What about My Nintendo?

checking in

Yeah, this is a new system that will be above your NNID. You'll use it for all Nintendo platforms and your purchases will be tied to the account. You should register for this and link it to your NNID.

Reminder to use firefox/waterfox/tor/whatever's console if you can't get the 5 character trick working

i keep trying to do that shit and it says access denied every time. maybe it's because i'm trying to get a four letter id?

I didn't have either of those.

I just created an account just now , and apparently that is all that is needed. In the interface you have an option of linking your Nintendo Network ID.

Nicknames are non-unique, but User ID is unique. So I guess the User ID is what people see when you play online.

how long until this gets locked

yeah, I think 4 letters isnt allowed at all, only 5

Yeah, anything below five won't work

4 letters isn't allowed. 5 is the minimum.

I got wriggle


I got newfag

what do you have to do to get the 5?

Who here stole e-celebs name? I've got two so far.

pics or didnt happen

>nobody took this yet

I'm pretty sure nicknames are what are seen online and you give people IDs for friends lists and shit

same way NNIDs and Mii names worked

I got brotherhood and spazz. Did I do good? Should I find something better than spazz?

nah, fits you pretty well desu


I'm good.

cool, you changed your nickname

come back and post when you're not retarded

The IDs will be displayed next to your nickname at the very least like how they did for NNIDs

I wish I thought of it earlier.



In firefox:
enter your 5 letter name
Press f12
Click the console tab on the thing that appeared, and enter this: $('#login-id-edit-form').submit();


if only...

who the fuck took dankhill

>tfw i got my favorite games, favorite OJ and one of my favorite 2hus

Feels nice

I went for that too

Dude can I buy that shit off of you?!

Fast RMX or Redout?

If anyone's name is Grant, it's available as an id still

>all these retards with curse words in their names
Enjoy your ban in the future lmao

>tfw got pewdiepie and egoraptor when the wii u came out

fucking kek

I got Nebby


Just checked, how in the fuck are both "fzerox" and "fzerogx" still available

not anymore

Maybe someone already took them but with underscores?

worked in chrome too, ty

can you check if 5 letter names are taken without doing the console thing? I'm on my phone and I wanna see if there are any worth getting my laptop out



yes, the name taken prompt shows even if its 5 a letter ID, at least on desktop

Got mine

mildly annoyed I can't spell out doctor like I usually do

Yep you can check them from your phone. It'll only say "not enough characters" and not "name already taken" if it's available

When the pimp's in the crib ma

Heh, good enough.

Did someone snatch this name from this poor user?


What's the five character trick, again?


has anyone taken scrimmybingus yet

yeah. bingus is also taken but scrimmy isn't.


I keep getting "access denied"

you do realize nickname is meaningless and can be changed on the fly right?

I probably have about $500 worth of names by now

You already have the name in the field ready to go, right?

Yes, I type in a name and I enter the JavaScript submit thing from the developer console and it takes me to a new page that just says "access denied"

everything is taken already

I just got chump, neat

If this turns into another Xbox Live some of the names ITT are $500 on their own

probably not tho

Wow congrats


>tfw someone is already using the name I wanted, anyway

>tfw got backward and forwards
Fuck you whoever took forward.

I'm not getting a confirmation email anywhere, not even in my spam folder. wtf.

I got my actual name, nice

R8 me debating changing it to my live name

if you're unfortunate enough to be named Louie, it's still available

You know what I really like about this?

Even if these are totally worthless, we're collevtively cucking all the other Nintendo players out of having a nice ID before they ever even get their hands on a Switch.


Make a twitter and sign in through that.
Happened to me.

Are you using Outlook? You have to absolutely spam the "resend verification" button if you are.

Try doing password request. Might have an account already.

They will only hold some worth if the displayed name is userID instead of nickname, even then I dont think they will be worth a lot

Am I supposed to change any of this code at all? It's not working for me.


100% all original Bubs

this could be why

Use the console part if you're in chrome then hit enter after you paste.

keep it, but make a backup in case you get banned

That's what I'm doing. It says "Cannot find element: #login-id-edit-form"

Wait. So, there's going to be another kind of Nintendo account deal aside from Nintendo Network? Shit, I haven't been following Switch at all.

I got Volume and Antimatter.


I am Excitebot, hear me flop

I think even if your ID isn't always displayed, it will be enough that it's listed next to your nickname and used to search your profile. It helps that this is a multiplatform account. What will actually determine their worth is whether or not Nintendo axes this for a new system like they always do.

Easy $300

is that an juju refrance?

wait, fucking underscores work?