Hey Sup Forums i dropped yugioh after xyz try to get into yugioh again what game should i play LOTD or Duel Link ?
Hey Sup Forums i dropped yugioh after xyz try to get into yugioh again what game should i play LOTD or Duel Link ?
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Duel links is absolute trash because mobage.
LOTD can be good for reintroducing yourself, but the UI is pretty bad.
The real answer is ygopro but you'd probably be overwhelmed at all the new shit.
Also heads up, there's a fuckhuge mechanic change coming in a few months.
This guy comes over and eats your deck before your next tournament round against him. What do you do?
Remind him that it's 2017.
I use to jerk off to Dark Magician Girl back in the days. Was always one of my favorite cards
play pokemon. yugioh more like yugi no
Pay to win phone game you absolute newfag.
you have some info about the mechanic changes?
There are now two extra zones in the middle of the board, one for each player, where you can play a monster from your extra deck
This is the only zone you can summon extra deck monsters to unless you use a new type of monster called a Link monster, which points to other monster zones you can then summon extra deck monsters to. For example, this card allows you to summon two more extra deck monsters, while also allowing your opponent to summon one extra deck monster
Also pendulum cards go in the spell/trap zone now instead of having their own special zones
>it's another "I REMEMBER THE OLD DAYS" thread
>it's another "unga bunga me summon summoned skull unga bunga me equip axe of despair" thread
>it's another "well when /I/ play I [long list of backwards house rules that ruin the game]" thread
>it's another "I Solemn Exodia!" thread
>it's another "my 60 card deck of one-ofs beat peep!" thread
>it's another "why do I need a magnifying glass for a card, and I'm not talking about Reinquished, TER, or Last Turn!" thread
>it's another "archetypes (anything non-generic) killed the game but Pot of Greed, Graceful Charity, HFD, Heavy Storm, and the rest of Chaos/Goat staples are totally ok" thread
>it's another "is mirror force banned????" thread
>it's another "monster reborn needs to stay banned" thread
>it's another "Synchros/Xyzs/Pendulums killed the game (forgets Airblade Turbo and DAD Return)" thread
>it's another "*holds up summoned skull* let me have fun the wrong way" thread
>it's another "any card thats black or white is sin!" thread
>it's another "pls mak dark majishiun gud" thread
>it's another "unga bunga me hate speed and combos" thread
>it's another "unga bunga we need no white" thread
>it's another "I hate kozmo" thread
>it's another "I hate settingu scales" thread
>it's another "solemn is negated by jinzo" thread
>it's another "lol remember when he attacked le mooooon" thread
>it's another thread full of anime-only secondaries who miss le "golden" days
>it's another "why do you keep slaugheting my gate guardian deck with these 'ritual beasts', they arent even blue!" thread
>it's another "muh kozaky lock" thread
>unga bunga another beatdown only unga thread
>it's another "g-guys why can't I use my Stardust Dragon from Starlight Road again???" thread
>it's another "Ring of Destruction on Peten!" w-what do you mean it missed timing???" thread
>it's another "*flips Despell* you activated my trap card!" thread
hey Sup Forums
should I buy Valkyrie's Revenge Boosters now? there's still chance of getting that 10 boosters for 450 gems sale they did back then?
nice copypasta
sounds interesting i hope its not to broken :D
>>it's another "Ring of Destruction on Peten!" w-what do you mean it missed timing???" thread
That's not even a legal move anymore.
I haven't watched all of Arc-V but i feel like after the 40 episode mark it went to shit. The Sora vs Shun battle was dope.
Hello fellow wightbois how you spooking today?
post decks
tell me how awful this is
Duel Links is a little different than the TCG rules. You can only have 3 monster and spell slots instead of 5, your hand is like 4 cards at the start and your deck is 20-30 cards instead of 40-60. That said, I like it a lot. Those who say it's p2w aren't wrong, but so are all card games. I don't pay and I've built a nice deck.
What game is that? Arc-V special? I need to download that
Anyways i've been fucking around with this deck while I have the chance before it gets ruined with link monsters
Yep, Tag Force Special.
Don't forget to look for the English patch.
I wish Konami kept making games like Tag Force or World Tournament, but I understand that mobile is where the money is now.
I wish I could give advice for your deck, but I'm not that good yet.
I wouldn't play Rai-Oh and consider fiendish chain over breakthrough skill so you can bounce it with triverr.
>Tag Force Special
right I knew it was something like that. Thanks
>fiendish chain over breakthrough skill
That's a good point, especially since it can block monsters from attacking too.
What could I replace it with?
>it's another "solemn is negated by jinzo" thread
It's because Jinzo hasn't entered the field and solemn stops the summon right?
Replace them with S/T removal and/or more traps like MST, twin twisters and torrential tribute. If storming mirror force is an option then that's probably more preferable than regular mirror force.
>unless you use our special new cards, you can only summon one monster from your extra deck to the field at a time
Why? Are they for real with this shit?
I think you meant episode 50.
Maiami friendship cup was hype, but when we got to symchro everything took a nosedive.
Twin Twisters and Storming Mirror Force didn't exist yet when the game was made, so they're out.
I'll probably just get MST.
Cheers, user.
duel links is god tier
haven't spent a cent, they give gems for server outages and stuff
What I don't understand is how anyone would even use links in the first place because of all the removal. You're allowing yourself to get like 3 for 1'd piss easily, at least other extra deck monsters normally have a way to protect themselves or bounce back from the costs, i.e. tuningware, tengu, ect.
All it does is just further enable turbos involving the main deck, and the worst part about this is that it doesn't even stop shit like Zoodiacs.
what's a good plant deck theme
akiza keeps bothering me as a tag partner, mostly because of black garden
i want to change her deck while at least keeping the general theme
Nah man
Those Yuya vs Enjoy Chojiro and Yuya vs Jack battles were great
Any good deck for Joey in Duel Link?
Not really, not anything exclusive for him anyway.
>casual dumbed down version of the game where there is little to no strategy other than mindless beatdowns.
>god tier.
What about booster packs? Which is the best one? What cards should I look for?
speaking of dmg
what's a deck archetype that has cute girls?
Nothing personnel kiddo
Ritual Beasts,
That should get you started.
>board clear if you manage to summon her
>you will probably never actually summon her
why live
It's probably not as hard as you would think. Instant fusion gives you easy access to different types, namely Norden who can also bring back a different monster from the grave, likely spellcaster. All you would need is one more type, like a warrior who you could search up with RotA.
holy shit dont fuck with this guy
Nekroz were so good, loved using them.
>Soaked up countless gems over the months because of server issues
>Still no Mirror wall
Why can't I be lucky?
>tfw you have two
Feels good man, no one ever expects you to have two.
eat shit
Good luck, I'm behind two mirror walls.
Who's having fun with Garlandorf now that Ritual Raven is out? Yugi beatdown is now valid.
So wait does this help stop some pendulum decks from bringing back multiple pendulum monsters from their extra deck at once?
stop hating on pendulums genwun cuck
>stop hating on pendulums genwun cuck
i run a pendulum deck. i was just wondering if this would hamper pendulum sorcerer fun i like to have.