This is from a big budget triple A game that has already gone gold

This is from a big budget triple A game that has already gone gold.

lol Bioware

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't expect anything better from the best of the best

Thank you Bioware

>punch misses by six inches
>Thrown with no force or form
Bioware doesn't even use life models, do they?

I know, it's like this guy just kinda accidentally walked into this woman practicing tae bo.

That looks cinematic.

>They don't have matriarchy force powers

Wow you're all weak haha.


did she just give him the stinky finger?

Anyone else who's playing day 1 seeing these webms? What do you think? I'm curious to see if it's this bad in the final product, and how bad the rest of the animations are.

This and the peebee one cause me to laugh uncontrollably. How is it this bad? There's no way something like this makes it into the final product.

They probably mocap their untrained interns.

I think you know what to do.

Shockwaves are ok in Dark Souls but not in Mass Effect, huh?

Throughout the entire galaxy, nothing is so feared as the Fart Knuckle.

>How is it this bad?
If you really need to ask this question you're Biowares target audience, idiots who don't understand what makes animations great.

Honestly, OPs webm demonstrates a Dark Souls-tier hitbox in action.

Watch, someone is gonna call bioware out and they're unironically gonna go

>b-biotics lol

>I'm curious to see if it's this bad in the final product

This is for sure from the final product.
The peebee one, too.

The game is gold, they aren't releasing footage from beta builds.

You don't know shit
She's so a stronk woman she compressed air particles to destruct every internal organs of the monkey

I want to fuck Sara Ryder so badly holy shit

>X did it, so I should be able too as well!
Typical Biodrone.

>dirty credits

>dark souls-tier

Well, let's be real, there's janky shit scattered throughout the games, but only 2 is THAT bad


>mocap scene but do nothing to fix it in post.

Nah I'm playing day 1. Either these animations are fixed at release/they are very few and far between/they are "so bad they're funny" and it's unintentional comedy. Either way I'm going to enjoy the animations.

I know what makes animations good you driveling retard. It should have been clear but let me spell it out for you: it was a rhetorical question. There's no excuse if this makes it into the final product.

They're confirmed NOT the final product. If you kept up with the game's development you would know this. Since you don't you're not in a position to hold a valid perspective, so exit the conversation.

>bioware makes a legend of korra game
It'd be good for a few laughs.

im doing 3d animation at home by myself without mocap and my shit looks better than this

make me a millioner pls.

>They're confirmed NOT the final product. If you kept up with the game's development you would know this. Since you don't you're not in a position to hold a valid perspective, so exit the conversation.
>Biodrones now this salty


Never seen Bioware games before? They unironically think this is what final product is supposed to look like.

Make a promo reel
Make an edit with clips from ME and other Bioware games on the right hand side.
Send to EA and tell them you can do better animation for less.

Probably won't go anywhere, but you'd be in a better position than you are now.

>Nah I'm playing day 1

You don't play an AAA on day 1 and unless you repent, wait to see if it's any good, you should kill yourself quick and painless.

Not a biodrone. Actually I'm firmly planted in the "the ME trilogy was mediocre" camp. But like I said, I've been following the development, and it looks promising. Even when you consider these hilarious animations and the possibility of them being in the final product.

Not according to what devs have been saying for the past 2 days.

I'm very confident that my taste in vidya and knowledge of this game's development is greater than yours. I don't buy jack shit day 1 unless I'm confident in the product. Didn't buy ME2 or ME3 day 1 for these reasons, and simply ended up pirating them.

That being said, ME:A's development looks promising, and there's been a full on drought of good content lately, so I'm getting my hands on it ASAP. There's still a chance I get burned don't get me wrong, but I'm confident in my chances this time, or I wouldn't be doing it.

>and it looks promising. Even when you consider these hilarious animations and the possibility of them being in the final product.
>Not a biodrone.

are you even trying

>There's no way something like this makes it into the final product.

don't be so naive user. and don't go anywhere near any aaa video game on day 1. learn form the lessons of the past or heed the warnings of those who did.


We gotta fanboy.

>They're confirmed NOT the final product. If you kept up with the game's development you would know this. Since you don't you're not in a position to hold a valid perspective, so exit the conversation.
This game comes out in less than a month, faggot. You think they can fix all the shit that's wrong with it in a month when they've had all this broken garbage for YEARS?

>Didn't buy ME2 or ME3 day 1
>But Andromeda is OK

How's that internship going so far? Maybe in a few weeks you'll be able to viral convincingly.

>the past 2 days

Have you seen their past games? They let so much shit animation get thorough that there's over 40 cringe webms made from them.

What kind of drone would gladly state that 3/4ths of the games that come out of the company are mediocre swill?

>What makes you think they can fix all the shit that's wrong with it in a month when they've had all this broken garbage for YEARS
Because game devs do it all the fucking time? Because that's a priority in the days before release? Hello?

>only uses meme arrow
>doesn't actually state anything because he doesn't want to get BTFO

I say
>the trilogy was mediocre and is skipable garbage
>didn't preorder any of your games because they LOOKED like garbage
>I pirated your games

you say
>bioware shill

Really makes you think

bitch, that's the power of tai chi

I have to say that you got me this time, for a moment I thought you were for real.

>What kind of drone would gladly state that 3/4ths of the games that come out of the company are mediocre swill?
Your job is to make the newest game look good. If shitting on previous ones helps that, why wouldn't you do that?


>Actually I'm firmly planted in the "the ME trilogy was mediocre" camp
>and the possibility of them being in the final product.

You have LITERALLY never played a Bioware game before. This has happened in every fucking game since Dragon Age 2.

>Because game devs do it all the fucking time? Because that's a priority in the days before release? Hello?
Fix bad/broken animations in a month? Do you have any idea how long it takes to animate? They would have to fix
>Disarm scene that's always posted
>Punching scene in OP
>Scene with Peebee's rival where her assault rifle is literally glued to her wrist
>Multiple instances of bad facial animation, either shitty or no animation at all
>The scene from the trailer with Ryder being helped up by Drack where Drack is just crushing their hand
Pre-release fixes are bug fixes. You don't fix animations a month before release. You're an absolute retard who knows nothing if you think that's true.

The dude is facing away from the camera and still sprays shit all over the lens instantly, how?

That's some hardcore mental gymnastics you've got going on. You would believe that people are getting paid to come to the most stubborn group of people on the internet, jump in a thread with 20 people, and hope to persuade someone to buy the game. Rather than believing that someone genuinely followed and critiqued the development of this game and thinks overall it looks pretty decent.


see first line

>This has happened in every fucking game since Dragon Age 2
And where did I say they didn't?

This is a new engine and a completely new team of devs. To throw out the possibility of it going differently this time is dense. We simply don't know if they will make the same mistakes.

In the last phase of development, while the game is pretty much getting ready to ship, all that is being done is polish. This is bug fixes, animations, menus, art, etc. This is how all game development cycles work. You're not even educated enough on the topic to have this conversation.

>You would believe that people are getting paid
I didn't make any statement about your reasons.

My only options are you are retarded or you are intentionally lying. I choose the more likely one, considering the situation.

The game has gone gold, dude. It's time to let it go.


You're using popular opinion in an attempt to persuade people that you're not a drone while simultaneously trying to hype Andromeda. Full drone bro.

Post a clip if you are so great


I fucking hate that word

I'm not trying to hype andomeda. I actually don't give a flying fuck if anyone buys this game. I this whole comment thread started out by me asking what people who ARE getting the game day 1 think of these animations.



ME trilogy's on sale on PSN this week for like $4.50 or some shit. Is it worth it if I liked the first game but kind of hated the few hours I played of the second? Played them on my older brother's 360 back when 2 was newish so like 6 years ago?

yea it's worth that. The games are worth one good go through, but that's about it.

Are you reeling from its use?
Gonna reel you in with this shitpost.
Gonna reel that cotton then reel it with wear to the reel.

The third is atrocity. The whole plot of ME3 is based on you feeling the spiritual link to some kid that died or something, that not a single person who played the game felt. A genuinely retarded person wrote the story.


Holy fuck dude you were for real all this time?

I h-hope you e-enjoy your g-game.

>being this autistic

it was joke

i don't give a fuck

Oh hey, it's literally less than one second on animation from a cinematic of an unreleased game.

I fucking swear, Sup Forums will only be good when the video game industry crashes again and everybody stops making new video games for us to shitpost about.

Every piece of info on this game so far has been absolute trash.

>no one is posting the other WEBMs worse than the OP

cmon Sup Forums

Why does a cinematic, a state in the game in which the animators would have the tightest control of animation quality, look so horrendously fucked in every BioWare game?

This is nothing new for bioware games let alone the mass effect series you go back through the games you'll find a bunch of terrible shit like this

Except the gameplay, which is what truly matters, and which most people who have played the game thus far were saying is pretty good.

Because Bioware has shit animators. But less-than-perfect animations in an unreleased game does not completely kill the game.

Eh I don't care either way, I'm just here to see biocucks cry.

>less than perfect
user I'm not asking them to make the dude's face ripple in real time while a string of spittle rockets out from the force of the punch.

I'm just asking for a fist to connect with a face in the year 2017.

Fuck me. An inch from his face would be "less-than-perfect". This shit is on another level, and they still put it in their promotional footage.


Yeah. I haven't played much of the games myself. Played a bit of 1, not really my thing, not a waifufag, I'm not one to focus on story, and the combat feels fucking weird. Are the other 2 games any better combat-wise, or did I waste my money?

>which most people who have played the game thus far were saying is pretty good

You mean like IGN, who delete comments critical of the game on YT?

You can watch the gameplay videos yourself and make your own judgments. But I'll say, without decent writing, you're just playing a slow-ass corridor shooter.


Biotics have a blue glow

What is point of shitposting about MEA when the game is going to sell millions of copies anyway? I don't understand you contrarian idiots, by shit-talking, you are just creating hype for MEA. More hype = more people talking = more people will buy.

Do you seriously think some cherrypicked animation, some photoshopped image, character models looking ugly without post-processing, etc is going to stop me from buying it? No, fuck you, the gameplay looks fun as fuck. I will buy it regardless of it being an EA game. I like pretty graphics, I like making my own character, I like space/aliens, I like fun gameplay with tons of weapons/builds.

I remember some source based animation site, they created many nice little movies and one day they went off telling they work for bioware now.
I wonder how that went.

We all know what kind of animation you're doing, user. I'd commission you.

[Pocket Sand em] confirmed for dialogue option.

>People are still responding to the fucking shill after 70+ post
Can you guys just fucking stop?
This is why Sup Forums is so shit, nobody just reports the blatant fucking shill and just keeps on discussing what's in the thread.


People wondered if Inquisition's animations that were circulated here were a final product and they were.


I thought shill threads were supposed to make you like the game enough to buy it?

Even reddit won't be baited by that obvious shilling.

>white chick btfo feral nigger rape attempt
Wtf I love Bioware now

Shepard didn't die for this.

He lived in my ending

I've never liked modern Bioware, and this validates that.

How does it even affect gameplay you fucking retard?


>me:as development looks promising and there's a drought of good content right now

I guarantee this shilling is more entertaining than whatever is in the game

This takes place 599 years after ME3. He's long dead.

Liara might still be alive though

It would be an incredible twist if you find out at the end of the game that the entire thing was actually a new low budget action movie being filmed back in the Milky Way galaxy, where ME3 never happened.

And the children you had with her

HEY it's JUST LIKE that SCENE from DRAGON BALL where GOKU punches JUNIOR with nothing but his KI

>another shitty cut-scene 99% of those who (((play))) it, skip

>Actually romancing anyone in these games
Solo Shepard is the only Shepard.