best zelda game
Best zelda game
That's not Link's Awakening DX
but top tier choices nonetheless
You posted 2 games though.
Can someone explain the Capcom relationship with this?
I remember this having a Capcom logo.
Was there a third game planned?
IIRC there was, but they scrapped it and relegated Farore to the trees with the password stuff
or I'm wrong and she was always planned to be the word bitch
These games were outsourced to Capcom's Flagship team (Before Capcom turned into jerks) who made the games based on a modified version of Link's Awakening DX.
They also made Minish Cap, AlttP for gba and Kirby and the Amazing Mirror.
really wish the third version came out, that would have made this all better.
Easiest Zelda game.
Maybe both.
Oracle of Secrets yes. But setting up Linked games took too much time so they scrapped it
Seriously? Some dungeons gave me more trouble than any other zelda.
>ywn play Farore's game
Why even live?
>by the time you've beaten the first dungeon in seasons you will be just entering the equivalent of Hero's Cave in Ages.
Why the fuck is there so much worthless dialogue? But overall Ages is still better because superior dungeons and actual new assets
Seasons is the game with the far superior overworld though
>throwing a bomb at that one bomb pile in a house in Seasons and blowing the entire building up
Seasons is the "action" one so it's basically like a more guided original LoZ. Hence why there's barely any story.
Great Moblin did nothing wrong
Keep doing it, see what happens.
Story time. Capcom was originally hired to port the original legend of Zelda to the game boy color. Hints of this can be seen in seasons as the first dungeon is similar to the first in the original game.
Capcom told nintendo to let them make an original zelda game.or the would make an original ip.
>Hints of this can be seen in seasons as the first dungeon is similar to the first in the original game.
Also some of the bosses and dungeon maps are the same.
They are not the worst Zelda games but they are far from the best.
These are among my favorite games in the series, and easily on my list of fave games overall.
Really wish they had gotten SOMETHING in Hyrule Warriors, tired of these games always being overlooked.
Literally just bought this on e-shop. What order should I play them?
Doesn't matter. Just play through one and you can link it to the other one.
They were literally the same game with different colour schemes
No they weren't.