Whats the funniest glitch youve ever had?

whats the funniest glitch youve ever had?

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glitches in me britches

>average emulation experience.webm

the game was fine until i turned on cheats (granted a few texture stretches and wobbling graphical errors every now and again)

In Stalker CoP I had a Duty guy be stretched across half the map and causing the framerate to drop into the 10s when looking in that direction because of the constant clipping with the environment.


I once went into negative stamina in Oblivion while standing on a bucket. The ragdoll stretched, my head slid downhill into a river and I drowned.

here's a recent one
this was my starting point

When you reload saves next to dismembered corpses in Fallout New Vegas. Pretty spooky.

>they will never make a Digimon World like this again
Feels bad man

Wasn't Next Order like that?

It went back to a similar combat system to the first game, it was still pretty different in all other aspects. It just wasn't the same.

>tell follower to stand here
>drop 20 bottlecap mines at their feet
>run away
>snipe mines
>follower flies away

I once had a glitch in infamous 2 where all the main character models were replaced by these black ovaloid that still had their regular arms sticking out of them

I saved screenshot seeing this shit on VC

Probably the oddest one in recent memory was when I was playing Borderlands 2 with a friend, we got to the part where you fight BNK3R, however, the whole are was made of BNK3Rs that were mimicking whatever the real one was doing. I couldn't get up top to actually fight the thing.

No Comply

[Dogmeat has died]

This wasn't really a glitch, but I found a spot where you could climb up onto the roof of a building (and thus could jump across to other buildings) in TW3

Pls no bully I only had a GTX 670 at the time of this screenshot.

>closing corpses in doors in oblivion

Something similar happened to me in Underhell. Wasn't initially going to post it because I'm not sure if it counts as a glitch but I was cracking up when this happened.

Not the funniest but the scariest glitch was while playing Disgaea 1 for PS2. The game started playing at 2x the speed, music and everything.


Unmodded at the time and no idea what caused it.

i dont understand why every game has this

back when I had drunk of bethesada kool aid and was playing skyrim, one save just bugged the fuck out

for whatever reason, it would always spawn me riding my horse 100ft in the air
Horse died every time I loaded

I hate myself every day for not screenshotting it, but in The Witcher 3 Geralt stepped over a bucket and his legs and torso shot up and stuck to his chin, so he'd levitate around looking like a gondola. Pic related

ubisoft disease


>game actually looks good quality
>that scene

A sheep polymorph riding a horse

just another anomaly my friend, it's the zone fucking with your head

What game?

In AC2
I was stabbing a guard on the roof of a building in Venice, but then he died another spawned in his place, and more and more respawned and I kept stabbing until there was a massive pile

Anyone have that video of a skyrim glitch where the guy is spinning in the air while riding his horse?

I had the exact same glitch except I was doing ledge assassinations where you pull them off the side, a guy would spawn in his place and I'd just keep tossing corpses down below.


buggy emulation is always fun.


Same shit happened to me when I was fighting harpies.

I couldn't climb ledges and had to reset the game.

I thought it was just going to be her face disappearing.

>mfw she starts inching forward


DaS2 is so fucking buggy.

reminds me of razorscale

I had a texture glitch in Left 4 Dead, where every car, player model, light ray, blood splatter and pretty much everything else had it's texture replaced with what looked like multicoloured TV static.

I had a video of it, but I lost it years ago.

Same thing happened to me

That's kinda cool

noika by kyrieru, its NEVER EVER status but it has a working demo, it has the potential to shit all over kurovadis but that dumbfuck never does anything

I have a 760 2gb right now and I don't want to play this game until I get a new one, what are you on right now?

I was playing BotW and chased a goat into a shallow pool of water and it just disappeared.

I played an early build of the new Tomb Raider (the first new one, not the most resent) and managed to get Lara to walk around with one arm stuck in T-pose.
Early build of AC4, got stuck in an animation loop of walking forwards. Later in the same session I just fell through a boat and drowned.


They only model what you can see. There's no point in modelling the muscle and bone when it will be culled anyways.

The goat was intentional, goats do not live in water, therefor water + goat = water, it's like multiplying by 0




I honestly want to give DAI a shot, it looks fun.

Just remembered one of my best. Jedi Knight: Training Academy on the OG Xbox. Completed the mos eisly mission and the end cutscene started. The cutscene (which must have been in engine) had 2 sets of all the actors, with one set just standing around in the background for some reason. I think it had 3 of my main character too.

Or, they just forgot to include a swimming animation for goats. Humans don't live in water either, but Link goes in the water fine. Same with horses and Lizalfos.


Probably in those WWF N64 games.
The one where you could tilt the cartridge a little bit and it would glitch the music and the models.
It was one of the few times i actually pissed myself from laughter and I was probably close to suffocating.

Can someone please explain to me why my digimon always turn to poo?

It has some problems, but its basically a single player mmo with a fucking horrendous inventory system. Easily worth it on sale, if you can handle the standard 'single player mmo style'


Greatness takes time, I'm sure it will be worth the wait

Indev glitches are the best, I have too many of those to share from my time in the industry, my favorite was when I was doing a playtest of the Force Unleashed and using if you used the left stick while force grabbing something to pull it forward or push it back from you it would multiply the physics force applied to whatever it was you were grabbing, so if you did it enough you could launch shit at high speed.

I launched a stormtrooper so hard that when it hit a wall got stuck halfway in and started spazzing like crazy, and then after a few seconds it shot out of the level at some ridiculous speed that translated in game units to something like 1,500mph, then the game crashed because we didn't have proper error handling for shit that tries to leave the extents of the game level

because you let them shit everywhere, overwork them, or dont feed them


Does anyone have a webm/gif of the Fallout NV doctor's head spinning at the start of the game?



GTX 970

Runs the game perfectly on ultra, though I have Nvidia Hairworks off because I heard it fucked performance into the ground for a tiny visual boost.

I've always liked this:

They took it out in 3 (or maybe revelations, wouldn't be surprised, fuck revelations). Bastards.

Jesus christ


You're gonna burn, alright


Just remembered this gem:

In skyrim, every so often I would enter a house and all the objects would explode and fly all over the place, oftentimes killing myself and everybody in the house.

Once it happened, it would happen every single time I entered a new zone until I restarted the game



This is amazing. Please post more of it.


this happened to me a couple years ago while playing dark souls 2.
it would flash from this to pitch darkness with my character still there



People like you are why shitty rushed games happen. There's a million other finished games you could play but you choose to rush this one our the door and hinder it's potential.

>ford cossie

top taste user

I'd love for a cyberpunk Souls game to mess with your mind like that.


Glitching out of my lvl 22 NEET mage into a wagecuck in the game of Life. Haven't recovered since...




what game?




Hahaha holy fuck I'm dying.


I had this game back in the 90s, bought a legit copy from the store and it had a fucking bug that looped the tyrannomon fight endlessly. I was able to farm an infinite amount of HP chips but eternally stuck in a limbo of despair, unable to complete the story.
Later I found out that the bug was present in every single italian PAL copy of the game. Fuck that cesspool of a country.

>Bethesda makes working vehicles
