Who is canonically the strongest Final Fantasy hero and villain?

Who is canonically the strongest Final Fantasy hero and villain?

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Noctis and Ardyn since they are the only ones capable of killing each other.

Why is Y'shtola the postergirl for FF14? She didn't do shit.

Strongest protag is Lightning tho

because yshtola merch sells

The one with the spiky anime hair.

Lighning. But the best fighter is probably Noctis

Probably Firion. Can use any weapon to defeat the creator and the destroyer.

still better then the little gay cunt
should have been thancred

My nigga warrior of light killed CHAOS who is by far the strongest villain in FF history

Lightning, but if you count them by actual fighting ability and not having terrible writing god powers, it would probably be FFXIV's Warrior of Light

sephiroth is the strongest character according to nomura, so Cloud.

Now that you mention it, noctis made cloud look like he was from dbz while noctis is from dbs it terms of power levels

Lightning Returns has the most powerful villain and the most powerful hero.

Nomura is biased as fuck. Nigga probably never played the games he wasn't a part of

Lightning should be disqualified because the director tweaked things so she would be the first one to do Disgaea-level damage. He essentially cheated on her behalf, and for that purpose. All other things being equal, I'd go with Terra.

Sadly it has to be Lightning.
It's either Bhunivelze, or the Cloud of Darkness. The former is a creator deity that seems actually impossible to completely defeat, while the latter is the manifestation of a force of nature that is also impossible to actually defeat.

>I rate Zidane

Squall is the strongest protagonist because he prevented the enemies from getting balamb's precious hot dogs

What about terra?

Lightning has completely different powers across 13, 13-2 and LR.

Strongest? Shantotto & Shantotto (both hero and villain). Best hero? Squall


Terra is pretty stronk but I think out of the non-Lightnings, the FFXIV guy is probably still stronger.

Terra killed Kefka, who absorbed the Warring Triad, the WoL killed the Warring Triad themselves, along with most of the major summons in the series including the Knights of Round, as well as fighting a couple of final bosses from the series. Also soon to have killed Omega.


This. Cloud never had sword training and was just a military grunt with a gun, Noctis had combat/warp training since he was a child by military+ his dad who also served. Prompto is also crownsguard with arguably as much combat experience as Cloud did when he was a shinra grunt.

Both MMOs don't even have the lead character of the respective universe. Fucking Shantotto is barely in any content outside of her mini expac.

Going by in-universe events alone, Terra is probably the strongest in the combined SNES/PS1 era due to defeating a super monster by herself.
Zidane would have more potential power due to his position as a destroyer of worlds, but that potential never really matured.


He was able to beat the strongest enemy so far in any FF universe and he's also by far the coolest hero.
Only FFVIII fags think differently.

Well, if it DID have a lead character, FF14's should be Warrior of Light dude from all the openings


Shantotto is / was relevant through many plotlines before adoulin crap. The expansion was made just because of her popularity.

Who is the faglord in the III position?

>He was able to beat the strongest enemy so far in any FF universe
And that would be what, the robot house?

The best shota

Zidane wasnt a destroyer of worlds. He was the angel of death, tasked with swapping souls of world world for another.

Essentially, Lightning had a similar job in 13-2

So this is suppose to be the onion knight
Got it
Disgaea take I guess?
This is a mess

They need to make another Dissidia

Lightning is the strongest protagonist. Dissidia canon, not even joking.

Villain? Probably either kuja, kefka or ultimecia

FF13 Lightning is completely different to LR Lightning powerlevel.

FF13 Lightning was just a regular human with military training who got branded and could then use some basic spells and one summon.

LR Lightning was temporarily granted the full power of a goddess.

Dissidia Arcade hasn't even released on console yet

Light and Kefka respectively
there is no arguing here.

I meaned Dissidia obviously

Lightning is only strongest in a spinoff sequel, not in her mainline game where she was relatively weak.

Light not lightning

Kefka is about the 4th strongest at best.

>Relatively weak

lol, no

Yes, she's just a soldier who got some magic power. She can't even beat the biggest bad at the end and her party only wins because the lesbians are now diamonds.

Ardyn's 10 year world of ruin was more devastating to the world than Kefka's 1 year world of ruin. Ardyn is also immortal with Noctis being the only one capable of stopping him so Ardyn would be able to win against the other villains.

Pretty much this, the MC of XIV is the most broken of all.

Depends, Elidibus might be stronger than him, but we don't really know anything about his limits yet.

Lightning and Caius
I dunno why people are saying Kefka as he was a total pushover, did Caius even die?

She was literally a cop who would just beat up weak monsters that got too close to civilized places, once she was branded all that did was give her basic magic spells. She wasn't even the one to beat the final boss, vanille and fang were.

your mom

The strongest villains are probably ExDeath, Kefka, or Sin.

Strongest protag is probably Terra or LR Lightining.

Calling the 3rd game in her trilogy a spinoff
That's like calling Kingdom Hearts III a spinoff.

Kingdom Hearts III wasn't made because the protagonist is the director's waifu.

the only ones I know as being ridiculously strong are the villain of 2j, the emperor, who went to hell and beat everyone there, like the fucking doomguy, and the protags of ff5, which have a huge set of world ending abilities that all combine together

He did in LR since he stayed behind with Yeul harem and died with them when ff13 universe was erased. that's why he gave noel a yeul to keep.

Being immortal is hardly something unique to Ardyn. An inability to die doesn't mean you can always beat others others either, it just means you'll keep getting back up again.

I'll give Caius stronger antagonist, as he's
A. Immortal
B. Chaos Incarnate
C. Responsible for the whole Etro existing outside the realm of creation to begin with, which is responsible for the entire Fabula Nova Crysallis story arch

Not really getting the whole XIV argument here.

Not going to count Lightning, either, powers were "temporary" and she lost 'em. She's just a normal bitch now so her creator can jerk off the to the though of her meeting him in Paris. Even in her prime, on her own, she wasn't much to write home about.

Terra's a pretty good argument but she lost her shit at the end of the game, too.

Rydia's a pretty strong contender, at least when it comes to pure human.

Lightning Returns is a sequel like Dirge of Cerberus is one while also being a spinoff. Regardless her power between 13 and LR is completely different.

FF13 Lightning = Ex cop with sword skills and basic black magic.

LR Lightning = essentially goddess level.

I'd be biased if someone stole my children and turned them into faggots too.

It's also the fact that FFXIV's story goes on for so fucking long, too.

In FFXI the NPCs were the driving force behind the plot, in FFXIV it's the special snowflake PC who just walks around punching gods in the face for so long that the guy tasked with keeping the universe in balance is now shitting his pants desperately throwing whatever he can at the WoL in the hopes of defeating him because he is getting too strong for the universe to contain and is danger of just killing the shit out of anything that might sow darkness/discord/etc. and unbalancing light and dark, and he started doing this BEFORE the WoL killed Dioxander. Not to mention the way the story is going, it's definitely leading up to the WoL killing either Zodiark, Hydaelyn, or both. Most likely both.

Ok but on that note Ardyn has 2000 years worth of combat experience and magic, some we don't even know about.

XV version of XV guys are manlier than Nomura ever presented them as.

WoL in XIV has canonically mastered 4 different classes (All if you consider you ARE the WoL), defeated several God level enemies, survived the strongest attack of the strongest of those, favored by the Goddess of the entire world.

No, Kingdom Hearts III is made because of money and nothing more, the reason doesn't matter.

The fact of the matter is that there is a story trail leading up to her being a god killer, so it counts, it's wasn't, I could see if it went from her vanishing in 13 to her being what she is in LR but 13-2 is the link between them explaining the situation.

>eats a Knights of Round to the face and dies

>Warrior of Light version 14.0
>gets KOR'd
>starts beating the shit out of the Knights, tanks Ultimate End, kills them all, and stands there menacingly as they slowly die

>Not really getting the whole XIV argument here.
This fucker, pisses on gods.

Here's the thing, I don't see the FFXIV character as all that strong, he just seems to have a unique set of abilities and he's lucky as fuck.

The echo keeps him from being brainwashed, and there's arguments that it allows you to see the shit on the ground to dodge before it happens, which explains a bit, I guess, but otherwise the WoL is pretty -weak-, most Garland commanders, even GC commanders, could smash him into the dust without his friends.

In FNC mythos Etro kills herself which gives birth to mankind from her spilled blood.

But the power she has in LR isn't even really hers, she just temporarily had Etro powers before they were stripped at the end.

>12 and 13 were made by Nomura

>I don't see the FFXIV character as all that strong
He is literally so strong that in a single expansion the villains have gone from "HAHAHA YOU FOOLISH FOOL YOU WILL COWER BEFORE THE MIGHT OF ZODIARK" to "okay guys I'm literally shaking right now, how do we stop this guy?"

That's not even an exaggeration, Elidibus, who seems to know more about everything going on than any other character besides Hydaelyn, is legitimately concerned about the WoL being too strong.
>but otherwise the WoL is pretty -weak-, most Garland commanders, even GC commanders, could smash him into the dust without his friends.
There aren't that many fights in the game where you canonically get to bring friends. I think the only one where it's explicitly mentioned is in Crystal Tower, which was in 2.0. By the end of 3.0 you're soloing the Knights of Round and the Warring Triad.

in the mythos, yes, but in the actual story, she tries to bless Caius, which turns more into a curse of immortality for him and causes him to hate Etro, and eventually destroys her source of power in the mortal world

Okay, if canonically he's doing all that bit alone, I see it. Zurvan alone was supposed to have killed off 99% of the Allagans forces and if WoL is soloing that shit there's a problem.

Probably Lightning. I like to think it's WoL though because FF1 Warrior doesn't fuck around.

I don't really know much about the villains in the ones I haven't played. In the original Dissidia, probably Cloud of Darkness (even though she was shit tier). Now I don't know.

Zurvan is weakened when the WoL fights him, but since the EX fight is him at the height of his power, and technically canon, yeah, it is a problem especially since Zurvan is EZPZ in the actual game

In the Dissidia universe, Shantotto has canonically never lost a fight. Every win is the real Shantotto, and every defeat is an imperfect puppet. She is never defeated in the story mode, guards Cosmos herself, and disappears without being purified by Shinryu.

>probably Cloud of Darkness
You're actually not very far from the mark. Cloud of Darkness is probably getting a spot in the top three, if nothing else due to being an incarnation of the Void which really can't be beaten, only temporarily repelled.

Really, all villains that can be permanently killed by normal means are automatically disqualified from the running. That already knocks out Chaos, Emperor Palamecia, Zeromus, Kefka, Sephiroth, Ultimecia, Kuja, Yu Yevon and Vayne.

ExDeath is a weird fringe case.

>can be permanently killed by normal means

It's pretty much stated Zeromus can't be killed. He's no longer a physical body but a demented idea that can come back at anytime. At least that's how he told it at the end. Still not one of the strongest, though, at least not in any form that he was seen in the game. But powerlevels are pretty fucked in any of these games.

How strong is Bahamut in IV compared to V? There's no real telling there.

Vayne wasn't the villain of XII, the Occuria were, and they're immortal. Venat was only destroyed because they fused with Vayne.

Post-VII sephiroth was just malicious PTSD.

You seem pretty good with the xiv canon.
What was the deal with the warriors of darkness? Their worlds got eaten by the light or some shit? What's happening with that entire situation?

Isn't Shantotto completely broken or something? Never played XI.

They literately removed all darkness from the world and created a world where there was nothing to keep light in check, so it consumed it their world, or was going to till Hydalyn got off her ass.

So in the FFXIV universe there are 14 worlds. Worlds 1-13, and a world called "The Source" which is the world the game takes place in. They're all parallel worlds similar to The Source, but different in subtle ways. The 13th world was a world were darkness was stronger than light, and as a result the Warrior of Light from that world (Unkulakhai, the kid from the Warring Triad questline) failed to stop the forces of darkness, and his world was consumed by it and became The Void.

The Warriors of Darkness were from the First, where light was much stronger than dark, and as a result they killed all the Ascians threatening their world and destroyed dark completely, and because of that their world started to be consumed by light just as the Thirteenth was consumed by dark, and was basically turning into the opposite of The Void. The WoD ventured to the Source to stop it, because they were told that bringing back Zodiark would cause the Source to become flooded with dark, which would spill over into other worlds, therefore balancing their world and saving it from annihilation. During their fight with you, Hydaelyn intervenes, and tells them that the only reason their world was consumed by light was because she was too weak to keep the light in check due to nearly dying from helping the WoL kill Ultima Weapon in the Source. Since Hydaelyn ate Minfillia and was strong enough to actually act, and because the WoL is now obscenely strong and doesn't really need her help that much, she went off to the First to staunch the flood of light by taking it into herself. We don't know yet if she's actually going to save the First or if she just wants to eat the light to get stronger then leave it to be annihilated, because Hydaelyn might actually be a villain.

The Warriors of Darkness are either going to be taken back to their world by Hydaelyn, or just absorbed into her since they gave up their bodies in order to travel to the Source.

That's real neato. So world 13 is fucked, world 1 is probably fucked maybe, and world 14 is ours, "the source". What about the other worlds? We know anything about those? And what's so special about the source?

Lightning, depending at what point during LR you count. After her is Shantotto and then Noctis in a distant third.

Bhunivelze is a universe-tier threat and nothing else really comes close. Aftwr him it's probably Ultimecia and Caius.


Warrior, Dragoon, Monk and what else?

>sephiroth is the strongest character according to nomura
>Got anal wrecked by Sora

The Source is the original world. There was only one, until an event called "The Sundering" where an all-powerful being was split into Zodiark and Hydaelyn, and the world was split into 13 shards, all mirroring The Source (hence them all being similar worlds, with some having more balance towards light and some towards dark). The only ones we know anything about are the First and the Thirteenth, since we've met people from those worlds. That's also why the Warriors of Darkness look like the Warriors of Light from the original 2.0 trailer/1.0 ending; they're essentially mirrored copies of them. This is speculation, but my guess would be that instead of getting teleported away at Cartenau and their Eorzea getting fucked by Bahamut, they were strong enough to defeat the Garleans, stop Bahamut, and then defeat the Ascians.

Warrior in 1.0 and 2.0, Dragoon in 3.0, Monk and Samurai in 4.0.

C@, C@

Huh, alright. So what's up with the calamities and astral/umbral eras? That's gotta be connected to the sundering and all that, right?

That isn't the WoL as a Sam bro.

Yeah but she goes on to be a bullshit demigod marysue in the trilogy. Ignoring those Lightning remains a balanced, if wooden, protagonist. I'd put her above the likes of Vaan and Tidus but she's sorely mid-to-low if not low-tier. I'd maybe tie her with Squall.

Sora's pretty fuckin' busted.

Tidus is the most powerful FF protag.