What are your opinions on Game Developer's Conference and the presentations presented to the industry?

What are your opinions on Game Developer's Conference and the presentations presented to the industry?

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It's gonna get laughed at/backlash.

I say that image is pretty dumb, it should say end human protagonist as the default

I want the next Call of Duty to be entirely made up of giraffes with guns strapped to them

>end white SJW nonsense terminology as default

Why? That's who buys video games.

>End White Cis Gender Able Bodied Man as the Default

so they want a Black transgendered disabled man to be a thing?

wew lad


How intolerant of you.

we want the .013 percenters

Who's that?

Is this the future of video games? Why must every goddamn thing be related to identity politics.

Mobius 1

99% of the conference is shit about shaders models, new programming language constructs and you cherrypick the token shit session and imply its representative of the conference. Shit bait

Unfortunately, video games are where failed art school kids end up. If they fail at that too, then it's video games journalism.

>End White Cis Gender Able Bodies Man as the Default.

Because pandering to tumblr has worked so well in the past...

>Conference is about technology and relevant/interesting things
>still shoehorns in cancer
It should and will be known that this trash still persists.

>take out white men from games
>suddenly no sales


It's very frustrating to have to navigate through these game conferences and other game industry events where these crybullies have nothing better to do than complain about the social aspect of the industry because it's the only thing they're good at. Meanwhile everyone else is tolling to become better at the craft they are involved in, and they just don't have the time to bother or prevent these people from getting into positions of power.

No way this is fucking real - give me the source footage

>always blabber on about diversity
>meanwhile we sill lack games with playable skeletons, demons, dragons, aliens, robots, and other shit

>game narrative


THIS is why video games are dying. When you get HACKS who are deluded into thinking they can scribe some revolutionary story and thus the gameplay suffers.

Video games are about GAMEPLAY. Not Numale fantasies.

>Why must every goddamn thing be related to identity politics.

Because straight men made video games about their identity and thought women don't deserve identity.

Fuck, there no Asian default male for representing me so I mostly use white instead. I don't want to use nigger or blown turd.

If the gaming press keeps telling people that they're racist sexist misogynist shitlords if they don't want to play as a quadruple amputee transspecies otherkin, eventually they're going to believe it.

Mark my words. You feed kids this shit from an early age and it'll see normal to them.


why are gdc threads being deleted on Sup Forums?

Based shinji

But user, women dont play video games. Their identity can be found in the kitchen.

The opposite is true. Tell someone over and over again that what they say is racist what they do is rape and they give up and become like that.

Look at last year for example. Yes i know Trump and all. But you had the whole media juggernaught telling you that you are racist sexist and all of ther buzzwords for considering to vote for him. And what did it do it got him in to the white house.

Remind people over and over then they start to beleve it and join in with the real ones as they need to be part of a group for protection. The left made its own worse enemy.

I want to go there and loudly boo all of them
and then start chanting trump until they cry

who else wants to join me?

GDC as a whole is great
It has some cancerous devs though

>there are too many white people in videogames

im white, and I dont say "theres too many black people in the nba"

thats stupid logic

It's fucking dumb man. Plenty of games with well written nonwhite or nonmale characters. Wish these people would fuck off forever.

Lee from TWD is one of my favorite main characters of any game, let alone a black guy.

>Sup Forums not allowed to talk about politics
>everything in vidya is about politics now

jesus christ

What you're saying would be racist.

What they're saying is strong and brave and topical.

>what is Overwatch

If there's one thing that needs to be cleansed from the game industry, it's SF and all those pussies there.

Do these people not realize that Whites are the one that have created all great things they're using today such as telephones and televisions.

Not to mention White civilization through out history has flourish while other races have failed.

I mean, can anyone name a single thing blacks have accomplished in their history? And no, don't say Civil Rights because that was a mistake.

that would probably be a pretty funny game

push him off a cliff in a wheelchair

Well hopefully when the Western side of gaming implodes the Japanese side has a resurgence.

Gorilla warfare

Yeah, but Trump supporters are mostly over 18. They weren't raised on SJW bullshit. The current generation is, and a lot of them won't know any better.

That's why these types always go into journalism, media and academics. If you want people to think the same way you do, best way is to make sure they never experience any other alternative.

this board is already full of SJWs that CLAIM shit like Horizon or Mafia 3 are good games just to stir up anons to "rly get them thinkin", then thread after thread showing how fucking flawed and boring the game is before, AND after release, then those agenda games get forgotten and it happens all over again with a new one. can't wait for Bannerlord so I can rest in a comfy safe space while the dark ages are upon us.

>Not to mention White civilization through out history has flourish while other races have failed.

China? Japan? Do you really think whites invented gunpowder?

It was because of white people that blacks got civil rights.

considering the japanese 2020 olympics the kikes and pozed white cucks will do anything to push their shit on the japs

It's really becoming a problem in a lot of game development spaces, because these people go full throttle if they are offended by your opinion and try to get you banned/fired. They will attempt consistently to shove this stuff down your throat, because they know that otherwise, people will just avoid them.

This can't possibly be true

step 1 move into country
step 2 reproduce
step 3 take over the media

Just so you know you mentally degenerated idpol shitheads are the biggest cancer in the left right now.

howcome japan never complains about 'representation' in videogames


Honestly who gives a fuck? Every conference has a couple of sessions that are completely pointless, have barely anyone attending them, and they're there to serve some random agenda. You just don't attend them and attend all the other incredibly informative sessions. This doesn't even affect anyone on this board, I doubt anyone here has been to a technical conference let alone GDC.

ya but you don't see the same thing going on in china with everyone shitting on cis able-bodied chinese men and trying to replace them in their movies

White culture and civilization is still around while Chinese and Japan are completely different than they were in the past.

When I sit down and play a weeb came I know instantly it is a weeb came. While if you play a western game. It tries to be a melting pot and include all these different races and cultures destroying any cultural identity.

And it came back to haunt Whites later on.

Honorary white right here

The people who bring it up constantly ranting about 'special snowflakes' and 'muh sjws' and 'muh libtards' are just as bad. Both sides need to shut the fuck up. There's actual serious issues in the world and people choose to spend their time on this trash.

Many people.

Unwarranted Self Importance

Can someone please explain to me the problem here? (outside of able-bodied because that shit is retarded)
This isn't affecting gameplay or story in ANY way. It's just saying if you have a character, there's no reason they can't be black, female, whatever, which may I remind you was commonly used in the past, like you know with Metroid. Besides Other M, would any of the games be different if Samus was a guy? Absolutely not.

So what should be the "default"?

Should there just be no default at all?

Just, every game has character creation?

Should we make sure the baseline is black, trans, disabled women?

Transgender man is FtoM

Don't you have more important things to think about than what people at a conference you will never attend are talking about?

>The people who bring it up constantly ranting about 'special snowflakes' and 'muh sjws' and 'muh libtards' are just as bad

No, the idpol freaks are worse because they are actively poisoning the left itself and destroying the movement from within.

>man people who give a shit are stupid enlightened individuals don't give two fucks about their culture

It's ok for other places to have media focused around them, a Chinese traditional film full of Chinese actors is fine, Middle Eastern music being so heavily Islamic is fine, anything that seems too "Christian" "White" or "Western" in a majority Christian, White, or Western country is bad tho pls understand

>because I'm not there the terrible message others spread to others means nothing to me

What is this idpol?

Don't forgot the Sup Forums mods are a bunch of sjws as well.

I get ban constantly here for pointing out the hypocrisy of libtards and I got ban last time for pointing out that black behavior shouldn't be normalized in video games. As if the Hood culture is suppose to be ok or something.

The idpol people on the right are actually making real policy based on memes, like transgender bathroom laws, going all the way to the president. How is that not the same or worse?

>Should we make sure the baseline is black, trans, disabled women?
No, and this is the problem with the posters here. They're thinking everything has to be taken to the extreme, when it doesn't. Look at Tracer. She's canonically Lesbian because why not. That's what they're trying to get more of, not WE WUZ and MUH STRONK.

white people don't have culture

Actually, Generation Z (Those born in the 2000's, and over) are one of the most conservative groups since WW2



You're citing a Japanese game as evidence that Western SJW devs aren't pushing identity politics?

Not him but I've attended GDC before (was lucky enough to have an all access pass that got me into the talks) and this shit absolutely does affect devs and are well attended if there are big names attached to it.


I can't wait until these people get gassed

If you wear jeans, listen to rock, enjoy any modern conveniences of today, or speak english, you are partaking in white culture

>implying cis white men are going to stop making games featuring themselves just because tumblr asks them to

maybe there are mostly white men in games because it's mostly white men making the games.

almost 80% of earth population live in asia, africa and south america. if you want more of those people in games, then go ask them to make more games.

That's from the UK, it's just because so many of the younger children are muslim.

Write what you know is time-tested well-respected writing advice. Stop expecting white cis gendered able bodied men to build games around other things.

That you need to go be a whiny baby somewhere else.

Japan is starting to turn into sjw central. Kojima had a interview where he said he was afraid of the right taking over.

The same Kojima who who lives in a ethno place with little to no immigration, and he somehow can't understand why America leaned to the right.

I don't care about any of this shit. It's not like I immediately start believing everything I see and when the pandering gets in the way of the gameplay or story I simply don't buy the game.

while still doing drugs and hooking up

It's one of the dozens of sources out there on the internet, google it yourself if you're skeptical

>citing the Dailymail

No. What I'm saying is that it doesn't matter if the devs decide to make a character a woman. Samus is only a woman because they thought it'd be cool. If a dev did that today they would be boycotted for promoting SJW shit, even though it doesn't matter. You see what I'm saying?

>black behavior shouldn't be normalized in video games
Maybe because you should keep your shitty opinions to Sup Forums and it's barely video game related. What the fuck is 'black behaviour' anyway?

The other sources, while telling a similar story, are quite different from the article posted.

except for the whole tracer thing was incredibly tasteless and forced, almost like blizzard is making rage-bait on purpose

>I get ban constantly here for pointing out the hypocrisy of libtards and I got ban last time for pointing out that black behavior shouldn't be normalized in video games.
Probably because politics belong in Sup Forums, autismo.

Man that is some high quality peer-reviewed research they're basing it on
>Only 14 and 15-year-olds were surveyed, by brand consultancy The Gild, as they were classed as being able to form credible opinions by that age.
>surveyed by brand consultancy The Gild

I'm going to go on a limb and say its more of the political talk and how it is not vidya related even though porn threads get made all the time. Not disagreeing with you at all.

>Kojima had a interview where he said he was afraid of the right taking over.

When Japs talk about "the right," they usually mean politicians that want to remove the pacifist clause from the constitution, build up the military and confront China. Not social conservatives.

Maybe if more women made and played games that wouldn't be a problem. Also countless heroines already exist.

Now back to your Candy Crush and Facebook-ing over guy-of-the-week.

The point still stands via convergent validity that the newer generation is more conservative than this current wave of millenials.

>b-b-but the right version is just as bad!!!!!

Difference is the right's "idpol" isn't obstructing what the right is trying to accomplish. Also you can thank actual idpol liberals for giving them the power to make policy, since people who would otherwise joined the cause on the left are completely turned off by your moronic nonsense.

You're chastising people about thinking about trivialities in a fucking video game image board.

>black behavior

I don't like SJWs either, but there's a difference between anti-SJW and Sup Forums-tier racist shit.

Did it effect anything though? Outside of the people who made her their waifu, of course.

Black behavior as in video games and movies and television glorifying the hood culture that comes from blacks.

That's funny because it only seems to ban people who are to the right. You don't see mobs ban sjws and the leftist do you?