What is your favorite memory of playing TF2?

What is your favorite memory of playing TF2?

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uninstalling it

Trade servers.

Just spending hours upon hours jumping around, testing new weapons, talking to people, and scamming the occasional idiot.

>jerma finally streams TF2 again
>it's with his horrible new GF
monkey paw af

Over 9000 internets to you my friend.

>Playing Spy.
>Demo abuse. Stickies were fun

Playing it ofr the first time before hats or any of that shit. Just plain fuckin TF2 as it should have stayed, and you had to buy it too.

When it was called 'Team Fortress' and it was a Quake mod.

the official class update rollouts

I got an unusual

Playing with spy was the tightest shit

pyro in general, no other game has copied it right

>demo knight with loch-n-load
>engineer with widowmaker and gunslinger
>scouts with chopper and baseball
>gameplay before f2p

good times

Griefing deathrun servers by using the disciplinary action on people before a jump or a moving hazard. So that they would overshoot their jump or movement and die.

When I got really good at scout and regularly got 16-20 player kill streaks.

No, probably my favorite memory of Tf2: this one server had p2w. If you paid money you'd get a boost to health, fire speed, clip size, and speed. They offered it one time for free. Well I got it as scout, ran nearly 2x as fast, and single handledly spawn camped the entire enemy team. I don't think I died once.

reminder that if you didn't purchase tf2 before the freedom update you're a fucking faggot and probably underage

saxton hale, mario kart servers

>faggot for not even knowing tf2 existed
Tf2 wasn't even well known until it became f2p. I only bought it because the orange box was the cheapest thing at gamestop when I was 8.

>be spy
>playing on steel
>enemy team is full of scrubs
>score 38 backstabs in one round

i will never pretend that i was actually good, but it was fun.

I only ever met one scout that was better than me. We were going 1v1 on the duel servers and we were mostly tied when it came to the scattergun, but if either of us reloaded we'd be dead before we reloaded so the only option was to switch to the pistol. He was more consistent with the pistol and so killed me with it every time.

One more memory I thought was really funny: this engie was fucking our team with a turret in a doorway. There was a window above the stairs next to the doorway, but he would guard it with his shotgun. I got a bright idea: I ran up the stairs, sapped the sentry. As he was repairing it I jumped in the window, backstabbed him, and resapped the sentry before it could shoot me.

Clutching the final cap with like 10hp as a scout after getting just enough distance to turn and bonk a natascha heavy so I could haul my ass to safety.

Got banned for cheating shortly after from that server.

you definitely are underage if you think this.

Yes, I'm 14

Conc and rocket jump maps

playing it today and getting frags

Pre-nerf LNL
Pre-nerf Splendid Screen

Best fucking game ever and I never ever topped it since.

why am I always on tier 2 of these lists

based l'etranger

Mic spamming on trade servers

>game went f2p
>play as saharan spy
>no one reacted as I uncloaked with dr
>no one spy checked
>people didnt react as I shank their allies and they disappeared

>soldier kill streak of 86

>demoknight spree without a medic 50+

The day they released the conga line emote and all my favorite servers didnt nothing but dance with the enemy

Bought the Orange Box to start, so most of my practice rounds were in 2Fort. First time I did a useful sticky, a teammate had dropped the intelligence on the other side of the bridge and a soldier was camping on top of it, I came flying from the battlements, clip him with two pipes, grab the intel, turn, and stickyjump back to the same spot I left

Plus the once or twice a week where the xbox underage players raged and called me a hacker for being able to shoot heads was nice

playing before f2p ruined it

>7th grade
>loved tf2
>didn't go to school for exactly 2 weeks and did nothing but play tf2
>slept with the laptop in front of me, played until I got sleepy and fell asleep with it open
>decided one day to go to school
>it's 6 and getting daylight
>eat cereal
>take shower and get dressed
>step outside
>it's nighttime
>8 pm

Pre nerf Prussian Persuasion
>tfw getting nearly full HP from 2 sentry bits

Gotta be fucking unusual to play an almost vanilla TF2/HL2. Does it have aim assist bullshit?


When I unboxed a strange festive shotgun. And the friends I made.

Pretty much every evening in ctf_2fort_engipower. It was a small(er) server with a regular group of about ~30 of us, where pretty much everyone was more concerned with hanging out and dicking around than they were with actually capping (except for the nights where we bet steam currency on the games). It was not uncommon for the madness to spiral wonderfully out of control, as seen in pic related.

Most nights were just cozily hanging out with each other and dicking around, though.

I miss those fuckers everyday.

My whole time when I was playing, so 2008-2011, it was one of the best multiplayer time for me.
But I killed TF2 for myself not the updates, I made map for it, spend alot of time on it, and when I was finished, I couldn't look at tf2 anymore.

Fucking around with former steam friends, met two great people by playing on pubs, i wonder how they are doing these days

The skill gap between pc players and xbox players was unbelievably large. Larger than any game I've ever seen

type of players it seemed to attract

people just looking for a good time. community servers were awesome

what kind of Kenya savanna shit middle school did you go to where you can just be absent for two weeks

That's tier 3, the order is increasing downwards.
L'Etranger is bretty gud, I enjoy it with my annoying Spy build.
>Big Earner
>Dead Ringer
Prepare to never die and go fast all the time.

spending 40 hours a week on nemu's dustbowl


spraying gaping anuses on walls right where you turn a corner or have to walk through

I'm not sure. It wasn't a good US middle school and had lots of trouble makers, but I was just absent 2 weeks and didn't get any flac for it.

stabbing noobs when tf2 became f2p. Had my best laughs back then

Hard to name one.

-Kritzing mates and getting a shitload of assists.

-ScoRes + Loose Cannon shenanigans

-Using Battalion's Backup and standing still in front of snipers going for headshots

-Playing Cloak and Dagger Spy and doing nothing but breaking razorbacks

-Getting 6 doms as Sniper on Koth Harvest


>Play Engineer on 2Fort
>Build nest
>Go outside to do something
>Come back an hour later
>Have over 150 kills

This is when I was new and idling wasn't banned yet. Good times. For things I actually did.

>Rocket Jump randomly
>Goomba stomp an invisible spy.

>Tfw no Mario Kart server anymore

have fun with ur ban

>wasnt known before f2p
why not just die at an instant?

Mowing through enemies as Heavy with my Medic friend following me. I loved playing Heavy, but Medic has got to be boring as fuck.
Also, cancerous charging suicide-bombing Demoman was amazing to bring up the salt on public servers.

1v1 Heavy boxing ring matches

It was a simple time.

Teleporting into an enemy engie sentry nest as a spy only to notice that there were five other engies set up in there. Killed one engie by teleporting on him, spammed sappers and ran around like a monkey until the rest of the team realized the nest was being suppressed and pushed, destroying it.

beating some tryhard solly (very good player) in duels with nade reads from literally across the map.

Pony Fortress 2.

It was basically just regular TF2, but each team had a single "Hero" who had a shitload of health and a single modified weapon or was simply melee, and could build ult like Overwatch to either become a killing machine or buff their team.

But y'know, with ponies.

pre nerf Black Box
pre nerf Escape Plan
on any ctf server

also screen + caber was fucking fun as fuck. I remember laughing so hard charging and crit killing groups of people

Isn't it past your bedtime?


my brain doesn't compute

Getting earbuds for less than 10 ref some 7 years ago

The game mechanics itself was fun.

Wish someone would make something similar but with y'know, normal models. vs Saxton Hale or Freak Fortress isn't quite the same.

watching omfg ninja teach me how to spy

tiers don't descend user

Tier numbers are smaller the "higher tier" something is

many fun times in 2fort
>spend literally dozens of hours doing nothing but killing people as pyro with axe
>the rest of my time I spend playing engy just trying to build a sentry+ teleporter on the enemy intelligence
The rest of my time I played arena trying to get good with demoman/combat engy.


Well-said. Took the words out of my mouth.

Getting the team to switch to a single class. Building a sentry in the enemy's intelligence room + teleporters in 2fort.

Man am I glad that shit is finally dead.

Combat engie.

When I got the First Do No Harm achievement, that's the one where you have to MVP as medic without a single kill. I got it, the notification text popped up on the server chat and I had several people from both teams actually congratulate me.

That was a long time ago.

Cloak and Dagger

Christ that was my pinnacle as a spy
>headshot eng at first point
>let him see me
>charges me
>team destroys his shit
>instantly forgets about me and goes back to his broken stuff
>skip ahead mindless stabbing and headshotting
>last point
>same eng
>does not see me
>im at their upper spawn point looking down at his nest
>demobro comes in and gets a sticky off but he dies to ambush
>but enough damage for me to headshot eng
>sap his shit
>team pushes
>he respawns in upper spawn
>i avoid end of round kaboom going up to upper spawn
>backstab eng

I have that too, is it a rare thing?

>tfw these feels are lost like sand between my fingers

Make the hurt stop

Annoying Notch as a spy when he was streaming one time

being underaged and using micspam of voice clips instead of talking because I was embarrassed of my voice

where'd you get this?

The community servers, man. Made so many friends. Actually travelling to meet one of them right now.

I remember a few times me and my close friend would join regular servers back in the day and use regular game chat to lead the team. For some reason I'm a natural leader in games and most people agreed with my plans as we went on to cap that intel on double cross and cap on goldrush. But I think the big thing is being nice and always complimenting your team mates. I would always say something along the lines of good work and compliment team mates as I watched them play.

Not really, it was more the fact that a bunch of pubs showed the good sportsmanship to offer their congrats for it.

Man, I can't believe Valve decided the CABER of all things needed to be nerfed into the fucking ground. YOU LITERALLY HAVE ONE SHOT WITH IT, WHO CARES IF IT'S A POWERFUL SHOT?

>have a mic for years
>tell everyone I dont
>always use text chat
>to this day nobody has ever heard my voice and I think I still sound like shit so I dont use it

kill me

God spy

teamwork.tf, a site that went down recently but kindly released a large amount of data just before it died

>Medic update
>Get a Kritzkrieg early
>Krit soldier
>He nukes the entire enemy team
>Soldier gets banned by server mod for "crit hacking"

>tfw your top stats are still from first medic update grinding, because you needed all new achievements to get new guns.

>Man, I can't believe Valve decided the CABER of all things needed to be nerfed into the fucking ground. YOU LITERALLY HAVE ONE SHOT WITH IT, WHO CARES IF IT'S A POWERFUL SHOT?

>not hats and gimicky weapons
>befriending any heavy who was smart enough so i could heal trough the entyre match and mowing down the enemy with my übers

i want to fuck that rabbit



>have friend on other team as medic
>go spy
>disguise as heavy and get him to uber me as I stab someone
>rest of team starts shooting me
>quickly disguise again so he can continue ubering me and I'm invincible

Few people complained that he was intentionally ubering a spy, but everyone shouted them down saying he didn't know.

k e k

I played it for a bit before it became about hats. I really did not see what was so special about it

Remember that one time you joined a server where apparently everyone but you just installed the game for the first time?

Meeting an insanely skilled Finnish medic on a server full of retarded F2Ps and stomping everyone as stock demo. The one skilled player on the enemy team got so salty after we dominated him that he spent the entire final round typing obscenities into chat from his spawn.

I want to fuck that rabbit