Play vidya

>play vidya
>last chapter is named after the game tittle

Other urls found in this thread:

Name 20 games that do this.


It's okay when Ace Combat does it.

>be super genius
>able to guess the ending of a game 1/4th way through by the cover and title

>Act 10:
>finish it with what seems to be an anticlimactic ending
>screen fades to black
>fades back in
>Act 11: End of the World

>tfw to intelligent to be surprised by the plot

Name one (1) game that does this.

Shikkoku no Sharnoth


>play vidya
>final boss is the main character
>the only way to stop the time loop is to fight your friends.

>Game's name was changed in translation
>They still do this despite it not making sense

>The Witcher
>The Witcher 2
>The Witcher 3

>time loop
More to show the other characters that this was his dream and the only way for them to prove him it was more than just a dream was to defeat him and gain his trust and blessing for independence.
Losing could be seen as the actual good end since he wakes up in the real world

>game has chapters
>doesnt have 8, 10, or a multiple of 3 chapters

>Play Vidya
>Chapter name is "The bigger they are..."
>It's about you taking a huge enemy down.
Every time.

>Last chapter is just called finale

>play vidya
>first chapter is named after a meme.

>game has 8 chapters
>plus a secret chapter

dark souls

Paper Mario the Thousand Year Door

>first letters of the chapters spell out a sentence

>play vidya
>theres no real ending not even a boos just edgy tumblr shit and reddit tier "psychological" ending

>Play vidya
>Final boss theme is named after the game's title

>Play Compa
>She's a shit character

>dialogue from a kids movie manages to maintain rough sense of narrative and preserve emotional palette of source being parodied
>we will never have Shrek Combat: Swamps Unknown


>Dead Space chapters
Chapter 1: New Arrivals
Chapter 2: Intensive Care
Chapter 3: Course Correction
Chapter 4: Obliteration Imminent
Chapter 5: Lethal Devotion
Chapter 6: Environmental Hazard
Chapter 7: Into the Void
Chapter 8: Search and Rescue
Chapter 9: Dead on Arrival
Chapter 10: End of Days
Chapter 11: Alternate Solutions
Chapter 12: Dead Space

>Dead Space 3
Prologue: Beginnings
Chapter 1: Rude Awakening
Chapter 2: On Your Own
Chapter 3: The Roanoke
Chapter 4: History's Ember
Chapter 5: Expect Delays
Chapter 6: Repair to Ride
Chapter 7: Mayhem
Chapter 8: Off The Grid
Chapter 9: Onward
Chapter 10: Now We Know
Chapter 11: Signal Hunting
Chapter 12: Autopsy
Chapter 13: Reach for the Sky
Chapter 14: Everything Has Its Place
Chapter 15: A Change of Fortune
Chapter 16: What Lies Below
Chapter 17: A Strange City
Chapter 18: Kill or Be Killed
Chapter 19: Endings

Watch it buddy, that's my wife you're talking about

Aww shit yea

Your wife is cute but she's a trash unit.

thank you based nips

>protagonist is a Witch and her familiar, the Hundred Knight
>final boss is a fallen witch and an elder god that the Hundred Knight is born from
>"I guess you could say we're both The Witch and the Hundred Knight"
>Objective: Defeat The Witch and the Hundred Knight!

>Game has a numeral in the title
>Game has equal number of chapters

My fucking nigger that game was a ride

>Power of freindship
>Not even my final form
>Kill a god

Like a checklist for JRPG right there

>he plays translated games

Now take one (1) dick into the mouth.

Mob of the Dead?

Name one game that does this.

halo, gears of war, halo 2, halo 3, halo reach, Gears of war 2, Dynasty warriors, Dynasty warriors 6, donkey kong racing, *woah woah woah back it up there* Nah, nah, nah, I didn't say it was better than shrek!

>Last chapter
>It's a scripture quote

>last chapter is called Endgame



Anybody went to

Doom was all about this. "Thy Flesh Consumed" was my favorite one.

>games call levels chapters
>presumably in hopes that some of the prestige of literature will rub off on them
>nothing substantial changes

>The first stage of the game is the last stage of the previous game

>the last stage of the game is the first stage of the next game

Stop making these dumb threads low IQ subhuman, fuck yoru board culture you retarded nerd.

>faggot redditor enemy gets increasingly upset

>the beginning of the first game is the ending of the second one

>obligatory forced stealth mission into fortress when your character can decimate armies
>fight your way out anyway

>play vidya
>final level of the first game is the first level of the sequel

these pictures have the exact same size
why are the thumbnails different

pic relate.

Baldur's Gate 1 had my favourite last quest title. 'Tandem in Extremis'. For some reason it just sounded cool to me.

>strength and attack are two different stats

attack stat = how you're able to use your strength to attack

tfw when can't even spell "to" or "too" in the right context

>tfw to intelligent to differentiate between them


>Game has 8 chapters
>And five secret chapters spread out over four more endings

Attack is about power, not strength.

If you can swing a light hammer really fast, you are more dangerous than a giant mong who swings a giant hammer really slow


>"this is it"
>"this is tales of berseria"

>game title is game's main mechanic

>game title is game's name

>main enemy of your game is the hero the whole game needed
>friends get super pissed you sided with him
>main character is forced to gun down and slaughter all their friends
>you and the main villain an hero to be heroes

>play vidya
>the Bad End has you singlehandedly fighting and killing all your friends