>From are working with Sony Japan Studio again
>The Kamiya-helmed Bayonetta 3 will almost certainly be exclusive to the Switch
Can we count on the salt mines being opened up again for these two?
>From are working with Sony Japan Studio again
>The Kamiya-helmed Bayonetta 3 will almost certainly be exclusive to the Switch
Can we count on the salt mines being opened up again for these two?
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Can we bring yesterday back around? Cause I know how I feel about you now.
why are you posting whales on a videogame board?
A good series ruined by shitty platform exclusiveness. Not even a good platform either. Bayonetta 2 only for the Wii U? Who thought that was a good idea?
Fuck Japan, seriously.
>The Kamiya-helmed Bayonetta 3 will almost certainly be exclusive to the Switch
I didn't realize Sony Japan was making Nintendo games.
Kaceytron's cute! And big! Big girls are best!
But in answer to your questiion, yes, it'll probably make people angry again. Though whether or not it'll be to the level of Bloodborne and Bayonetta 2, well, I guess we'll have to wait and see.
Well it was either Bayonetta 2 for the Wii U or no Bayonetta at all.
What's sad is that a lot of people would rather there be no game than it being a Wii U exclusive. People outside of Sup Forums too.
She has nice tits but her face is too fucking fat.
yea nintendo was the one that funded the game when sega couldn't
Explain. Because it seems to me that Sony or Microsoft would want a sequel to a popular game on their system if they could get it.
Anyone who has ever watched a twitch stream for more than 30 seconds should be euthanized.
Platinum pitched a Bayonetta sequel to multiple publishers, all of who passed on it. Ninty were the only ones actually willing to fund the game. Sony were probably ones of the ones who actually did pass on it actually, since they were still angry with Platinum over that whole PS3 thing at that stage.
The original wasn't some runaway hit that publishers were duking it out over to get the rights to, it only managed to actually start shifting a decent amount of copies when it became a $20 bargain bin title.
Bayonetta is a shit series but I hope From makes Bloodborne 2 on PS4.
>bought ps4 for bloodborne, got PT, yakuza, nioh and about to get nier
>bought wii u for bayo 2, also got w101, dktf, splatoon and about to get zelda
I don't get why it's such a big deal. Decent PCs are fairly cheap too, only 6-800 bucks to run pretty much everything reasonably.
Who /ohwow/ here?
>salt salt salt salt salt salt
I hate this place. I just want more Bayo, I don't care what system she's on.
Kamiya doesnt do sequels to his own games OP.
He perfects it the first time, it never needed a sequel.
And to add to this, Microsoft might well have funded a game like Bayonetta 2 for the 360 in 2006-08 (They funded Itagaki-era Team Ninja twice for Ninja Gaiden games, so it was hardly a foreign genre) but when Platinum were shopping around a deal for it, MS were already in the Mattrick era, where traditional videogames were being phased out in favour of Kinect garbage.
So in a couple of years, we went from this...
to this!
that's where you lost me
>implying Kaceytron isn't the meme queen