Why can't people who liked this game just die? I want fans or anyone who found enjoyment out of Skyrim to be lead into a room and be gunned down, I'll be so fucking happy when they're all dead.
Also, Skyrim Hate Thread.
Why can't people who liked this game just die? I want fans or anyone who found enjoyment out of Skyrim to be lead into a room and be gunned down, I'll be so fucking happy when they're all dead.
Also, Skyrim Hate Thread.
epic bro
You think you can just talk shit about my game like that, kiddo?
le /vee/ is hateful and edgy and hates popular games meme
I enjoyed it for like an hour before realizing how empty the game really is
I will never understand how this game is so popular.
My main reason for disliking it is the combat mechanics. it's horrible and boring and when you hit something you never get the sense you actually hit something.
I persevered for maybe 4 hours because I wanted to give it a chance. but it's terrible.
You can go anywhere bro
See that mountain? You can climb it
You seem quite upset that people like a game you don't like. Are you sure you're OK?
t. zeldababby or soulsbabby
They made it perfect for normies who just want to turn on the xbox and have some fun after work. Zero substance, zero challenge, generic AF medieval fantasy, dumbass leveling system and perks, but if you're a dumbass normie or if you just want some escapism you can enjoy it casually.
Skyrim is the best elder scrolls game which isn't saying much considering Oblivion and Morrowind are both steaming piles of shit.
I think Skyrim is a good game.
It is the best combat in TES by far. Try hitting stuff with 2 handed weapons and you will feel a sense of weight.
Trying to hate stuff to fit in is faglord tier.
Why can't people understand I sometimes just want to kamehameha dragons and decorate my house with food items?
It's not a good game but is' a great time waster.
After Skyrim and Fallout 4 how do you think TES VI will turn out?
Will it just be a generic open world action game with ZERO RPG mechanics?
if they get rid of the main character being able to talk then it will be fine
Still better than Morrowind.
complexity frightens of casual gamers, which means less sales.
of course it will have even less rpg-mechenics.
still, it will have a better, more smooth fighting system so people will still defend how it has so much "improved" like they did with fallout 4.
although, i think bethesda will take their time with elder scrolls vi.
bet they will start working on it when the eso community starts to drop, so I guess in 2-3 years minimum.
>Swing sword left
>Swing sword right
>Slomo overhead chop: the game
It's fucking retardedly boring. It has the exact same enemies and combat at level 1 as level 50.
>complexity frightens of casual gamers, which means less sales.
>of course it will have even less rpg-mechenics.
>still, it will have a better, more smooth fighting system so people will still defend how it has so much "improved" like they did with fallout 4.
It brings up an interesting question.
Would it still be a decent TES entry if they removed skills, and leveling rewards consisted of perks? "muh combat" seems to be the saving grace of Fallout 4, and would it be that unbearable to give TES a similar treatment with refined combat, streamlined builds and zero micromanagement?
I think it's due to the first-person console rpg genre being incredibly sparse
Normies like first person and they like consoles
but it's fine when zelda does it
Not even close. This is some plebbit tier shitposting.
You mean as only being able to learn a skill or passive ability unless you finished a certain quest testing you on a certain field? IE: 5% increase to bow damage after successfully killing a flying eagle?
Good for you lad. I enjoyed Skyrim. Every bit of it. Paid $60 when I first heard about it and fell in love with it on my first play.
Compared to older titles, Oblivion was somewhat playable, if the slow leveling and wavey sword mechanics didn't kill the mood, as well as the potato people of the shire.
Morrowind, that's a joke by today. Horrible directions, dice rolling combat, and the chance that an important character could be randomly killed by a random event, thus resulting in you having to reload so that doesn't happen hopefully? Rose Tinted Glasses my friend.
Kill yourself reddit
TES is really about the lore, so all you really need it to be is a medieval themed librarian simulator where you go around finding disorganized books and putting them back on the shelves in the right order.
Nah. Post Waifus
>he likes things that I don't like
>therefore he must die
Come on now.
>complexity frightens of casual gamers, which means less sales.
Have you considered that maybe we're all casuals and Sup Forums just doesn't want to admit it and lose their sense of superiority?
>complexity frightens of casual gamers, which means less sales.
then why dark souls sold a lot of copies?
Im not saying that is "LE IMPOSIBLE IS SO HARD THAT YOU DIE 150 TIMES BEFORE YOU EVEN INSTALL THE GAME" but neither is a easy game if you are unaware of the game mechanics
Whats funny is I honestly think that ESO has the best combat out of the whole series.
>"post waifus"
>picture of a dindu cat
Kahjit are for genocide, not for fucking. They are as bad as the lizards and the cannibal stealth-sniper elves. Furries get out of my fantasy universe REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Put more effort in your bait
dark souls is hard, not complex.
>Kahjit are for genocide, not for fucking.
but he is right, you filthy degenerate.
It's neither.
I remember some fat faggot who was talking tes5 is the best game ever. He told witcher 3 sucks becouse you dont have magic there and also plot is not as good as in skyrim. Graphic in his opinion in witcher is worse than skyrim. From this day i hate fat muricans
>spend few days modding skyrim
>looking forward to the ultimate rollplaying experience
>start playing
>it's the same old shit but with mods
>get bored 1 hour afterwads
Its the best porn game at the moment if you mod it a bit, why would you not like it?
Are you gay or something?
What took you so long?
That is some shit post right there m8.
>I don't like this game.
>Game that was released in 2011.
>Let's talk about game I don't like, released in 2011, in 2017.
>Game bad guys.
When will Sup Forums finally admit this game has had a lasting impact on gaming instead of pretending it's just a bad game. You wouldn't be talking about it if it was a bad game.
>TFW no sexy voice Argonian male to make sweet love to.
Also all the Argonian women sound like they smoke entire factories.
There won't be a TES VI. Just more Skyrim V remastered editions.
is this new sales strategy for Todd?
It it get's a remaster, that says alot. Especially compared to Oblivion and Morrowind.
Also I hope ESO 6 takes us to Elsweyr.
Say that to my face cunt
Argonians > Kahjit
I think Skyrim got the special edition mainly because they saw the option to sell the game on the new generation of consoles, but without allowing mods or adding content themselves, who would buy it again?
And since original skyrim is absolute shit at handling memory ... voila, remaster.
Say that to my cunt, Todd.
What did they even do with the remastered version?
All I see is that they made it seem more colorful and added cancerous effects like depth of field
They've broken mods as well.
Thats it. They also downgraded the sound quality. Yes, downgraded. For fuck all reason. And I would assume the game can now handle more than a 256 memory block by default, hence you are actually able to mod it without it crashing all the time.
Well they forgot that most good mods need SKSE. And the SKSE team cant just conjure a 64bit version out of their asses. Why Bethesda didnt cooperate with them to have 64bit SKSE ready on launch is fucking baffling.
Skyrim is shit, the other TES games also being shit has no bearing on that. If you're argument is "its better than these other turds" then I agree with OP, get in the kill box.
The people who say mods save it are degenerates using it like a lewd doll set.
Its better than Witcher 3.
>My main reason for disliking it is the combat mechanics.
Combat mechanics have been shit since Arena user, how underaged are you exactly? Skyrim is the least shit.
To be fair, oblivion introduced the first "real" combat that wasn't based on dice rolls. It was decent for its time and fans were just excited at the advancement from the terrible morrowind combat system.
However its 2017, and they probably started on TES IVXXXIXIIXIXII right after finishing the garbage FO4, so it will probably be done in 2018-2020. I will heavily research it beforehand and if it doesn't have an upgraded combat system, such as combos, chain attacks, blocking, parrying etc (think something like For Honor perhaps) I won't even consider buying it.
Leaving it as-is would just be a gross slap in the face to progress and a disservice to fans.
But since gamebryo etc I wouldn't be surprised if they dropped a "we can't actually upgrade the combat system cuz of the engine" line on us.
My point is to piss off the op because he's such an autist to assume everyone who browses Sup Forums all agrees that Skyrim is shit. This board is run by autistic people who want to feel superior to other gamers just trying to have fun because there has to be a line between Sup Forums and the rest of gaming, when in reality, no one gives a shit and just wants to play vidya.
So fuck you, I like Skyrim, deal with it.
>if it doesn't have an upgraded combat system, such as combos, chain attacks, blocking, parrying etc (think something like For Honor perhaps) I won't even consider buying it.
Oh god, I hope to god they don't do that, this will be end of the series. I can understand that you don't like the simplistic combat of TES, I do, but I don't want them to touch it, under no circumstances, just like I don't want them to change the engine. I never played TES for the deep and tactical combat, just like I never played it for its amazing graphics and 10 trillions polygons and mocaped animations.
Spending time on shit like the combat you want means less time will be allocated to what defines TES games and make them different from other game series. They were never about combat or next gen graphics, and I hope they never are. I just want Skyrim but with Oblivion quests and even better mod support so I can add more complex RP mechanics.
>games are shit if I don't like them
every time
Just out of curiosity, what games do you like?
I impulse bought morrowind and have never played it before. What am I in for?
Cringe in its purest form unless you mod it to remove stuff like dice roll combat.
>Spending time on shit like the combat you want means less time will be allocated to what defines TES games and make them different from other game series
But they've actively destroyed everything that defines TES games. At this point all that remains is the open world, and a higher level of non-hand holding compared to other games (though map markers for literally every quest and treasure hunt is bullshit).
Notice I didn't say it had to be like for honor either. Just SOMETHING that's an improvement. I usually play heavily armored melee characters in TES games and I'm just tired of lmb, lmb, lmb, lmb, lmb, lmb, lmb, lmb lmb, dead, loot, lmb, lmb, lmb, lmb, lmb, lmb, lmb, lmb lmb.
And if that wasn't boring enough, the melee talent trees in Skyrim added nothing really of value to how melee combat is performed. Most were the now common "Increase damage by 5,10,15%" meme level passives, which in in my critique in game design are lazy copouts to actually coming up with something interesting.
Is there a specific mod that does that best? I haven't tried the dice roll shit, but that sounds horrific.
The thing about morrowind is the freedom and tools are way better than oblivion and skyrim, but everything else is pure shit. Animations, graphics, sound, AI, everything is pure shit. The freedom & skills/tools are not enough to make it worth it, which is a real shame because a modern morrowind would easily be GOTY, no, GOTdecade.
TES has an identity of Open World RPG, among other things
Taking out the RPG aspect completely and making a shitty Dark Messiah clone is a good way to fracture a fanbase, just as Redguard and Battlespire did
Can't tell you which one it is, haven't played muh rowinds in ages and I have it installed vanilla atm.
I played it at release so I don't mind it, but I have to admit it's one of the most retarded gameplay design choice I've ever seen. If you've never played oldschool isometrics RPG you're gonna want to kill yourself, but if you're somewhat familiar with the concept of dice roll, give it a try, it won't be that horrible.
Just go on the Nexus, it's gonna be among the most popular mods.
>Most people here don't even know Redguard and battlespire.
Well, maybe that's just me, but I think modding is a core concept of TES games. It's one of the reasons why TES games CAN be considered the best RPG out there, you can literally make it into your own 10/10 masterpiece, can't be more RP than that.
> (though map markers for literally every quest and treasure hunt is bullshit).
This is fixed with a mod that rewrites every quest in the game and removes the marker
>and I'm just tired of lmb, lmb, lmb, lmb, lmb, lmb, lmb, lmb lmb, dead, loot, lmb, lmb, lmb, lmb, lmb, lmb, lmb, lmb lmb.
I added locational damage, 2 combat overhauls, 1 dragon combat overhaul, realistic damage, dodging, blocking that requires timing, magic that make Dragon's Dogma look like shit, hundreds of new lore friendly enemies, fixed scaling and whatnot, new NPC AI (humanoids have group tactics, have access to your modded spells, animals have a food chain), new stealth mechanics. The combat I have is pretty great. I play sneaky and now have stuff like water arrows to extinguish torches, rope arrows, dwemer spiders, bombs and shit.
>the melee talent trees in Skyrim
Perkus Maximus or Skyrim Redone. They rework everything in the talent tree, aswell as crafting, alchemy, spell trees, etc...
They improved the open world aspect, the AI and NPC scripting, the combat feeling and other things, butchered the RP elements (because there isn't a single game series out there that doesn't try to appeal to a wider audience), but allow for better modding with each new game. And with mods you can literally fix and improve almost EVERY aspect of the game you dislike.
I can understand that some people are against modding, but the way I see it, you have to mod a TES game, they are made with modding in mind. Playing vanilla TES is like buying a car and pushing it. There's a reason why they're the most moddable games out there, and you can mod stuff and tweak .ini files to insane levels from day one.
Not trying to convince you, just giving you my opinion.
Show your steam I bet you have minimum 50 hours in it.
>he thinks a mediocre action fantasy game with barely functioning RP mechanics isn't shit
Do you also like Dragon Age Inquisition?
No mod saves skyrim. Not one. I've tried far more than I should have.
>moves goalposts and assumes I like game X because I don't hate on game Y
Nah I didn't like DA:I. Wasn't no way near as bad as Sup Forums made it sound, wasn't very good either. It was just ok. Good pirate.
And you haven't answered me, what games do you consider good?
Well, that's your opinion and I respect it user. I liked vanilla Skyrim, just like I liked every TES except Arena (because fuck Arena), and after modding it properly I can say it's a great fucking game. We're different people user, maybe you like MGS or Zelda while I don't, it's ok.
If Morrowind had been released today, but had Witcher 3 graphics or similar, there would still be endless shitposting about every blade of grass and every pebble, things being ugly and "unrealistic", in addition to complains about dumbing down, casuals, lore rape because it's not 100% the same as Daggerfall, SJW "pandering" because Vivec exists and generically every little flaw real or imaginary blown out of proportions. The deep lore and philosophy would probably be sees as gimmicky.
The game would be considered normie casual trash by Sup Forums.
>morrowind fans
>i liek numbers and being told wat house to go 2 lol *slashes right at you* *misses*
>Skyrim fans
>I like exploring the world and its rich lore! I prefer realistic, visceral gameplay, as well as having the freedom to roleplay my character without having arbitrary restrictions imposed on me. Skyrim is my favorite game in the series due to cleaning up outdated RPG systems and therefore creating a much more immersive experience. Thank you for listening to my argument, sir.
There's no point listing games I like because the only reason you want me to is so you can attack me for it. I don't know why you're so butthurt about having shit taste, just embrace the fact you're a casual who likes a braindead 'RPG', it's fine.
hi rebbit
well it wasn't too bad when it came out 6 years ago
muh mods
no really, some mods are actually really cool
>the freedom to roleplay my character without having arbitrary restrictions imposed on me
Sure, Dragonborn.
That's literally every major TES game.
>taking an obvious bait post at face value
you speak the truth.
>fuck all that GAMEPLAY shit, I just want to WALK AROUND and READ THINGS
Thousands of Minecraft adventure maps exist, maybe those would be better for you.
because i can create women that look like this.... so no i will never dislike this game.
also stop playing on the console, get into mods.
Countering belligerent nonsense with even MORE nonsensical belligerence. Great moves user! Keep it up! ;)
I don't agree with those guys, but waking around and reading things is still gameplay.
t. 12 year old pcmustard redditor
Skyrim is fine. There's a fuck ton to explore, playing on legendary is pretty exciting and there are some really awesome events. Obviously the combat is sub-par, but that doesn't mean the entire game is bad.
What I'm worried about is all the casuals supporting arena shooters, MOBAs and fucking virtual card games. Everyone playing those types of "games" is supporting the death of the industry. Fortunately there are a few good companies out there that understand this as well and still want to make videogames. Larian Studios, Crate Entertainment, From Soft, Hell even Bethesda is at least trying. They may have turned casual but at least they haven't gone full Blizzard. Though I think they are making a virtual card game...
>played with a toaster that could barely run skyrim for years
>finally get an alright computer
>decide to play skyrim with mods, something I've never done before
>all I want is something to make it look nice and something to make it so I can be a girl and get raped and become a sex slave and then get pregnant and discarded only to be raped by wild animals and giants
>got so far as installing the unofficial bug fixing patch and the skse or whatever the heck it is before giving up
>platinum trophy on ps3 and ps4
>own 4 copies of the game
>was in the 8th grade when it came out
>not even over 1k hours played
>never even heard of elder scrolls before i played skyrim
>easily in my top 5 favorite games of all time
get at me fags
>upgraded combat system
It is a must.
>such as combos, chain attacks
No, if TES becomes another edgelord DMC/Bayonetta, TES will die. It need to fell more realistic, but buttonmashing combos wont really add a sense of realism. I want combat like in Mount and Blade, not unrealistic shit like in Kingdoms of Amalur.
>blocking, parrying
Already in the game, only needs an upgrade. Blocking succesfully could stagger the enemy, as could shieldbashing. Riposte was already a thing, it just don't capitalize enough of it. As I said, needs an upgrade.
>can't afford a computer or both
Get a job
We already had this thread a few weeks ago, OP.
What the fuck is wrong with you
Did someone who liked skyrim call you gay in a game or something
you lie
>tfw someone wants you to die, and know they're an impotent little fuck who can't do shit about it but cry and snivel on Sup Forums