Randy Pritchford/Blunderborn thread. As always...

Randy Pritchford/Blunderborn thread. As always, the objective is to get more posters in this thread than the total number of people who play Battleborn.


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I remember playing the beta and the menu looked like it was on a PS1.

Why does he always respond to randos on twitter? This tweet and the one from the OP are from today.

Thanks for free advertising, virgins.


more like "insecure overwatch players trying to reassure themselves they didnt buy a shitty game thats only worth it for porn you dont need the game to enjoy by bashing a similar, less successful but not much worse game" thread

You need it, Randy.

Who's worse, randy or burch?


For every 1 person that buys blunder born cause of Sup Forums 5 choose not to

I constantly see people ripping on Battleborn for the fact that it has no players, but it's much more attackable for being an amazingly shitty game.

Randy is a shittier person. Burch is a megacuck but Randy is a liar and a thief.

we got all that out of us with brink
it doesn't mean battleborn is better than brink, we're just too tired from it

Burch is more pathetic. Randy seems like a bigger fuck up


>Only 5 people choose not to
Its a lot more than that my friend.

>Hey Randy we need another character for battleborn
>How about a penis
>A penis?
>Yes, a literal penis

that's a bigass guy

>start to feel bad for Randy after seeing him bashed for the millionth time
>remember what a thieving, lying asshole he is who also bullies potential customers
>wonder why Randy doesn't get more hate

Sounds like a clear and lucid design doc, Randy!

>it's much more attackable for being an amazingly shitty game
I feel like the UI is the easiest target. Nothing says "badass" quite like having at least a third of your screen covered by UI elements.


I hope you mean BADASS

plenty of people play shitty games, look at the rabid fanbase that surrounds Dark Souls. but Battleborn is unique in that it failed spectacularly.

>badass used on the cover multiple times

no wonder this flopped


I don't get what the hell were they thinking with the character designs. Not only they look like shit: they straight up don't have a common theme. It's like everyone in the building designed their own character so they didn't have to hire an art director.

what did he mean by this?


>While supplies last

They'll probably last until the heat death of this universe and the next one.

Get ready, there's something even worse than Battleborn.

it's the Duke Nukem storyline from the shit port of Bulletstorm:


So did he ever actually retract or otherwise explain his shitting there? I've never seen it.

Imagine what their fusion would be like



I saw this and it's just a Duke model randomly shitting lines that don't even work in context during dialogues. Also the lip sync is fucked.

>I don't understand the English language

Why would they do this?

And he's acting like le wacky cartoon sidekick. None of it makes any fucking sense.

90's Duke would never cower from some robot nigger or let someone choke him.

Looking at the 2K store, they really are still in stock.

The worst part is that they're overly-dence and over-designed.

Overwatch has a bunch of fanartists because you can easily speculate about the characters and their jobs/ roles at first glance, without even playing the game.

Here's McCree if he were a Battleborn character. As you can see it was a bit too obvious that he was a cowboy, so he was given a bunch of extra asymmetrical doodads that helps obscure his face and his role in the game. Is he a human or an alien? Who knows, the cool accessories are more important

Given how only SJWs aren't jerks in his twisted world-view, judging from the playerbase of Battleborn he got his wish.

This is fucking lazy. Also they are asking almost full price for this. Not even a discount for people who already own the game. Gearbox can't get any more greedy than this.

>BAMF buckle

Did randy just see this picture and think "I should make that into a character in my game"

Gearbox is cancer.
You can tell St. John doesn't give a shit about it too.

He still makes better games and is far more successful in life than you op

Nope. He just pretended it never happened and moved on.
It's the smart thing to do. If part of your job involved convincing people to buy your product, why would you EVER admit that you're a dirty liar? I bet if someone asked him about it on Twitter, he'd just block them.

Jon just wanted an excuse to stay sober for an afternoon.


Being the 2nd biggest walking joke of the industry, having a landwhale wife and an embarrassing hipster child isn't exactly what I would call success.

Funnily enough, the most Gearbox-esque part of the character is part of Blizzard's design.

Someone should tweet at him "Hello, I'd like to tell you your game is my favorite MOBA of all times! Keep up the good work!"

Is this Battleborn/Gearbox/Pitchford mess the ultimate source of schadenfreude?

>Implying he was sober for this shitshow


Heh heh.

Monkey's Paw is the ultimate asshole-Genie.

they spent the money for duke and by god they're gonna make the most of it.

also just learned theres a bulletstorm remaster.

What do you think the employees of gearbox think of Randy? There's no way they have an ounce of respect for the guy, and I can just imagine a group of people enjoying lunch and Bitchford just pops his head into the group with his dumb grin and says "hey what's everyone talking about let me join in on this BADASS conversation!"

Why even make up a lie like that though. To make himself look cool? How could he not predict that someone from Valve would set the record straight? it's just baffling really.

90's Duke (mostly on PS1 and N64) does not resemble the garbage that was Forever, and if Randy thinks "Forever Duke" or "le wacky cartoon Bulletstorm Duke" is what people want, he's going to cry himself to sleep when Bulletstorm tanks AGAIN.


The Poker story probably DID happen. Just not with the Gearbox name or with Gabe Newell. I am willing to bet that Randy won his wife in a poker game that he lost.

Nah, they're having a separate "Badasses only!" lunch table with Anthony Burch, where they look down upon the common plebs of their company, wondering why they are so uncivilised as to refuse to become cucks.

It's not even a good lie. It's basically writing a short story where he is a Mary Sue and everyone applauds him at the end.

>that last tweet

I almost feel sorry for the guy

Wow. Obscure cartoons from the 80's have bigger porn communities than Battleborn. How fucking sad is that?

Is this self awareness?

As much shit as Randy gets, I kind of admire his tenacity. But I have to wonder why anyone at Gearbox thinks it's okay to let him keep running his mouth and digging a bigger hole for himself. Even John Hardin knows when to shut up.

He created it himself for sure


That's just sad, everything Randy is, is just sad now.

Because he's the CEO and likely the kind that doesn't like to be told what to do. I'm guessing meeting with him are the same as a child.
>Randy, singing a song about our consumers being bigots is a horrible idea and here's a 50 pages dossier explaining why

Randos relative to what though, it's easy to reply to randos when you only get like 3 tweets about your game a day.

im only interested cause they'll finally remove GFWL from bulletstorm. but im not sure its worth $40.



Daily reminder that Randy is only allowed to continue existing in the video game industry because of the profitability of the Borderlands franchise. Also the reason PreSequel wasn't simply named Borderlands 3 is because Randy is well aware that putting out a mainline Borderlands game and having it bomb would be a death sentence to his career. So he put out PreSequel so that if it underperformed, he can blame the fact that it's not Borderlands 3 and claim that the Borderlands franchise is still plenty profitable. Randy probably begged TTG to use the Borderlands license because he knew they could do what he couldn't, make a good Borderlands game, increasing the profitability of his fragile franchise.

Honestly, I'm sure there a few self-aware people in there. The rest probably are in some sort of Stockholm syndrome and actually find him funny.

the game is literally called pre-sequel. its just to keep cash flowing while they make 3. 2 is moderately popular even to this day so they just released it again essentially.

I just want the Borderlands and Duke franchise to be sold to some competent dev. That's all Gearbox can ever do to put a smile on my face.

Anyone got those gameplay webbums?

Randy is the shit lord.

Burch is his apprentice

Its like the sith, only instead of the dark side its faggotry.

how is Bulletstorm? i tried it at a comic convention and it seemed cool, but i never played it.

You're welcome, Randy, you absolute badass!

Randy by far. Anthony Burch is just a terrible writer and a pathetic human being, Randy Pitchford is a colossal fuck up an active destructive force that ruins everything he touches
>Bought and ruined Duke Nukem by shitting out the mess that was DNF rather than putting effort into making an actually good release
>Killed the Alien franchise in vidya forever with Colonial Marines
>Bought Homeworld and shit out an extremely buggy remaster that needed more time in the oven, break mods with every update and basically kill off the Homeworld modding scene
>Put own company on a path toward bankruptcy by spending a ridiculous amount of money of a very risky new IP, not bothering to market it at all, and picking an internet fight with a new Blizzard IP even though the games are only superficially similar
>Borderlands will probably be killed off next because BL3 has to be rushed out for Gearbox to stay afloat, meaning could ending up having to compete with Destiny 2

Burch is the bigger walking joke, Randy is the more damaging one to their company.

Thats what they actually did i think, they bassically had everyone make a character and then try to one up eachother and make them as over the top as possible. Then just took the results and filterd them into 5 diffrent factions.

ahead of its time, it came out before people wanted fun shooters again. its just an ok game, but it probably would have done better if released like 3 or 4 years later.

Randy is WAY more badass than you nerds.

How did the Quake tournament end up?

Disagree there. It came just in time for the "yeah, fuck modern military shooters". If it came out in this generation of consoles it would've looked meh at best.


>Baldy and Jeff couldn't let randy win

Keyword is almost.

Imagine the depth of hubris this required

It was ok, but it had a problem with the tone of the story going back and forth from whacky offensive to you suck serious quite frequently. Also they tried to tie gameplay and story together, and it just makes the backstory alkward.

As for gameplay, its fun for one run, but with no newgame plus and a fundamentally booring base kit(including the fact that you cant jump, which is odd for a game like this)and point/ money system that is meant to force you to try youre hardest to irk out every kill combo you can, instead of making it more natural and encouraging you improvise rather than plan. And its really linear alot of the time, despite having really interesting locations from what i can remember. It juat felt like it was far too controlled, like they wanted you to have the fun in a specific way at all times.

This. Muh terrorist takedown was causing groans even 5 years ago.

It's great in everything but level design. Not as good as Serious Sam, but on par with Painkiller.

Eat me.


Not hubris, stupidity. Most likely from the same idiot who thought saying "badass" all the time was good marketing

I dunno, story had issues, and it never felt natural the way the game handeld its overkill for points thing. It was always just set up and spam, never felt like you were actually being clever or skillful with the varying weapons you were given. Like there was no real experimentation or real chaos involved.

Hahah what a freakin' nerd alcohol is so badass I drink heaps more than he ever could haha.