So to everyone whos played it, we can all agree the franchise is dead right?

So to everyone whos played it, we can all agree the franchise is dead right?

It died with Skyward Sword but BotW cements it.

It's heartbreaking, I'm going back to Majoras mask

So far its really good and I doubt a better game will be released this year (maybe Mario Odyssey if it doesn't get delayed).

Theres already been 3 better games (Nioh, Yakuza 0, and horizon)

why does Horizon get so much shit for having some shitty fog while this game has the same amount of shitty fog AND average graphics.

I've only seen post about BotW having shitty fog, I've never heard any complaints about HZD.


Breath of the Wild looks good on a TV screen and handheld screen.


what's bad about it?

>Breath of the Wild looks good on a TV screen
I seriously fucking doubt that

>I don't like it so it's bad

This is basically the gist of it.


>400 dollars for a game
It better look fucking good m8 or I'll instantly return my purchase.

>no criticisms are valid because I don't agree with them

Wind Waker didn't kill it, and that was a much worse game. What makes you think this will?

Well there you go then.

Are you saying WW is worse than TP or SS?

Yes, by far. I suppose Spirit Tracks MIGHT be worse than WW, but otherwise it's objectively bottom tier.

>not lonk.png

im disappointed

You would have a point if the "criticism" wasn't blatant shitposting. This applicable to Horizon as well.


>everything is shitposting if I don't agree with it

not dead, but definitely not zelda anymore. it's like the simpsons.

that awful combat.

Yeah, it's comical how badly WW fucked everything up. Thank god those days are over.

It's not a 10/10 game, but it is a 8.5/10 game
So predicting based on what I said, Metacritic score would be 95-97

xD Wooooow really? Like seriously dude? Fucking Wind Waker? What it doesn't have enough guns in it for you or something? Go back to playing your CoD shit you fucking idiot because obviously you don't understand real games with actual originality Hahahaha

I just can't fucking wait to dive into this wordl and explore the woods, mountains ,deserts...

but my fucking postal service will miss friday and i'm away for school sunday till another fucking friday, this is so hard.

I didn't say every piece of criticism was shitposting, I'm saying the people that post obvious shitposting don't post actual criticism that contribute to the discussion.

I wouldn't say dead, it will sell well.

But it is basically shit by now. here's what I feel about the game:

>Barren, and empty.
>Too big, unecessary big.
>Full of fetch quest, like Koroks seeds.
>Too many mountains, you have to hike a lot.
>Hiking takes forever and is tiringsome.

>Shrine are easy and small.
>Dungeons are much smaller than previous games and have some dumb puzzles, non-intuitive puzzle into it.
>Bosses are uninspired and clone to one another.

Enemies and combat:
>Lots of Reskin with few enemies variation.
>Bad AI.
>Damage Sponge.
>The camera doesn't follow you around behind your back.
>The lockon doesn't lock easily.
>The lockon doesn't cycle through the enemies.
>Your shield an sword breaks too easily, really, it breaks a lot, specially on mini-bosses.
>Quick Time event if you dodge.
>Feels like a dumbed down version from Twilight Princess battle.
>Knockback is strange, you can't really knockback the enemies, unless you are using a heavy weapon, it is strange, can't pinpoint exactly.

>Pretty confy, good characters.
>Bad dub.
>Nice villages and cities.

>Too much inventory management. The stuff is intense. Water temple is nothing compared to it.
>The way you cook is kind of dumb, you should open a menu when interact with the pot instead.

Based sonypony

BOTW is just the Wind Waker Triforce hunt except on land and spread out across a game instead of the last act.

WW was following off the direct acclaim and legendary appeal of OoT, as well as MM.

It also had the excuse of being rushed out in a few years, while BoTW had 6 (SIX) fucking years of development.

Holy shit, you nailed it!


All people who is complaining about the game in the posts sound like people who decided they didn't like the game before playing it either, so I think it will be fine. All i've seen so far looks pretty damn hype, and people who is enjoying is having a blast.

So yeah, we've got Zelda for years.

Jesus is this legit?

Was having second thoughts about picking this and a switch up, this definitely sounds awful though

>I won't trust people who are actually playing the game, I'll just trust my own hype!

Let me know how that works out for you in a couple days.

lol no, that guys been posting that copypasta in every BoTW thread for the past two days.

Yes, everything is fact, not "biased opinion", but I didn't like that.

But I really like the NPCs.

I didn't even went throught the poins, low framerate, strange color pallet...

Why the switch? Dont have a wiiu to pirate?

Are the dungeons truly bad? Cool dungeon designs are the primary thing that made the series worth playing for me.

I hear wallpaper engine has great graphics.

>le ebin greentexting for (You)'s

>lets make up some meme criticisms and hope they stick

So, lets see those timestamps from those who've 'played it' sonyfriends. :^)

TWO DAYS, holy shit, I'm just doing it now, for about 3 or 4 topics because I don't want to retype again. Calm down Nintendrone.

Lol, they went lazy with this one. those shrines are gutted puzzles

Red Dead 2

it's metal gear solid 5 all over again

and like MGS5 it's ultimately a good game but with serious problems that run deep through its entire design

this is why you never get excited for anything ever. stop hyping things up to be 10s. cautious optimism is the way to a happy life.

Sonyfriends are playing Horizon though

Not that user but yes, most of what he's saying is fairly legit, even if it's copy-pasta. He's especially accurate in regards to dungeons and enemies.

He didn't mention the music though. The soundtrack is extremely bad and forgettable, sometimes even outright bad at parts.

The only good dungeon design in the series are from MM. Every other Zelda game has a linear path to objectives usually based around a central hub.

Not bad
Not amazing
Not great
Results may vary

>*bland and forgettable


I'm impressed you admitted to it at least. The fact you see nothing wrong with this is a bit worrying though. You never played it btw.

>on land
Already better.

Also BOTW has real combat rather than QTE, so that's another reason it's objectively better than Wind Waker.

There's lots of reasons Wind Waker is shit, and the circumstances surrounding it are unfortunate, but it doesn't change the fact it's shit. No one's going to cut CDi any slack because of the Phillips fiasco.

>Knockback is strange, you can't really knockback the enemies, unless you are using a heavy weapon, it is strange, can't pinpoint exactly.

You didn't play the game, huh? You can stasis enemies and knock them back.

He's not wrong about most of it.
This open world is pretty shit. I also hate the ost. It needs to be more than ambient

Yes, they are extremely small, tedious, uninspired and with non intuitive puzzles.

Also, remember this, Open your Map when doing the dungeon, because you can "interact with it", I lost a lot of time before figure it out.

Can't even compare to the TP, TWW or even Ocarina ones.

Wow, you are not seriously defending the BotW dungeons, are you?

>BOTW has real combat rather than QTE
This game literally has reflex-mode tier QTEs whenever you dodge.

Thats the point. Until one of them can produce proof that they've played the game, we can dismiss the criticism as consolewar shitposting.

Right, so once again we have one of these shit threads. I will post this again because it bears repeating:

People who love the game:
>Every single professional critic (of course ALL of them were paid off)
>People who have played the game with an open mind
>Fans of Zelda

People who hate the game:
>People who haven't played the game
>Shitposters on Sup Forums
>People who hate Zelda
>People who want the game to fail

Now this leaves us in a position where we are receiving a severely distorted perception of the game.

We have the Sup Forums shitposters who are desperate to see this game fail and they've been controlling the narrative for the past few days.

But they did the same with Bloodborne and that is now commonly accepted as a masterpiece on Sup Forums.

This is what is going to happen over the next few days/months/years:

>Professional reviews will start coming in heralding the game as a masterpiece
>Genuine Zelda lovers will play the game and start sharing their positive opinions
>Shitposters will go all out, desperately trying to force their narrative
>Fans of the game will be forced to use the positive reviews to fight off the shitposters cause you gotta fight these fucks on their own retarded level
>Common opinion will slowly begin to change
>The game will slowly be accepted as a masterpiece
>Shitposters will start being laughed off like they are with Bloodborne

Having played the game for around 19 hours now, I can confidently say that it is a masterpiece and a 9-9.5/10 at the very least.

This will be echoed by professional reviewers come Friday morning.

Did you just call majoras mask a movie experience. what the actual fuck.

Sup Forums seems to be the only place where people have a negative opinion of the game. Do all the early players have a clause in their embargo that says they can't criticize it or something?

That classic outfit is cool AF, but can you get Link to put away his smartphone?

I played the game. It's ok

nioh obviously.

No, that's not what I'm talking about.

When a enemy is about to hit you, and you hit him frist, he should stutter a little, like any other game. In this game is all wonk and strange. The knockback is more like throwing the enemies away, or the enemies throwing you away.

>I'm impressed you admitted to it at least.

WTF? Are you feeling okay, user?

Ever heard of the honeymoon phase? Any negative opinions is called shitposting

He literally said the only good dungeons in the series are from Majora's Mask, are you fucking inept?

That still require the correct dodge in the first place and allow you to choose inputs rather than executing a randomized counterattack. Not QTE.

Why is it like MGSV? Everyone keeps saying this but I don't see it.

There are multiple hero's tunics though.

How does the game play on the wiiu? Might have to dust off my wiiu for BotW.

>trusting game reviewers to not overhype the shit out of things based on initial impressions
nah, not again

Doubt it'll die. But it will be hard to move forward after all the stuff they stuffed into this one.

I said I'm impressed you just outright admitted to spamming your shitty copypasta in every thread. You aren't that bright.

Keep you negative opinions out.
This board will murder you for insulting zelda.

You're the only sane user in this thread :)

Massive open world with sparse repetitive content. They focused more on making a game with impressive scale rather than meaningful things to do.

>Sup Forums seems to be the only place where people have a negative opinion of the game.


>Everyone who disagrees with me didn't play the game: The post.

I was extremely hyped for FFXV and seeing footage made me more and more disappointed with the game until I played it and hated it very early on.

Zelda footage and streams are only making me more and more excited for the game.

There seriously must be something I'm missing.

>replying to yourself

More copy-pasta, opinion immediately discarded.

He is doing that to make the BotW dungeons look better, are you fucking inept?

That's pretty good company to be in then. Those are 3 quite good games, by most accounts.


It doesn't matter if they're different flavors of shit, they're still shit.

A lot of stutter, framerate drop, but in general, it is playable.

im playing it and its FUN

yes the graphics are a bit shit but ive seen worse and have been around since the fuggin nes

Pictured: you

What you see is what you get.
I wish it was better. This open world trend needs to die


It's pretty much cognitive dissonance to like that game but hate botw.

Zelda really did have sex with Skrim.

But I like the TP, TWW and Ocarina dugneons, what now?

I hate to sound like an autist but this combat looks so god damn shallow after playing Dark Souls

Maybe he's a nintendrone though

>implying Rockstar wont delay it for two years

Persona 5

Not going to say Horizon because it's not that good.