how to combat russians in videogames?
How to combat russians in videogames?
Don't play cancerous games. You'd be surprised of how much more tolerable russians are in anything that's not csgo or dota.
>im fucking plying
Slavs are fucking terrible no matter the game
Russians are the easiest people to play against though.
I need a fucking source my man
This is legit softcore porn on day time tv
By actually getting gud instead of crying on the forums. Russian players won't suddenly drop in skill to match your level just because your Sup Forums memes told you they are inferior.
It would be 100% normal in the US if you just said it had some sort of health benefit.
That's russian TV show about health. You know, how to keep balanced diet, prevent infections, do proper exercise, medical stuff.
I don't know the context of this episode, but the sign at the back says "Rules of Movement", so I'm assuming is that he's rubbing her thigh in order to increase blood circulation no, not in your penis, user or to relax muscles.
Shit man, I can't be really bothered to check.
>hacking takes skill
But they aren't good at all. I live in Lithuania, they're all terrible.
Stop playing shitty games like CSGO, Dota and R6.
>tfw Russian
>tfw it's the others constantly ruining my games
This is the main reason I quit Dota 2. Can't stand carrying braindead retards from Germany, Swedecuckistan and the biggest cancer of the EU servers - Greeks.
I hate Swedes in CSGO. They whine and bitch all the time.
pic related, apply to yourself.
They're the best friends you can have. The thing is that they are hard when they talk, so it feels kind of weird when they play CSgo and such, but when you get to know them they're great.
No, they are not. I've met many intelligent and cultured Russians in DayZ mod and other lesser-known online games.
Greek here and I can confirm that most people that play Dota and LoL here are underage, little kids so it explains most of the cancer. But you have to admit that you cykas aren't any better, Poles and Russians are just as bad and they aren't even underage.
Kek, no, Stavros.
All the Greeks I played with had mature voices. You're all just too lazy to learn to play.
Go to bed Hillary
>he doesn't know that the most high-autism games like EVE Online and Jagged Alliance 2 are played primarily by slavs
The main issue with Russians I have is their lack of English skills. They apparently don't learn the language at school and that makes it impossible to talk to them online. It's not like I use my native langue to communicate either and go through the hassle of writing and talking in a foreign one so I can interact with strangers online on a common ground - which all goes out the window when a Russian comes along and just sits there in his own bubble, refusing to communicate or learn the basics. I was 7 when I had to learn English to understand my video games and they just don't and then exect to be fed in their own language. I like to imagine this being result of political ideology that does not acknowledge the English language and Britsh/US rule and influence in the world and tries to undermine it by enforcing a Russian-is-the-only-thing-you-need-to-know policy in schools and their society. Either way, it's incredibly backwards and even Chinese and Japanese are easier to communicate with.
On top they do not seem to have a several decade old culture of video gaming and self-improvement and apparently just play for the hell of it, which they probably enjoy a lot but everyone else finds annoying as after a few days of messing around and having fun I'd expect a human to at least grasp the rules/mechanics and try to actually win the game instead of trying to break it by running against a wall again and again that will not move because game design and programming do not magically change as result from ignoring them.
Lastly there's their childish nature of insulting eachother when everything else fails. The average intellect of that country has to be incredibly low when logic and reasoning are not part of daily communication and structure. I wonder how educated Russians are mean to one another but whenever I think of the Soviet Union or modern Russian science I tend to image the intellectuals live in a secluded enclave with everyone outside the walls being dumb and poor.
>it's a "psychotic russian drunkard babbles to himself in his gutteral slavshit gurgling the entire match" episode
I don't really think they are human. Too many of them act like this. They just make noise to make noise, and don't give a shit that nobody else speaks their horrific "language"