Why do people focus so much on "much historical fallacies with black people" instead of the fact that the game is fun as fuck to play, looks and sounds great?
Battlefield 1
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Because it isn't and doesn't, probably.
It didn't look good to me
No fun allowed.
>Appropriate contemporary liberal sensibilities to peddle iteration XVVLLL of your shitty war game
>black people are in the game for like 15 mins.
that's the issue OP, unless someone wants to meme shitpost racist ass motherfucker out of that one.
(but really, no one wants to have a racism battleground dialogue on the back of shitty shooter games.)
black history month is over
lets discuss irish involvement in ww1
Because the game isn't fun, balancing is a mess and progression requires too much grind to get anything
The playerbase is absolute shit though.
Doesn't the actual game have just 1 black guy or a black guy on 1 class like all the previous bf games? why exacly are peopel complaing if what I just said is true? seems like Sup Forums was pushing the idea that all classes had black characters when in reality the images they posted was of the same class being used the one with the black dude making it seem like all classes had black characters.
>instead of the fact that the game is fun as fuck to play, looks and sounds great?
Because it's not. Battlefield 4 is more fun and has better sound design.
>too much grind
You can unlock all the weapons in a class minus the rank 10 one in about 4 days. What are you talking about? This game is piss easy to level up.
The game is fun, but seeing shit skins everywhere is as immersive as hearing an "american" character speak engrish in anime.
>Battlefield 4 is more fun and has better sound design.
Still good time to get into it? (PC)
That would implicate that the game is good enough to enjoyably play for 4 days doing the same thing over and over
>there were 2 blacks in german army during ww1 2!! one and two
25% of german army in bf1 is black
Literally does not matter unless you come from white supremacist Sup Forums.
If they made a Vietnam game where Australians are plastered everywhere just like the blacks are in this people will be upset
>BF4 has a better sound design
good one user.
>Alternate timeline where Aussie shitposters are the majority of soldiers in Vietnam.
>Vietnam is successfully freed after the enemy has been driven insane.
>Go inside a bunker
>Hear jets flying outside loud and clear, like as if you were outside
Get it when all the DLC has come out and the price has dropped.
I did that with BF4.
BF1 just doesn't nowhere enough content to keep you interested.
Well Tripwire is planning to add ANZAC to Rising Storm 2.
>instead of the fact that the game is fun as fuck to play, looks and sounds great?
It's not, it has never been since BF3 or if you want it hardcore, it has never been fun since BF2.
Because I didn't actually buy it despite like the demo period. If the price of the full game is more than two digits then you can fuck right off.
Say what you want about the gameplay but it's a nice looking game you creep
Because its an imbalanced shitty game. DICE should have never made a world war 1 game, they essentially made a reskinned BF4 because they didn't have the balls to make a WW1 game where almost everyone had bolt action rifles.
Also the French and Russians are DLC but the Americans aren't.
60000 Australians took part in vietnam
If they made a realistic WW1 game, or a realistic shooter in general, it wouldn't be a battlefield game.
>not waiting for sales
never buy a battlefield game on launch, just wait few months until you can buy the whole thing for less than "3 digits"
or wait 2-3 years to buy it for 20 or $30.
battlefield games have always been a reskin of each other, take a look at BF2/BF2142
>If they made a Vietnam game where Australians are plastered everywhere just like the blacks are in this people will be upset
Err...bud, there were over 60000 Australians involved in Vietnam.
It doesn't need to be realistic, just balanced. DICE need to copy the balance of call of duty 1.
>it's a nice looking game
No no user.
theres far to much black and brown colors.
not enough White
>Play bf1
>Join game
>Tanks are fucking unkillable and can repair themselves somehow from the inside
>Can't do shit about airplanes by myself apart from absurdly lucky shots which will never happen often enough to be a counter to them, they just fly around freely killing people all over
>People on horses are fucking gods with suddenly turbo kevlar armour forcefield all around them making them absorb bullets
>No fun battlefield moments other than sniping people in planes or whatever which never happens or when people do stupid shit like crashing a plane into another plane and they both blow up
Nothing to do, work on the next battlefield stop releasing shit for this one it's hardline all over again
Err...bud, there were over 1.7 million Indians involved in WW1, many of whom were on the western front
Because people enjoy shitposting more than discussing video games here.
Wait, by Indians, do you mean the red ones or the yellow ones?
I reckon the game's pretty good honestly. I never really got into the other Battlefield games that much but I like this one. I really wish there were more maps though, and each class having four guns with three variants to choose from feels kind of lazy, though maybe there's not enough shit to choose from for WW1.
Supposedly hardcore fans of the series despise this one though.
t. I haven't played the game
The brown ones. 400,000 muslims, the rest mainly Hindu, Sikh and Christian
explain how you got 25% of the german army in bf1 is black when you can choose your own class.
In about 160 hours bf1 I have never seen a black German soldier.
Its actually a pretty fun game if you are into playing games instead of into feeding your autism.
Sounds like someone needs to git gud
You honestly never notice the character models unless you melee someone. Pretty funny to spin a German around and hammer their face in and it's a nigger though lol.
It's the best Battlfield in ages. Good class balance. Vehicles are strong but not OP. A good team can manage an enemy behemoth and still win a match. Graphics and sound are incredible. Voice acting is fantastic. Operations is the best BF game mode since CQL.
The only problem I have with the game is they're taking way too long to release new content.
What? There are 2 black German models, the scout and the cavalry.
What's really strange about this game is that the UK side has black soldiers, despite the fact that the UK wouldn't let the blacks fight because they saw them as savages, whereas they saw the races of the Indian subcontinent as "warrior races".
>voice acting is fantastic
>run past an Indian medic
>extremely strong Yorkshire accent
Because I've never played it, even though I always come in to talk shit about it. I liked the Battlefield series user. This isn't it. It's just the bad company series and EAs jealousy of CoD in vidya form, shitting up the BF name since 3.
I disagree about tanks and cavalry. Good tank players have a ton of survivability but that stuff about cavalry is straight up wrong, focus fire on them and they go down easy.
Planes seem like more trouble than they're worth to take down though, but they don't really affect me because I don't really sit on the point unless I need to anyways.
What's your point? Aren't they in BF1?
I heard that the PC version has horrible problems with hackers that the devs seem hesitant to fix. I heard this on the /vg/ general and they have a tendency to overstate things though.
Multiple classes are black including factions that didn't use blacks on the frontline or who had none at all.
In another political climate it probably wouldn't really bother me.
>400,000 Muslims
Suicide vests in BF1 when
I won't deny that there were black soldiers in WWI.
What I will deny is black soldiers all over the fucking place. It's like my grandpa. My grandpa fought in WW2, but that doesn't mean my grandpa fought all of WW2.
Okay we seriously need a list of all the black classes, because I'm pretty certain there's only one max for the four main classes on each side, and one doesn't even have any.
Also I like how you admit that this silly shit doesn't matter but your politics won't let you let it go
>indians are muslim
>My grandpa fought in WW2, but that doesn't mean my grandpa fought all of WW2.
What a pussy. My grandpa stormed at least 3 Reichs all by himself
Have you played the game? The character models of the people you're shooting at is the last thing on your mind.
You really suck dude.
I've taken out tanks with fuggin Scout.
Germans: Scout and Cavalry
British: Scout and Indian Medic
Americans: Scout
Ottomans: none
Italians: none
Austro Hungarians: none
French: Assault
In about 500 hours in PC, I've come across a total of about 9-10 hackers. It's to be expected 2bh. I just leave the game and join a new server.
That's even less than I thought there were.
Yeah, doing 10 damage to an already broken vehicle with nobody inside it but an AFK driver doesn't count
>wtf dice why can't I easily destroy vehicles by myself
wooow It's almost like you're not supposed to be able to
All classes have means to damage tanks though. The guy that inevitably pops up in /BF1g/ to bitch about tanks during his 90min of total gameplay needs to learn how to do something about it.
Not that guy, but what the heck does medic have?
>france is dlc
>russia is dlc
>balkans don't exist
>austria hungary is entirely german
>3 guns per class
if this game launched with half as much content as bf4 did, it would have twice as much content
>implying that wouldn't just make the game better
find waldo
HE rifle nade and light-AT nades
That's only because my grandpa figured he should leave a few Reichs to someone else and not hog all the fun to himself.
To be fair, tanks are much more powerful in bf1 than they are in previous BFs.
Oh fair enough, I never dick around with medic stuff much since taking anything other than a health crate and revive syringe feels like I'm just gimping myself and my team.
The games been completely normified, the potential impact you can have on the game has been reduced to the point where any retard with 200h can have the same impact as someone who has poured thousands of hours into the series, it's fun for the first 100h before you realise that
>that the game is fun as fuck to play
objectively wrong
its literally the same run'n'gun we had for the last 14 years
The game is shit. You would only think otherwise if this is your first battlefield. I don't care much for shoe-in niggers being in places they shouldn't (in video games) but when it's this blatant it really ruins the immersion for me. If I want to play a world war 1 game I want historical accuracy above all. Either that or make a fucking character customization option.
Are you sure you're not just shit at the game and mutter 'fucking niggers' under your breath every time you die?
How is run and gun not fun? Literally the staple of FPS games since its birth.
>objectively wrong
how about you objectively hang urself
>I just want to spam WE memez
I actually uninstalled it yesterday because it's not fun as fuck. it's frustrating because it's so bad
Pakistan was still a part of India back then you idiot
>I just want historical accuracy
>only complains about black guys
It has more glaring historical accuracy issues
Run and gun is fun when the weapons actually fucking work. the hit detection in BF1 is atrocious
>but you did not complain about X!
We did but for some reason the response is only about subsaharan africans everywhere
I could forgive the inaccuracies if the game worked
>fun to play
the gameplay was biggest disappointment to me in this whole thing. it´s just shitty compared to doom 4
people being people
I don't like it, I don't have any influence on what I do in the game so it feels like nothing was accomplished
It's already $30 on psn on sale
The game is easily the worst designed and balanced yet but as you said it's impossible to discuss this because everyone focuses on freaking out about racial matters.
If BF1 does anything "right" it's the hit detection. It's not perfect but it is lightyears better than all their previous titles bar BC2 Vietnam. The only issues that arise now are the lack of ping limiters and region locks allowing 350 ping chinese to swarm NA servers, outside of that you really don't find yourself having shots go through people or get hit around corners.
but it's not fun. hit reg is awful and people appear out of fucking nowhere all over the goddamn place. it's like playing tdm 24/7 on every mode.
The hit detection in BF1 is fantastic. Perhaps you should move from Australia or if you actually live in the developed world, try actually paying for good internet instead of using the free shit you won in a box of cheerios.
I don't, and I agree with you 100%.
Best BF game in many, many years.
This game is disrespectful to the millions that died in that conflict.
All war games are
BF1 netcode analysis