How come Australia doesn't develop any video games?
How come Australia doesn't develop any video games?
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Because bloody gubment
Literally seconds in google would've informed you that they are, even if you're unaware of them you dumb fucking amerifat.
> b-but name me 3847 triple-A games from Kangaroo Land!
Australia is the most expensive country to develop games in right now which is why there's very fucking few. We have a thriving but cancerous indie scene however.
Australian government is very anti-videogame so why would you establish a videogame company here.
We're a cultural wasteland in general anyway so it's probably for the best.
Can we just nuke Canberra?
they made path of exile
Has there ever been a game actually set in Australia? I can't think of any.
Mad Max
LA Noire nigga.
Mad Max :^)
Forza Horizon 3
>tfw moving out from parents' home to Canberra next year
I'm scared. What's it going to be like?
Mad Max?
It isn't viable as a full time career, publishing is more expensive among other financial stuff and this whole country is backwards in regards to Vidya.
Generally, the classification system is fucked, they banned Hotline Miami 2 for a skippable rape scene even though the R18+ rating exists, mean while 50 shades of grey got an MA rating.
Really boring, but prostitutes are completely legal at least.
Government literally doesn't fund or offer tax concessions to ANYTHING artistic compared to any other developed nation.
Instead we blow it all on fucking training a pack of retards to get shat on every once a week every 4 years because 'sports is important for muh social cohesion.'
Australia develops mostly phone and indie games at this point in time. The last big franchise to come out of Australia was Ty the Tasmanian Tiger.
Seeing us all say Mad Max instantly makes me sad. Australia could be such a good setting for some games
It's an extremely clean, sterile and boring hipster city. I went there for a two week stay and stayed on the NSW side, Queanbeyan the entire time.
Ironically weed laws there are relaxed, only a $100 fine
Prostitutes are legal everywhere in Australia.
Fucking empty.
Every time I go there it's a ghost town without the parking of a ghost town.
Used to think it was half politicians, half transformers growing up.
Now, I mostly agree, but we don't want to give Victorians any more leeway with their faggotry.
Is there really nothing to do? I want to stay in Sydney with friends and family
>, but we don't want to give Victorians any more leeway with their faggotry.
Fair deuce, but i think a lot of us lose our way simply because 'Labor is worse!' the Libs are still fucking shithouse when it comes to this stuff, but like you said we sadly have to pick the lesser evil.
Fuckin heat waves depending on the month you go.
Also it is nothing like what people say it is like.
The "everything wants to kill you" thing is from closer to central Australia. Any residential area has no interesting animals.
They can barely connect to the internet, never mind write code.
>Government literally doesn't fund or offer tax concessions to ANYTHING artistic compared to any other developed nation.
America and Japan don't do that and they crank out more vidya than anyone.
I told you Australia is the only country on this board which feels the need to post about itself on a fucking nightly basis
There is nothing in Canberra that would interest weebs
>stay in Sydney
Shit I'm I didn't realize you were from aus
The only good things to do consist of the War Memorial and Old Parliament house. Other than it's sights and beautiful exterior, it's a very shallow city.
Probably best to stay in Sydney.
>no videogame industry in Australia
>everyone takes game development degrees anyway
I have a feeling it's usually the same people that start them. If you want to talk about Australia just go to Sup Forums like god damn.
Well we are the greatest country on Earth, user.
Fuck off mate we made Faily Brakes one of the best mobile games ever
The game isn't even set in Australia despite the films being set in aus. Too many Americanisms
Mate I live here and it is shit.
At least it isn't America though.
You can drive back to Sydney for the weekend.
Canberra is just dull
pedo glasses
Not completely, in some states you can only be serviced in a licensed brothel, in others only escorts are allowed, ACT has free reign.
>Generally, the classification system is fucked, they banned Hotline Miami 2 for a skippable rape scene even though the R18+ rating exists, mean while 50 shades of grey got an MA rating.
I don't see how this is a reason why games aren't getting made here, as a rule of thumb your game isn't going to have any trouble with the censors unless it contains rape, sexualized depictions of minors, or illicit drug use that has a positive effect on the player.
>No vidya
>No internet
>No music
I'll give you sports I guess, but you're almost as irrelevant as New Zealand despite the huge size difference. Hardly great.
to busy fending off giant spiders and snakes
cost of living makes practically any business venture outside of real estate or coffee shops virtually impossible, you'd be taxed to death
2K studios shut down their canberra studio not long ago citing operational costs
this is why australia makes nothing, no films, no music, NOTHING
thanks gubment
Maybe public servants are really into anime
>Do you like going out clubbing and partying?
No? Then Canberra is for you, there's nothing to do there but it's relaxing as fuck and quiet.
Plus the speed limits are more of a suggestion, it's impossible to do under 60km/h there.
If you also like relaxing playing Vidya and drinking then Canberra is perfect.
>Don't like drinking alcohol?
You will once you spend a year Down there.
Freezing in winter, hot (but no humidity) in summer.
T. Guy who lived in Sydney 23 years and 2 in Canberra after that.
Go to questacon and see the new AI waifu attraction.
Whereabouts in Sydney do you live?
>Pandemic Australia mad Destroy all Humans 1+2
I did not know this until I looked it up.
I wouldn't trade this country for anywhere else in the world.
Except in Summer.
Don't shittalk John Curtin, he fights for your freedom.
Unless you're not white.
>You need to be relevant to be good
>How come Australia doesn't develop any video games?
187 international releases have been developed in Australia.
Government, taxes, cost of living.
the government doesn't need to fund vidya devs
they need to change business conditions here so that businesses can thrive, it's not just vidya that's stuck in a dead end here
canberra needs to learn from singapore and HK
what happens if you lose your job as a game developer in australia
you don't get any benefits, your pretty much fucked if no one knows your name, right? it's not like in the States or even in the European area where you have an assload of options. the US recognizes talent in the digital sphere really quickly, and in the UK, you can become famous overnight, but in Australia it must be difficult. Especially if your company is shit, and you are fighting to stay afloat.
Hollow Knight is pretty great.
Australia is not really comparable with either though.
Even then Japan has a 'Creative Industries Promotion Office' with 200 million dollar (AUD) budget, as well as better tax rates and internet infrastructure.
And America DOES offer tax breaks and incentivize tech / vidya companies.
Even fucking Poland gives money to CDPR so they can make games. The biggest problem is obviously shitty internet, but the government doesn't do shit for the Australian "culture industry" like other countries do.
>too much social anxiety to go a prostitute when i lived in QLD
>now i moved to TAS where brothels are illegal
wizardry in 3 years
Southwest Sydney
So you actually like it? That's reassuring to hear.
There are a couple of good ones but most of those are trash or niche.
god i fucking hate Australians. I wish Hiro would range ban the entire island
While i agree with you, even if they made business easier across the board i think there should be some general spending to increase our cultural industry (Film / Music / Vidya / Arts)
We're a top tier nation but all the lefties care about is cennylink and all the righties care about is muhresources.
We need to diversify economically and the arts is probably the least looked at avenue for such expansion from either side of the aisle.
why user?
What do people even do outside of the capital cities?
Hey Moot, how's Google?
I remember going to a comedy show in my area and the comedian asked the same thing.
First response was going to a capital city.
stay inside
don't ask me what it's like out there
Farm the land I think
The Real reason is that most people Who Know how to Develop Games Moved out of Australia to work at Big Dev companies or just because australia and its shitty internet is fucking hell for professions like Game development in This Day an Age
like imagine Trying to upload even a 2GB game to like Steams servers at like not even a quarter of a MB per second upload speed
Its a shame as well since I think If we could Australians could make some fucking Great games
Because we are a cultureless wasteland with no infrustructure to support anything.
The Australian government hates the arts, they barely fund anything. There are no tax breaks or bonus's for art related business's like a lot of other countries have, there are no subsidies or support or rebates or anything to encourage production of either film or video games.
The government wont build infrustructure to support online businesses and stores and development where lots of assets need to be moved around and uploaded, it would be impossible to do that in Australia outside of the CBD's and getting office space there is expensive as fuck.
Your average Australian culture thinks arts are for poofta's and just wants to drink beer and watch the footy and then go do their tradie job and the government only likes those types of wankers.
Everyone is in fucking shopping centres. Took me a good two hours to find parking in Westfield Belconnen, holy shit.
Love how there's no traffic though.
there's impact in canberra centrAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Too many whites there tbqh famalamalam
What is Impact?
impact comics. they have some manga and overpriced japanese character figures.
honestly though, canberra would be a good place to retire to, but not live the most of your life in.
lots of qts though.
tax breaks for startups (singapore doesn't charge tax for 3 years or something) will allow all businesses to sprout like weeds, businesses provide jobs, jobs create goods, services and prosperity
the hardest thing for film/music/vidya/arts is they cant get started, unless you want to work in someone else's galleys for 10-20 years to build up enough experience working on stupid games to be able to convince someone to take a chance
in the past the gov has only funded already functioning studios because they think a studio that continually churns out crap and has money troubles is a safer bet than a new approach
they would help certain indie groups that applied for funding, but they also had some retarded conditions on royalties so that they can claim a big chunk of profits if you get successful, in other words it's not really "help"
also I'd be wary of funding australia's current "art" scene, the last thing we need is melbourne on steroids, they're already cancerous
Just try focus it in non-urban environments. So long as the nets good nerdlingers who work for these companies wont care, but it would deter melbournians like no tomorrow, and two birds one stone maybe bring some much needed revitalization to 50-60%+ youth unemployment rural communities.
Is Sydney secretly the greatest city in Australia?
Threads full foreign friendo
> t. Leb
yeah dont fall for this meme
I go to melbourne city every day for school and it doesn't seem that cancer, does it get worse when you travel away from flinders st or something?
I saw an old guy in a bed skirt twerking and yelping like a lunatic last week but that's the worst I've seen
it's not just that but the average attitude
14.4k modems did not stop america and europe from building the web we know today
aussies always point at excuses but never do anything about them
with modern technology, it's possible for a small team to coordinate and work from home until you get enough success to get an office
it's the general cost of living that really puts a stop to everything, the entitlement mindset will crash hard when landlords realise they aren't special and can't charge bullshit prices just for owning some bricks and wood, everything will correct itself from there
I really want to start a 3d printing house company to drive those leeches bankrupt, I don't mind living in a concrete hut for a while if it means I'm not helping a fat wanking parasite get fatter
I'll fuken bash you akhi insha Allah PBUH
Here's that (You) you're looking for
all cities and regional town centers are shit
you didn't get cancer from seeing coffee shops as far as the eye can see?
Are you a farmer
what's wrong with coffee shops?
so why are you stereotyping a city you've never been in?
>a cafe is the same as a coffee shop
typical uneducated plebeian.
coffee is unaustralian!!
nah, it produces pretentious shitlords like this
there must be something in the beans, all hipsters are retards and always have a latte in their hand
Best platformer ever was made in Australia.
I went there for a week and begged me mates to kill me to spare the boredom
"most livable city" my ass
you got turds washing up on the beaches!
melburgs are barely even human
because anything that isn't footy or beer is harram
>damn that is pretty cool
You would really undercut a lot of our cancerous tradie culture too.
I'd say go for it. Kill the boomer, negative gearing and cancerous tradie culture in this nation and force the government to stop relying and catering to these fucks and diversify our economy.
This, seriously I want off Mr Irwin's shitty island, the people here are just awful.
what a freak
maybe it's just because I've only talked to a homeless guy and a guy on my train home who called himself a sovereign citizen, but most people (at least around flinders st) seem pretty normal
>I saw an old guy in a bed skirt twerking and yelping like a lunatic last week
>but that's the worst I've seen
>this isn't even considered weird in Melbourne where it was probably some old cunts "art" piece
My mate moved there because he got into an APS grad program. Sydney > Canberra too.
He sounds like he wants to end it all
because a single worker expects $200 per hour to even lift a finger, thus its not financially viable
Being a Melbfuck myself I never see examples of all these 'freaks and weirdos' when I go to the city Marxism posters not counted, so are they just somewhere obscure in the city or is the Flinders area just lucky?