Do you feel that politics will eventually ruin gaming?

Do you feel that politics will eventually ruin gaming?

It has already begun seeping in. Discuss.

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it already has.

no, games aren't yet politicized in the way that movies and television are (for example)

Why is Sup Forums triggered by politics in games?

Video games don't have good enough writers to convey political ideas articulately. It will often come across as blunt and heavy handed due to the fact that good writers avoid the medium.

Video games still have stories which are taken as seriously as pornography stories. The plot exists solely as a vehicle to progress to the next action scene.

Until video games can grow as a medium and stop being seen by the general population as kids toys I don't see them being effective allegory.

Why are you triggered by politics on Sup Forums?

Yes but what is the games tax plan?

nobody here wants to hear it. they want to believe they can hide in their rooms and put their fingers in their ears and play their video games and the consequences of a multicultural society will never reach them. they call you Sup Forums for pointing out that identity politicians are inevitable in a multicultural society because they don't want to think about uncomfortable stuff like that. they want to believe that as long as Sup Forums posters stay on Sup Forums they will never have to face the real world. they want to believe their games will always be safe.

Why the fuck would anybody want politics shoehorned into their video games

I guess the newcomers from /r/Sup Forums didn't get to see the whole goyimgate thing

>games aren't yet politicized
Sjw and feminist cancer and nigger propaganda and many other similar cancers are already in video games.


It's always them. Always.



But that's 100% true.

As long as the Japanese sense of sentimentality and child-like story telling remains prevalent, things will be alright.

Not everything has to be politically charged commentary yelling to the hills about what makes me upset about the world. Sometimes fantasy and love and nostalgia and the unknown are enough a part of the human condition to move us personally. It can even make us want to be better people without cramming anything down our throats if done right.

People need to chill the fuck out sometimes. I know you want to save the world, I know you think highly of yourself and why you were put on this planet, but you can do more by being tactful and kind and well-intentioned and most importantly human than bumrushing the world.


>Do you feel that politics will eventually ruin gaming?
If by "politics" you mean left-wing ideology, there are things those will ruin much sooner, and things that are much more important than videogames.

Seriously, as bloated as this this shit in videogame industry is, it's really the least important issue right now. There are things damaging the industry more than political agendas, and there are things political agendas are destroying much faster than games. Including general education.

So my advice to people is: if you really have a big issue with current political pushes, go tackle them somewhere where it's more important and relevant (such as universities) instead of whinning about them in games. And if don't want to do that, stop pretending like it's a big deal in gaming industry and just support games and studios that aren't retarded.

If there is something "politics" are destroying right now, it's not games or gaming itself, but rather the audience and discussion that surrounds them. There is a rapid increase of over-sensitivity and people being triggered and histerical over the smallest of things and all actual videogame subjects being suppressed in favor of pointless screeching and shit thrown under pseudo-political pretenses.

>Video games don't have good enough writers to convey political ideas articulately. It will often come across as blunt and heavy handed due to the fact that good writers avoid the medium.

This, honestly.

Jeremy Blaustein and Agness Kaku weren't lying when they said Kojima would get laughed out of Hollywood in a heartbeat.

Politics ruins everything. Games, movies, conversations, tainwanese underwater basket weaving boards. Everything.

It's pure cancer to everything it touches, no matter if you're right or left leaning.

Who are those educators?
Are they industry standards? As far as I know there is no real curriculum for game design.

Yes, people only brought COD by the millions because the creators were White, that's the only reason

there is no politics. any "politics" in video games is pure pandering to cast a wider profit net and the people who think they're "winning the fight" don't even realize they're being pandered to.

no developer or publisher cares, they see people making a stink about something and say "how can we put this in a game to get these people to buy it?" anyone who believes otherwise is brainwashed by marketing ploys. it ALWAYS comes down to money.

I don't think everything has to be political but neither do I think nothing has to be.
I think video game writing needs to improve dramatically before they try and cover the subject though.

Shooped, right?


It's really rather disturbing how people abuse words like "fascism" these days.

"My personal favorite candidate did not win the elections? FASCISM!"
God, America is really getting fucked, isn't it.

they're literally just random people who want to become leaders of vidya revolution or something

The same Hollywood that made three Chipmunk movies?
The same Hollywood that's currently working on the Emoji movie?

>any "politics" in video games is pure pandering to cast a wider profit net

How does making a game less appealing to a mainstream audience increase profits?

Nice job missing the point

There absolutely are great writers in video games. In fact I'd say their percentage is comparable or great to the talented ones in cinema/tv scripts or books in general. Good writing is good writing.
Video games are just too young a medium to properly find it's place in the world, further compounded by money-grabbing attitudes of major publishers.

Only if you live in a multicultural hellhole.

You're not the mainstream audience anymore user.

It's like a Monty Python sketch.


First 3 and last one are sadly very correct.

>Video games don't have good enough writers to convey political ideas articulately.
I don't think this can be necessarily attributed to lack of good writers. Virtually all pieces of media intended on making a political or ideological statement are going to be awful: that is the necessary outcome of prioritizing political statement to mimesis in art. Politically charged art is always shit, it's why it has been considered a bad taste through out most of our history.

>Video games still have stories which are taken as seriously as pornography stories.
That has not been true for over a decade. Maybe more in PC market. Games are treated equally as seriously as story-telling devices as mainstream cinema for a good while.

No, not at all. All fiction is political or at least it can be. There's no reason politics would ruin video games any more than they ruin movies or ruin books.

I think it would be awfully restrective to limit developers on what they can or can't express in their games.

These are considered better than video games
Think about that

Our world is political. We have entertainment because we take so much of what we do seriously.

People can chill in video games a little. You can save the world in better ways than by writing a message. You can inspire people to be great people without trying to shape them in your image. Let them decide. Give them the stories and the tools to see greatness in action regardless of the message. Show them that a hero is someone who does good not because of his agenda, but because he wants to see the world peaceful and happy and harmonious.

politics and government is a forced meme.

they have a function in society, but they are not as needed or important as they want to be.

The next vidya game crash is overdue so I'd say if it isn't because of ineptitude it would have to be because of the politicizing of it.

No worries though as just like the old one anything that was in part the cause of it will go down in flames and lose all credibility. That includes politifucks and shit companies. From the ashes shall rise a bigger and better industry for vidyas.

Because games are about fun and not politics. Also no niggers

I was never the mainstream audience. But white dudebros from their teens to their 30s are.

>Forcing politics into videogames

Can we literally organize to take these people out before they do more damage? I'm actually serious. Videogames are already shit, they don't need to be worse because of virtue signalling retards that need something to attach their agenda to.

le crash meme

Sup Forums is just as deluded as SJWs

I don't understand why everything has to be political these days. Why does everything have to prove some shitty point? Why not make a good game and stabd for something personally? What's wrong with that?
I can understand sometimes occasionally or having some kind of over arching message to your media, but then it ought to be at least somewhat subtle. The only reasons you have to make it obvious is because you're trying to purposefully associate/push/signal an idea, because you're preaching to the choir to show how virtuous you are, or because you're making things for idiots.
I'm very tired of it. Keep your shit out of my shit. Even if you just want to make something that panders to your shitty ideology, ok sure that's fine, but don't get assmad when I call it out for what it is: bottom tier fucking shit.
Fuck shoehorning, fuck ideologues, fuck politics in shitty games, fuck shitty games in general, and fuck anyone who thinks that shit is a good idea.

Not him but the pandering is mostly for the left-wing dominated gaming journalists/reviewers so they can get free advertising and good scores

See, this is the right not taking any blame for how shit political discourse is and trying to shift it all to the left even though they are demonstrably all at fault.

>Why is Sup Forums triggered by politics in games?

Because it forces them to engage with political views that they don't agree with.

Well the Obsidian thread got derailed by politics a few minutes ago so yeah

Why the fuck would you want video games to "grow" as a medium.
I don't want shitty political statements and "art" inany of my entrtainment.

Games should not be prevented from being political. Sure. But they shouldn't be 100% San Francisco leftism.

It becomes very repetitive playing the 100th western game and having the same plot and character stereotypes recycled because devs are too butt afraid to make actual flawed female characters. Or pretty. Or anything that isn't a woman is now a man but still a woman cliché.

Pic related. Better female character in niche Jap game than in 99% of western games. Western devs are shit insecure.

>Games are treated equally as seriously as story-telling devices
Stop it I didn't come here to laugh.

>I don't think this can be necessarily attributed to lack of good writers.
No not entirely. Video games fall short in many ways as a medium due to their age. We've only been making them for a short amount of time and they go through regular technological revolutions, the process changes constantly.
Unlike film which could find their feet and stabilise after a few generations.

People still don't know how to "correctly" make a video game. There's no textbook and if it was it would be obsolete next year. So it's rough terrain to create a story on and no surprise that it falls short against cinema which has a hundred years to draw upon.

And fall vastly short against books which have thousands of years to draw upon.

>Video games don't have good enough writers to convey political ideas articulately.

Most game wirters feel like hollwood dropouts. it's not about Video games needing to mature, so much as it needs writers and developers who understand how they work. And I don't mean game design courses, Miyamoto or Warren Spector or any other famous or respected devs ever wasted their time with that crap.

Much like Sup Forums does to you on Sup Forums.

Somebody should tell them the primary external factor in success is how much money you came from. But that doesn't agree with their politics, since it would mean that FUCKING WHITE MALES can be "oppressed."

Instead, Malia Obama is oppressed while some West Virginia coal miner's son isn't.



nice post user.

It's not Sup Forums, it's because politics and political view points do not belong in videogames...END OF FUCKIN STORY. I feel like the only way we're gonna save our fuckin hobby is if people start dying. Either that or we fucking crash things as soon as possible somehow or someway so the normies fuck off to ruin something else.

Name an apolitical game

Whoever wrote this is a fucking moron, not just because of the content but also because they have no idea when to use capitals.

He's right

Fucking underrated, Sup Forums BTFO

Pretty difficult since most of the people are literally indoctrinated, it becomes super difficult reasoning with them without sounding like that AYYLAMO guy from the history channel.

Yes. That's also the same Hollywood that brought you No Country for Old Men, Whiplash, There Will Be Blood, etc.

I Like To Capitalize Every Word In My Sentences Too

Jesus who wrote this a 7 year old?

Because not every book or film is political.
You can choose which ones to engage in without wanting to censor everything you dislike.
You can engage in ideas and entertain them without agreeing with them.
You don't need to be a faggot about it.

>Can you prove something doesn't exist.

Most hollywood writers feel like hollywood dropouts.

The past 8 years of video games aren't enough evidence?


>AAA Video Games
Very Yes

>Video Games

OP is an immense faggot. "BEGUN SEEPING IN".

What is Alt right gamergate motherfucker.

it literally got started with alt-right anime loving shitheads and people going around getting mad at "politics"

>Japanese sense of sentimentality and child-like story telling

Are you brain-dead?

>All fiction is political or at least it can be.
Not really. And let us be completely clear: when Sup Forums says "Political", they actually mean: "used as a vehicle to spread and teach a specific form of left-wing progressivism". Which - by the way - is the very same retarded doctrine that once said "personal is political" and is really deepely rooted in the idea that anything and everything should always used to propagate their own Marxist Philosophy, and everything that does not do it is automatically trying to propagate some opposing radial and usually evil doctrine.

This whole "Everything is political" shit is really just a way to further instigate black-and-white perception of world and "us-vs-them" mentality that Marx was so deeply fond off.

My previously submitted PaRapper the Rapper "Master Onion A-La Mode" Video is among the TOP TEN to win the GRAND PRIZE.
AAARRRGGGHHH!!! That stupid, no-good ADAM STACKHOUSE won the trip!!! He had MUSIC and MORE THAN ONE PERSON IN HIS VIDEO, which were in VIOLATION OF THE OFFICIAL RULES!!!!!! Three other videos out of the remaining nine: APRELEWSKY, BRUDELL AND SURYABUCHWALD, ALL VIOLATED THE OFFICIAL RULES AS WELL! THOSE SEVEN PEOPLE OF THOSE FOUR VIDEOS SHOULD HAVE BEEN DISQUALIFIED, PERIOD!!!! I am sooooooooooooooooooo ANGRY of the fact that the Playstation company and their Promotional Associates WILL NOT DO ANYTHING TO BRING THOSE VIOLATORS TO JUSTICE!!!! Go to, and register the complaint, in addition to my own, through their "Contact Us" link. So that SWORN ON MY AUTISM, JUSTICE WILL BE SERVED TO THE SEVEN PEOPLE OF THOSE FOUR VIDEOS!!!!

>making videogames have to be taught (badly) these days

Your generation sucks. Enjoy your cancer.

Stop sitting on yer ass and get into the industry.

Devs have the right to touch on whatever subject they want. You can't decide what belongs in a medium and what doesn't ya cunt.

Literally a slur word for normal people.
Why don't they just call us normies.

Not as long as Japan exist

Diversity in gaming is good from an economic standpoint. Think about all the women and Muslims who get turned off to games because they're represented as immature caricatures. Not appealing to minorities (especially when those minorites are becoming more economically able) is just leaving money on the table.

Because it's straight up propaganda.
Look at OP's quote again - they are directly implying that videogames should change the way you think to one that is supported by the videogame developers.

They are directly stating that they want to and will try to force videogames to be propaganda.

Mario Kart

>The next vidya game crash is overdue

It's not a game crash. It's a complete crash of the entire global economy.

If movies, books and music can be political, then why not videogames?

Then you alienate the majority and well done, you lose all your profits for people who MAY buy your game.

>No not entirely. Video games fall short in many ways as a medium due to their age.
The medium might not be very mature in terms of formal narrative tools, but it sure as hell tries to be establish itself as a relevant narrative source. And none of this really matters in relation to the subject of this thread: that is actually the role or (lack-off) political relevance.

>If propaganda can exist in other mediums, why can't be poison this one too?

Sexual objectification and violence.
Good, fuck money. Money is killing video games.

Nice strawman, keep at it.

>Can we literally organize to take these people out before they do more damage?

You guys already tried that though.


The culture war is wide open at the moment. Things like developers trying to shove their ideologies in vidya are small-scale skirmishes that will have little impact and will leave the gaming industry largely unaffected.

Video and tabletop games as industries behave differently than movies , Tv , books and comics. The interactivity leads to unoptimized narrative and thus as tools for propaganda they will always lag behind gameplay.

Muzzies love cowa doody though, since you can kill US and Russian operators

That's how Bioware got all its "talent".

Of course I can and do, I'm the consumer. If I don't want your political viewpoints shoved into a game, you wont put them in. Your publisher/executives will see the falling sales and community backlash as a part of the reason you're failing to move product and you'll be forced to stop.

Consumer>You, you numale fag.

How is it a strawman?

Politics in media outside of unbiased news is propaganda, period.