I am mad

i am mad

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i am mad

New Obsidian is not the same Obsidian that made New Vegas.
It was gonna suck.

So did New Vegas, but that didn't stop Sup Forums from loving it.

Sawyer was the director of NV and he's still in Obsidian

anything would have been better than that piece of shit HR/MD

one man does not a dev team make

there are games made by one person

obsidian entertainment is really hit or miss

i would prefer a stable game than a gamble to be honest

MD has the best gameplay in the seriies. Fuck off sperg.

you are mad

>chest high walls
>third person takedowns
>press x to kill
>third person stealth

>best gameplay



and 3 of those things you mentioned are the same thing, you're just trying to inflate your post.

>chest high walls
>third person stealth
>press x to kill qtes third person takedowns



I wouldn't call that a "dev team", I'd call that a "dev"

Tell that to kamiya, kojima and mikami fags.

thank god that didn't happen

>MD has the best gameplay in the seriies.
nope, try doing anything like this in HR or MD

This, most overrated company on this shitty board besides From soft.


.....and I will be more mad if the protag was meant to be JC Denton

Seems Obsidian is meant to make sequal to every AAA rpg in existance.
Next they'll announce witcher 4: Ciris dyke adventures by Obsidian.

Hello Todd

What are they talking about? Human Revolution or Mankind Divided?


nv is just fo3 with desert

>showers at the end

fucking kek ive seen this before

Huh, I wonder how that would have turned out.

I mean, I loved Alpha Protocol, one of the best games where choices and consequences featured prominently, but the gameplay left a lot to be desired.

At least it had actual melee combat

I never asked for a sequel to deus sex

No fucking thanks

Along with weapons, skill checks, writing, and points of interest; pretty sad their ineptitude made a desert look more interesting than DC.

too bad I dropped the game before I could get to experience all of that. sorry, but if you make a real-time 3D first-person game, then if the movement and handling feels off it's trash.

better than canadian sjws


But New Vegas was a broken piece of shit, OP.

>Deus Ex was good meme

Even Call of Duty is better.