Who else cancelled their switch preorder because theyre already playin zelda
Who else cancelled their switch preorder because theyre already playin zelda
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pirate scum kill yourself
How mad are you lmao
if you want to be a pirate commit all the way, amputate your leg and take an eye out.
>if you dont buy this AAA game, you're killing the industry ree
where do i download from fgt pls help
I thought only PCfags pirate games. What is going on?
pirates account for like 1~2% of users.
Most users are completely oblivious, some are too chicken to hack their consoles, and/or risk getting banned.
Either way the 98% throwing their money at companies have a way bigger impact than pirates.
You should be blaming other users for having shit taste in games and making bad games popular.
you can pirate games on wiiu
it doesn't work well on cemu yet afaik
you can download the games straight from nintendo's servers and install them on your wii u to play with CFW
If you bought a Wii U you deserve to pirate a few games. What a failure of a console.
call me crazy but I'd rather play it on switch and take advantage of the tv/handheld veratility
also I'm not even that hype for zelda, there's a lot of games I want and I'm confident that the system is going to do well
i actually really want mario kart deluxe, looks amazing as a portable game
also I want bomberman, snipperclips, seamworld dig 2, shakedown hawaii, portable skyrim, just to name a few
and I'm super hyped for mario odyssey
props to you for finding a way to play it on your old crusty PC without moving from the same seat you use all day for trolling the internet, or for getting the thing to work on an old crappy wiii, you do you
Thay squid skin is so sexy
(you) tried.
No, I succeeded. It wasn't that hard either, just a couple clicks on amazon and the order was made.
It just happened to Deus Ex, dumb wojackposter.
Jokes on you. I actually do enjoy killing the industry.
Who else never had a Nintendo console and feels dissonance when trying to browse past all the hype threads?
there are people RIGHT NOW waiting to play this game when it's readily-available
tbqh it's not even very good
I play it so you don't have to
You have exactly 20 seconds to reply to this post with a Brazilian Install method compatible mega link of Wii U's Zelda Breath of the Wild
The console industry? That's a win/win
>incoming nintendo account bans and piratefags complaining how it's not fair
The probability of CEMU be fixed to play BoTW is still quite low.
Also I need an better videocard.
yeah I hope you niggers use a proxy for downloading with uTikDownloader. It takes a special kind of brazeb moron to openly download a game that's not obtainable through legit means. You can be sure they'll watch the IP access logs for this specific game really carefully until its official release.
I'll divide your bum
Living in god forbidden EU country has its benefits.
>If you don't buy this game that's killing the industry then you're killing the industry
t. retard
>Tv/handheld versatility
Nigger you can already do that with the wii u, just play on the fucking gamepad and turn off your TV