>Sup Forums will discuss anything, they said
Sup Forums will discuss anything, they said
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well there had to be a trade off for more interactivity i guess
Yes, another shitposting BOTW thread!!! Just what we need! xD upvoted, sharing on reddit right now :)
unpopular opinion: I actually enjoy BOTH
Sup Forums gets so focused on muh graphics that they completely forget that gameplay mechanics, especially for simulating world physics, is very taxing on hardware as well.
>dialogue based movie
>a video game
>one of them feels like utter shit to play and doesn't have robust enough UI or controls+animations to hold for 80+ hours, the other is Zelda
top is cinematic shit with bamham vision
bottom is an actual game that requires player input
not even a nintendrone, but zelda is more of a game than most of the shit that comes out lately
I feel like top wouldn't look good in motion and would run like shit
Yup. Witcher's world and graphics look good, but literally almost nothing can be interacted with.
>literally almost nothing
I get what you mean, though
i like how you go through bushes and grass in witcher and it reacts with a juggle meanwhile at horizon dawn it stays static...
remember watch dogs? u shoot with a gun at the water and realise its just one giant ok looking texture, not even water splashes
>the best game in a decade
>toddler foddle
top is a game running on significantly better hardware. cherrypicked picture
bottom is a game developed for wii u, running on a tablet sized portable console. cherrypicked shitty image.
yeah there's nothing to discuss here, besides you thinking you're a genius pointing out obvious shit.
checkmate atheists
I don't see anything in the Zelda one TO interact with. There's nothing there.
Funny how a dialogue based movie has way more bosses and enemies to actually fight than the """"video game""".
Really makes you think.
You can get better images than that in W3.
You are correct on what you said about the bottom though. The graphic sucks because it's running on a shitty console.
Why do you decide to lie to yourself and hate on The Witcher 3? It is everything that is right with the gaming community. You, are, what is wrong. You, console gamers, Bethesda, EA and the whole bunch. But it is okay. We gamers don't need you. We do not need to feel your existence. We soar, far above, we glide on with the help of our supermachines. For we can not only game, we can do EVERYTHING WITH OUR COMPUTERS. HAVE YOU EVER SEEN SOMEONE HACKING GOVERNMENT AGENCIES ON A CONSOLE? No. Have You Ever Seen someone buy everything they need on their console? No, BECAUSE YOU CANT. With a PC you can do everything. And We Do Everything. You cannot stop us. For the last time, YOU HARASSERS OF THIS SUB: WE WILL NOT GIVE UP. WE ARE WATCHING YOUR BRIGADES. WE AREN'T PREPARED TO LOOSE THIS WAR. LEAVE TRUE GAMERS ALONE, STOP POSTING POSITIVE NO MANS LIE REVIEWS FOR KARMA ON YOUR LITTLE SHIT SUB. I SAY THIS, AS A REPRESENTATIVE OF A VERY IMPORANT SECRET COMMUNITY GROUP OF GAMERS, STOP AT ONCE. You aren't prepared for what will come otherwise. You see we never back down. We will defend the right to be disappointed in the industry, the right to pirate, the right to shit so MASSIVELY ON DRM THAT YOU WOULD THINK GOD HIMSELF SHAT ON IT. LEAVE. REDDIT.NOW! And for the love of god, if you are going to be such assholes every day of your broken little lives, at least, stop the preordering. At least do ONE DECENT THING IN YOUR PATHETIC LITTLE EXISTENCE..I know mods over at /r/witcher just so you know, you have been warned
obviously people will choose images that will support their argument.
Well I mean I get it, you can cut down trees and mow the grass. Maybe smash some pottery but none of this is special anymore considering there's an entire shitty genre based around those very things that do it much better.
It would have been better to not go open world if it meant creating one as dead and empty as this one.
the sad thing is the game will still be bashed on if they made the world smaller to prevent any empty space in the world.
Maybe Zelda is shit no matter what?
But apparently 10 games weren't enough
BOTW looks fucking awful, but I bet playing it is fun, if you have low standards. Guess what, mom? a Ilready played Horizon Zero Dawn, Witcher 3 and Skyrim. I'm a real man and I want to play games for real men. Project Diva is more manly than this fag Jew of the Wild shit. Looks like an N64 game.
Witcher 3 is honestly a piece of shit game though that just looks pretty and that's it. It's Ass Creed but even worse. BOTW is much better.
As soon as I saw 10/10 reviews for Zelda I knew it was shit
did you really just call oot shit....
witcher 3 has random side quests with more story than the main story of BOTW
OOT is shit. Egoraptor was right.
It's shit
I was playing for 8 years already when it came out and it was shit.
Were you?
It`s ok as it is. Western games aims to replicate movies.
Japanese ones has focus on anime style, most of time.
Do you want to play an photo realistic Legend of Zelda?
Me? No, thanks.
>"Do you want to play a Zelda with good graphics? No."
Fuck you.
I'm tired of all this console war garbage desu.
"Oh what's this? you like this game? it's not on MY console so it's shit."
Just play videogames you mongoloids.
both games are shit
>Photo realism is the only good graphics.
Fuck you.
>top not a game
>bottom is a game
What a convincing argument. What matters is you tried.
Videogames are shit*
Those graphics are ass. What the fuck is wrong with you? Take your low standards elsewhere.
>WEABOO trash
Witcher 3 looks pretty amazing.
Botw IS pretty amazing.
I really do like both, but there is a difference.
It's pretty clear most zeldafags in this thread have never played Witcher. That's why you love this series so much: you have never played a true open-world game. If you can't get close to Witcher, then your casual asses will never touch Morrowind or Gothic.
If both were released to PC, I would play the bottom one.
I`m not a fan of realistic games.
It`s odd but I can see how much efforts they does to make it look as real as real life but this is just not interesting to me.
Do I really need to believe they exists to feel compassion to them?
Also it would ask less from the hardware.
Botw will be playable on PC before June
Why people care so much about Nintendo?
Are you fucking 10 years old or something? They only make games for elementary school kids.
100% sure witcher will have better writing, more interesting characters and storylines.
TW3 doesn't even really look realistic.
Everything in it kind of looks like fantasy oriented paintings. People in TW3 look nothing like real people, nature in TW3 looks very stylistic.
I don't get why people say TW3 aims for "realism." A game doesn't have to be trying to look like a mirror image of real life to have good graphics.
Your argument is pretty silly. Basically all you're saying is
>I prefer games look like shit so that it reminds me its not real life
As if it needed saying to begin with.
>Confident demonic/vampire loli
>"You came here to violate me, didn't you?"
Lady, you don't seem to understand how this works. When I encounter powerful and haughty loliBBA I expect to be dominated, not the other way around.
Now try again.
>witcher 3
>boring game with shitty combat that won goty against practically nothing
>Zelda BotW
>technical masterpiece that introduces new mechanics that many games will copy in the future and basically sets new standards for video games as a whole
>will join the ranks of already existing masterpieces like OoT, Mario 64 and SMW
Both games are good
She has plenty of femdom scenes.
>12 years old poorfag with shit taste and shitty toaster.
Well good. Glad to hear it.
Zelda has always been a shit series for 6 year olds.
For a game supposed to be stylized it looks remarkably like your average generic German like hunting game with no design aesthetics in terms of artstyle.
Witcher 3 might be one of the most graphically stunning while simultaneous being one of the blandest games I've ever seen.
Which is a shame because Witcher 2 had a really nice art style which made the game almost look a bit like it had hand painted textures.
bouncy castle
Rare resolution.
It's kind of sad how deeply you are willing to lie to yourself to pretend like the bland washed out nothingness that stretches out for miles in Zelda looks anything close to good or appealing.
The problem is how to emulate the gamepad`s motion control.
I have an Dual Shock 4 for my PC but I doubt if cemu would be Dual Shock 4 ready.
(No I do not own an PS4. Consoles are expensive as fuck for something that can only play videogames.)
They are just "real enough" to look like a movie under a filter.
The 3d models itself looks like something they scanned from real life.
Also western painting aways tried to be a photo most of time.
(I agree that there are some non-realism on it but it`s like a very well done VFX. Imperceptible.)
Comics for example, the cool heroes were simplified humanoids most of time. It's real but with less details to speed up.
Manga and anime in other hands, It's visible no humans look like that. It looks more like Mickey on steroids than Superman.
When you say interactivity you mean pushing bolders on enemies, dropping bombs on them out of the air, setting gras on fire with the wind pushing it in enemie camps, the mountain in the distance yeah you can climp it... is that what you mean? Cause i already did that ~5 years ago in far cry2,3.... .yay now i can do it again but in a even more empty open world that also looks worse... congrats to nintendo gamers on the first open world game i guess... but dont expect that everyone else has to pretend now that it does something new lol
We use the mouse for splatoon
Really fucking love this EXCUSE.
Stylized my ass, it just looks like LOW POLY fucking DOGSHIT.
It's the same way you try to """STYLIZE""" a photo taken with a phone camera with some garbage filters.
An engine with poor details and some PS-2 tier graphics is not """stylish""", it's just fucking SHIT.
I like Witcher 3 a lot but it has shit combat and holds your hand nonstop
It was made for casuals to gobble up just like Zelda
Had to resize to upload
Yeah no. Zelda looks even more disgusting. It's by far the worst looking Nintendo flagship title to date. In both artstyle and graphics. I don't know what the fuck Nintendo was thinking.
But Witcher 3 still has one of the blandest artstyles I've ever seen.
Character models are pretty nice though. It's mostly just the endless boring forests and landscapes that make it look so fucking boring.
I never said anything about Witcher 3 tho.
Witcher 3 can be fucking garbage, that doesn't change the fact that Zelda is also pretty bad.
I think GR2 doesn't look that great because it's still the vita engine. Btw, sony japan studio makes low budget niche games like Oreshika, Freedom Wars, Soul Sacrifice and Gravity Rush. People probably never heard of those titles.
Aw, I was kind of hoping you had some wack monitor from days past.
triggered nintenyearold spotted
>its another nintendrones get blown the fuck out episode
jesus christ, just let it go
Witcher 3 looks visually stunning for the first few hours until you realized
>there are 5-6 slight variations of village houses with almost no interactivity
>there are 25 NPC models in total divided into 4 races for characters not tied to the main quest
>everything outside villages/towns/cities is hostile to you as soon as they see you
>two attacks, four signs with one alt each and a few potions and dodge are the only things in combat
>boss monsters not from the MQ are just regular monsters with more hitpoints
>most clues/quests require batman senses or activating quest markers as there is no way seeing anything without them
>fistfights, horse riding and other activities yield you nothing but a few crowns or useless junk items
>you can craft the best items, what you find in the wilderness is only good for selling or breaking down, zero need to explore
>level scaling eventually outclasses uniques in drops, level scaling in enemies makes you do chip damage while receiving OHKO hits while being 10 levels below your opponent
But both games are pretty good for what they are. Zelda has fun puzzles and physics, Witcher has graphics and is comfy
>tfw no alternative future where CPDR didn't become a generic AAA console developer that only cares about graphics and instead they continued making smaller scale actual CRPG's
Man. They were in such a good position too. Slavs usually has the means to make nicher games that doesn't have to appeal to a wide demographic due to their low development costs. They could have helped brought in a new revolution that wasn't founded on kickstarter but on polish vodka.
did you play the game m8? nice
there's no level scaling, faggot
W3 is still shit, witchershilling retard
I haven't played on consoles but maybe it's enabled by default
I skip past combat whenever I can anyways. It's not satisfying
blue water is their biggest mistake
it always looks out of place
nintendo has gone full toy mode again.
they've become worse than EA.
get cucked, nitentoddler
tw3 is the most awarded game of all time
of all time
I love Ansel
You need this mod
>if it's not cartoonshit it has no artstyle and is going for realism!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
nintenblows xd
I dunno man, fighting mobs in TW3 is harder, faster, and more engaging than in Bloodborne. In TW3 you're dodging between smaller enemies and getting jabs where you can, in BB you just play retard roundup and kill everything that isn't a boss in a few swipes.
Nobody has changed the formula of a franchise as much as CDPR and while no attempt has been perfect to compare this to games where death is impossible(AC, Bamham, Shadow of Mordor, FFXV) is pretty facetious. Mobs will rape you if you just try to mash.
>>most clues/quests require batman senses or activating quest markers as there is no way seeing anything without them
Everything you follow can be seen without Witcher senses except scent.
Ooh nice, does this work with GOTY edition?
the witcher pic is pc 4k or console 1080?
Yes I run loads of mods on my game
Not really...you can just turn on quen and spam fast attack and stunlock almost any normal enemy to death.
Is the Witcher 3 good enough as a combat/exploration loop game?
I'm craving RPG style combat, but am not in the mood right now to have to trudge through dialogue (even if its great).
Never compare these two games again its insulting. Compre botw to a ps2 game, idk like Jak & Daxter or something. Oh wait it would still lose.
There are two attacks, five signs with one alt each, two different dodges, potions, bombs, traps, a crossbow, a sort of "berserk" mode, a block, a parry. Side quest NPCs have unique models. Horse riding gets you better saddles which help you cover ground faster. Gwen is also just plain fun and worth playing. Enemies have no level scaling (I almost have to make the assumption you don't even know what that means). Batman senses are dumb, although I'm pretty sure footsteps are visible without them, and the player would have no way of tracking a scent otherwise. At least try try to make them fit canonically unlike some games' super senses (i.e. Joel's sonar detection in The Last of Us). There are a lot of hunt monsters which are unique to their respective side quests. Given that they're working with pre-established lore, is it really a problem that they'd include a few suped up rare enemies as hunts? It's content.