I've been in Thailand for the past 10 days

I've been in Thailand for the past 10 days.

Can someone tell me how:
Horizon Zero Dawn,
Nintendo Switch
and breath of the wild are?

I want to know the overall verdict on Sup Forums. Shitpost if you want, idc. Not going to buy them just want to know if they're any good

Any ladyboys?

Yeah a few. Was with my gf tho.

All three are great

The Switch isn't even released yet, you gook

Seems to be a pretty solid game
Overpriced, fisher price tier technology
Looks fun but extremely average, way too over-hyped

This thread is going to be shitposting heaven. Just warning you. I don't know if you're doing this on purpose or not but for the past weeks Sup Forums has been a complete clusterfuck with console wars.

OP here

What other titles have come out and Sup Forums has been shitposting about?

I assumed it would be, but I just want a general consensus.

Your gf got fucked by a ladyboy?

By me, yes.

>general consensus
You have to be new here.

Horizon Zero Dawn 3/10 terrible combat and stealth also cringy level voice acting and literally the most uninteresting story ever
Switch pretty seems meh tier
Breath of the wild 5/10 it was ok i guess but pretty bad compared to other zelda games

Switch is an ugly console with little in terms of software propping it up at the moment.

Zelda Breath Of The Wild might be a rough gem, I haven't played it yet. The graphics look like complete ass but the game could still be fun and comfy, that's the feeling I get from it. The combat looks pretty bland, exploration might be fun but I just don't know if as an overal package it will be able to deliver.

Horizon is ridden with SJW shit and an ugly progaonist but the graphics, environments and robot monstors look jaw-dropping. I've seen some pretty decent action paced gameplay too but I highly doubt the story segments will be good because Gurilla aren't good writers.


Both games have flaws but could be fun but the Switch still has no games in sight.

>Horizon is ridden with SJW shit

Here's your (you)

ok kid tell me all the sjw shit that is in the game

"Now that the dust has settled" etc

He's right. The game is written by major SJWs. Doesn't surprise me the devs lurk NeoGaf.

so are you going to tell me


>coming to Sup Forums for unbiased game opinions not full of hyperbole
Wew lad


Did you get your balls sucked?