Left is made by a AAA western developer with 47 million budget.
Right is made by an average size japanese developer with relative small budget.
Left is made by a AAA western developer with 47 million budget.
Right is made by an average size japanese developer with relative small budget.
I'll go grab some Yakuza 0 shots and return to this thread. That game has some A-tier models and yet is done on a modest budget.
Atleast doesn't have the same 13 enemies all in the game
Male characters are allowed to be average looking, but not female characters?
atleast left*
Sure they are, look at the example on the right in OP
KT and Team Ninja have focused on making attractive female character models for years, it's not really that surprising.
As a male customer, why the fuck would I want average looking females in my game.
find me one vidya with a good looking realistic white woman
Real white women aren't attractive though, so that's functionally impossible.
Rise of the Tomb Raider
>inb4 "0/10 Would Not Bang"
Almost all men in vidya are 10/10 ideal men though.
Look at this shit.
What is Witcher 3
Alright, back now. Pretty amazing.
PS4 capture software is ass
Left looks like Dewey from Malcolm in he Middle
Guerrilla has a huge team of "idea guys" (nu-cucks art graduates) outsourcing assets to india.
Japan still has quality modelers and animators.
Less is more.
The primary function of makeup foundation is to hide imperfections and smooth the skin. A lower polycount model emulates this effect to some extent.
Also because Nips don't have an obsession with giving women wide jaws.
white women are ugly.
Top is made by AAA japanese developer with several billion yen (tens of millions of usd) budget
Bottom is made by a small 10 men chinese team
Sup Forums isnt the target audience. in fact, its fucking irrevelant
how new?
Nioh looks like a PS2 game next to Horizon
I remember that top one being an option in MonHun1 on PS2 back in fucking 2005 or whenever.
Capcom are really fucking lazy.
Dead rising
Capcom MH on non-Nintendo shit hardware when?
ok so
They made her look like a retarded fat ogre on purpose, right?
Horizon should've gone with a fit, brown protagonist.
It'd at least be hotter, gingers are gross.
I agree but not when it comes to Character models.
NioH takes the cake there.
Yeah, she looked better in initial concept art. They had something good and then scratched it.
Left is made by outsourcing to Poojeets
More than likely. Gotta appease our new landwhale overlords so they won't castrate us one by one.
>including a masterpiece such as FF12
>47 million
kekity kek.
why don't females date fat neckbeards?
are you drunk or something
Are we pretending entire game budgets and teams are dedicated to making video game girls.
>Complain about Mass Effect: Andromeda characters being ugly as shit
>Massive SJW backlash about how not every female character needs to be 10/10 fapbait
>Bioware reveals Mass Effect: Andromeda has full frontal nudity and softcore porn
>Gaming news sites praise it for breaking new ground
Wouldn't you WANT attractive characters if you're gonna make canon porn with them?
She looks like the fat kid from Sandlot
are you retarded
>47 million
I'm so out of touch with AAA games...is that a normal amount? That seems like a lot to make a video game.
You know what's funny?
Originally Aloy was going to actually look good, cute and sexy.
But then for some reason they threw that out of the window and made her an ogre.
Shame, I would've bought Horizon if they kept the original design.
Destiny was 500 million
holy shit fuck off
As an Irish man I can confirm that "gingers" are, in fact, gross. I've never med a red haired person I didn't want to never be around again after spending 10 minutes with them.
Is anyone actually trying to imply that Horizon doesn't look gorgeous? Is this some low tier consolebaiting?
Exactly why are Western developers obsessed with manfaces, manshoulders, and manhands on women?
no looks like some retard
The cut scene animation in horizon sucks ass but for some reason they fill it to the brim with involved action sequences. I can't understand why they wouldn't either clean it up or avoid complicated shit altogether.
Depends on the studio/publisher.
EA spends an eye-watering amount on games but 90% of it goes into advertising/marketing rather then the game itself.
Why is Sup Forums more concerned about video game girls bone structure than video games.
She looks like that actor with the italian name, I forgot its name, he always plays secondary roles
becuz u retards r legalizing mental illnesses, ofc it will spill over into games, u fucking beta faggots
Yakuza is a very bad example because the quality of everything in the game is all over the place. And no, those textures don't need more time to load, they just look this fucking awful. You can easily tell when a NPC is important to the story because they have high quality models while generic NPCs and most people in sidequest look like complete ass.
Because the only women they see are the mannish looking ones so they think all women look like that.
That a "white" woman with negroid features though, look at the snout and upwards pointing nose
She resembles an ape
People are saying the character models are ugly af, and they are. lurk moar pls
The video Game industry isn't to the point yet where it can pretend to appeal to the vocal minority but in reality be saying "fuck you we will do what we want" like hollywood is.
Once they learn most of the people that bitch and complain about their games don't even really give them money in the first place they will ignore them.
your point?
Best way to make a strong female character is to make her a man
ank capcom about the man hands thing
>dude westerners never make any attractive female chara-
Aloy is ugly.
She looks like a manfaced ogre.
Makes me not want to buy her game.
The character on the right is the stereotypical "beautiful asian girl" in a game where 90% of the female characters are ugly-ass literal monsters you kill. She's also the love interest. At least Horizon's protag isn't trying to look like a supermodel.
Damn, i guess those great character models are completely invalidated because a guys jacket looks like shit
They use what they know as reference point. It's probably why you also tend to see jap games with people who have flat asses. Because asians usually are flat.
>dude nips always make attractive female chara-
Why would I want to play a game where I am an ugly red headed (ew) viking kind of ogre bitch?
Next you're gonna expect me to buy the new Mass Effect or what?
you guys like to overreact about everything fuck off
No that thing is ugly.
If it came to me irl and asked me if I wanted to have a drink/sex with her I'd decline.
That's how unappealing she looks, she just got rejected by a socially inept loner on a Tleilaxu water selling forum.
wow, user discovers that central characters have higher detail than random NPCs. What a revelation.
How am I overreacting?
Aloy is ugly. I don't want to play a game where I am an ugly female.
shit like this
i hope you idiots dont think anybody is taking you seriously
jesus christ if that thing came on to me I would cry rape or assault or something
just looking at her makes me physically ill
Prove me wrong
She's ugly in every way
>red hair
>horrendous hair style
>chubby man face
you are trying hard to day
wew lad does your mom look like that? If so I hope for your sake you didn't inherit her looks.
>Western devs
1) You never get to play the girl on the right. She's a boss, and a bland love interest who's presence in the game is incredibly minimal at best
2) Why does the main character need to be hot for you to play as them? Compensating for something?
>b-but why can male characters be average looking
there has NEVER been an average looking male main character because guess what? guys dont even like playing as ugly guys. Everyone wants to look at good looking people, it's in the fucking description; good looking. So no, not even guys are allowed to be average or ugly. So why is it that women are 'allowed' to be average or ugly? It's just feiminist bullshit.
Is the ironic thing here that Okatsu looks more like an average FEMALE than Aloy, who looks like a swelled up androgynous transitioning Tintin?
>People will defend western devs
You can make a "not pretty" character but still not be horrendous at the same time.
keep crying retard