>no dual audio
What the fuck were they thinking
No dual audio
It'll be patched in eventually but yeah, no dual audio at launch is fucking stupid.
>It'll be patched in eventually
I don't think it will. Nintendo doesn't seem like the type of developer to admit that this is a problem.
pls go to weeb hell and fuck your waifu.
The Switch and Wii U both have 32 GB of internal storage at most and some of that is already reserved for using the OS. If they included more audio files then necessarily, then the digital download versions would be higher in GBs and that wouldn't be good in the long run.
What the fuck were you expecting weeb
One of my few complaint about the game, playing it with french dub is hard.
Enjoy your cringy dub.
Does Ninty ever do dual audio? Sucks though.
Just wait for mod.
English voice acting is mediocre as fuck.
>Enjoy your cringy dub.
Sorry but I'll be busy playing real games, not crying how muh waifu sounds
the game does have japanese audio included by default
you just cant choose voice and text language separately, so it's either full japanese or full english
I don't know if this is a problem with weeb games or whatever but I haven't had this problem since the PS2 days, even though I always either bought on Steam or on the German PSN store or in German retail stores.
>PC game
>choose language in the installer
>360, PS3 and PS4
>either choose a language or subtitles in the game itself or set the console to whatever language you want and unless it's something obscure the game will be in that language
What's up with that?
>I'll be busy playing real games
Yeah? Like a movie simulator or a W"rpg"?
What confuses me is why they are not just patching that in
All the data is on the cart already, literally all they have to add is a menu option that lets you select text/ui and voice language.
No they didn't. In fact, Aonuma explicitly stated BotW would NOT have this option over a month ago.
Do you mean dual audio as in language, or are you talking about what Xenoblade X did where music/sounds didn't come out of the game pad
Is there an option to just turn voice acting off?
People want to be able to mix and match the voice over language and the text/ui/menu language.
Right now all of those depend on your system settings.
You have to set your entire Switch to Japanese if you want to play the game in Japanese, for example.
But if they patched options in we could be on an English Switch with English text and Russian voices or a German Switch with French text and English voices, whatever.
I see. Mixed-language text/subs and voices obviously are a different issue and too few games have that option.
All the audio is already in the game and on the cart. You can change the language from the system options just fine.
>muh superior nippon voices
lmao keep crying weebs
> > 368999276
I want to play with the Latino dub, actually.
Nice shitposting though, faggot.
>no dual audio
WHAT THE FUCK? This game Eng Dub is fucking shit, fuck you Jewtendo.
I feel for you, SwitchBros
>tfw the Wii U will have an Undub in a week
it has all languages autist
It doesn't have dual audio, retard.
Shut The Fuck Up you fucking weaboos.
The Wii U version is worse. You can't change the dubs' and subs' language at all (unless if THERE is a way to change which I'm missing, but I can't find it). You're still stuck with the english option, no matter which language have you set on your Wii U.
Hopefully, someone soon will create a hack that let's you to change the audio and the subtitles.
Actually I want the Russian voices with English text