Final boss is 4 waves of regular enemies followed by a series of quicktime events

>Final boss is 4 waves of regular enemies followed by a series of quicktime events

What other games, besides Ubisoft games, have such horrible final bosses?


Arkham Asylum stands out to me.

>Joker final boss
>gets that green goop bane gets to get yuge
>fight muscular joker for 10 seconds, then fight waves of regular enemies, then fight joker again for 10 seconds and so on

Off the top of my head

Shadow of Mordor

Arkham Asylum

All the TES games

Neverwinter Nights 2

Dark Messiah

You don't even fight him you pull him down do a combo and run away until he goes up again

Two QTE segments in the whole game and the final boss is one of them.

And the towers before him eat shit, too.

Despite my love for DXHR, its bosses are absolute garbage and never should have made it into the final game in their state. I would replay the game on a regular basis, but I've played through the game twice and refuse to have to deal with them anymore, particularly the second one. I've never experienced this but I'm convinced that walking into a boss fight without certain offensive equipment or augmentations (i.e. on a pacifist run) can render them impassable.

Didn't they add some hacking options in the Director's Cut? I remember you could hack some turrets to help you with the first one.

Rather conveniently, the game gives you a lot of heavy weapons before and during bosses, so you can still have a fighting chance on a pacifist playthrough,

Ace Combat on the 3DS

The final boss is a plane piloted by an AI, but the more you damage it the harder it gets to hit, which makes no fucking sense.

Ends up you needing to kill it with guns but you can never get your guns onto it because he can pull retarded bullshit moves to avoid everything

Nemeroth is extra frustrating cajse the game already proved it was capable of a decent boss fight earlier with the warboss.
At least the actual ending with Titus calling Leandros out for being a shit Marine was pretty great.

>What other games, besides Ubisoft games, have such horrible final bosses?

Darksiders 2 comes to mind, the tutorial boss was more challenging than the endboss.

Leandros did nothing wrong


>Halo 2
>punch prophet in the fucking face until he dies
>halo 4

Leondros was right and Titus was a heretic.

the ultrasmurfs sure love their codex

What are they fighting?

Looks like assorted mutants, but Deathwatch are supposed to kill xenos.

Genestealer cult?

Fable 2

Right, I'm an idiot.

Came here to post this. It was an actual boss, but I wrecked his shit and kept expecting a phase 2 that never came

shadow of mordor