Everyone is saying the launch games for Switch is "bad" and I don't agree. But it got me thinking...

Everyone is saying the launch games for Switch is "bad" and I don't agree. But it got me thinking, what's the best launch game of all time?

Other urls found in this thread:


Luigi's mansion

Either Super Mario World or Super Mario 64.

Anyone who doesn't say Super Mario World is being contrarian.

Ps2 maybe? But even that wasn't launch, it just had a really good first year.

perfect dark zero

Mario 64.

I said best launch game, not best launch games for a console.

Tetris bundled with Gameboy = timeless classic

Grand Theft Auto 3 for the PS2

taladega nights for ps3

Tetris was disgusting communist propaganda at a time when cold-war tensions were at an all-time high.


Super Mario 64, much better and complete game than SM World.

PS2 was literally the original no games console till a full year after launch. People bitched about it hardcore, do some research before you look silly.


I have no beef with the Switch or Nintendo and plan to get one when Splatoon drops, but how could you not agree.

What is on it that you're excited about?

Well, N64 only had SM64 and Pilot Wings but I still consider it to be a great launch because of how great SM64 is. Basically, it depends on the quality of games than quantity. Wii U had a lot of games but none that's GOAT.

>SM64 of half baked ideas
>Somehow more complete than smw

>Miya literally forced to cut buttloads of content and shrink scope cause ninty decided they need to game for snes release
>Miya regretfully keeps talking about it to this day how the game was not at all what was planned

Idk if you were a small child at the time but World 1 was literally bros 3 yoshi edition without all the power ups.

I highly doubt most of the posters no this board were even alive then.

>google launch games
>DQM Terrys Wonderland came out a full month in JP before the GBC was released bit worked with the GB
I wonder how cool it must've been to finally pop it in a GBC and get the correct colours.

But the Wii U also has Zelda so that can't really be counted.

Wii sports

Wii U is dead, nobody cares. Switch also launches with games like Shovel Knight and Snipperclips. That's 3 games I'm buying at a launch alone, that's why I think it's a great launch.


Best Christmas ever.


European launch: March 1, 1997
FIFA Soccer 64
Pilotwings 64
Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire
Super Mario 64
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter
Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey

Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire
Super Mario 64
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter

Best launch ever, at least in Europe.


It's kinda funny. When I skimmed through the list I'd say the best launch titles are mostly Nintendo games. The PS1 and Ps4 did alright and sometimes an Xbox launched with a HALO game but that's about it.

IMO the best launch title ever has to be either
Super Mario World
Super Mario 64
Twilight Princess
Breath of the Wild

or my personal favorite WarioWare: Touched

Gears Of War

i want to be kuro

Except GameCube.


European launch: May 3, 2002
2002 FIFA World Cup
Batman: Vengeance
Bloody Roar: Primal Fury
Cel Damage
Crazy Taxi
Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2
Disney's Tarzan Freeride
Donald Duck: Quack Attack
ESPN International Winter Sports 2002
International Superstar Soccer 2
Luigi's Mansion
Sonic Adventure 2: Battle
Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader
Super Monkey Ball
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3
Universal Studios Theme Parks Adventure
Wave Race: Blue Storm
XG3: Extreme G Racing

Except GameCube what?

Luigi's Mansion, Sonic Adventure 2: Battle, Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader and Wave Race: Blue Storm were a good games.