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>Tiki Mask

This always triggers me

Actually kinda funny, you are supposed to post shitty ones about muh soginee



its ooga booga retards


it's hurnghgedatt

not even joking


wasn't it HOOLA-PAGAH ?
and the uka uka goes for the KAAPALOOHGAH

You're all wrong, its rutabaga, Aku Aku's favorite vegetable.

Presented in it's entirety, an artefact from the internet.



>when faggots collide



I can relate to that.


It's funny because he hates being at cons and never interacts with people!

Good one.

>still giving a shit about 9/11

shouldn't you be in bed or off to work gramps?

it's burebemegá

>i was 2 when it happened


Top kek


vegans need to be slaughtered like pigs.

>I AM SILLY at the bottom
but why

The joke is that Hitler loved animals

confirmed by andy gavin

>I AM SILLY the comic

>"The cartoons I like are better than the ones you like"
How does he lack so much self awareness?

actually I was 5

>be chilling @ school when 9/11 happens
>we get off school like a hour early or something
>everybody crying/watching news and making a deal out of it
>so what? just two buildings blew up...."
>but those were OUR PEOPLE in those buildings! they attacked US user!"

I don't understand why if thousands of people died everyday I was suddenly supposed to care just because these few happened to live in my country.

and to this day I still hate 9/11 nevur forget tards
Its basically just propaganda at this point desu.

She's right though. Meat eaters are barbarians. If I met any of you in the streets I'd kick your fucking faces in for eating a burger in front of me.

Anime sucks. You're a faggot.


I think you're desensitized. Watching the planes crash and then seeing the building collapse was terrifying. Thousands were killed in the crash of the planes and collapse of the towers. So really you're just a piece of shit.

ok that's actually funny though

how do you decide which lives are worth weeping over ?


The ones that aren't shades of shit color.


>Extremely heavy superiority complex
I think this comic alone proves that vegans suffer from this one as well

Well, Hitler actually was a vegan.





>12 million
Well now we see whos agenda this (((vegan))) is really pushing.


holy SHIT i've never seen someone with such a lack of self awareness

Those are great desu




what a retarded comic
even the smartest pig is dumber than the dumbest human

and how the fuck do you get that fat as a vegan

This has to be some kind of falseflag comic, there's no way the author could be serious


dont underestimate tumblrautism
they literally have no self awareness


Remember, violence is ALWAYS justified against nazis

it's for real

This is what vegans actually believe

You fucking ruined it.

The joke is that hitler vas vegetarian

Nothing personal, kid.


faggot can't even capitalize his name right

>working up the energy to throw a punch

L M F A O !

The purpose of a comic is to send a witty message with pictures and little text, why can't they do this right? Walls of text piss me off.

Damn son these really fucked up my entire world view.
This kid is clearly mad intelligent for their age.
Never eating meat again.

>even the smartest pig is dumber than the dumbest human

>Vegan comics
>Some people actually believe these lies and half-truths.

So can we eat retards now?

The smartest pig isn't even close to the smartest crow though.

>when shadfag's comics were actually sorta funny and not just futa porn

eh, just dispose of them


But I'm hungry user


Except that raising retards for food is EXTREMELY resource ineffective


Yeah, I guess it's easier to draw fura porn.


I am not going to read that.

How is it? There's plenty of retards about. I'm not suggesting we breed them for food or anything.

Who was in the wrong here?

Stay bluepilled, my dude

really makes u think...

so this... is what propaganda... looks like


To be honest I'm real surprised the lefties were able to find out most of us are werewolfs and lizardmen under our synthetic human skin.
That was a really closely guarded secret you know.


>le pill meme
>Sup Forumstard saves gigabytes of unfunny tl;dr comics with SJW content
Makes you think.

>animal abuse
>cyber """bullying"""
>car accident
One of these is not like the others.

What I'm getting from all of these is that the moral superiority gained from not eating cows means you get to be an urepentant asshole without ramifications..
Oh sure, I'm just saying keeping retards alive just to raise them for food in inefficient.

well he's not wrong

This ruins everything.


is he concerned over the page tear or the 9/11?

it's clearly boogabooga. But what does he says when damaged?