System shock remake

Will it be good or will it not be good?
Dumping concept art

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I hope they won't dumb down the puzzles in the game like that one in the demo. Unfortunately, I've missed the first SS when it first came out so remake may be a good entry point for me.

I'm kind of worried about the direction they're taking so far. The designs are somewhat overdone, and I'm afraid they'll ruin the music with bioshocky crap.





I really like this one. It's so damn old-school. Looks like a costume from some old off-brand Star Trek kind of show.

whoops i lied

Apparently the music will "definitely be more cyberpunk than just straight orchestral" so take that as you will

it all looks fucking retarded t b h


I have bad feelings

It'll be bad because that fucking autistic retard Maxof2D is working on it.

>dat blaster
Now that's pretty cool.

Just by looking at this thread i'm pronoucning this game shit and dead on arrival.

The important question: will there be Pong?

worst thing with conecept art is that it never makes into the game.

>that dumb nuclear symbol
Yuuuck. Make it smaler.
It looks like a bad action figure now, not like an experiment gone wrong.

I played the demo. The controls are shit. Unity engine shows its weaknesses.
I doubt the game will be good.

Fingers crossed

They should do this:

The game has potential but keeping the art intact and making the controls fit the 21 century would be very important

But that guy did make it into bioshock, your point would have been better if you posted those fucked up merged people from infinite.

I Mick Gordon doing the soundtrack for this game?

>making the controls fit the 21 century would be very important
This dooms it from the start. The original controls are justified by the plot, but nobody cares about that in 2017 and they just want the game to control like every other game they've ever played because learning new things is hard.

you mean the neural chip?
Because controlling an FPS style game as a point and click game will never hold up in any way or form, even if it is justified ingame. And it is not about people not wanting to learn new stuff. They dont want to go back to the 90s controls. SS1 was based on ultima underworld which was an RPG and the first 3d game. At that point they had no idea how to design a good control scheme and you end up with SS1 controls.

Once it was announced for consoles I lost a big chunk of hope honestly
Theres no way to translate the inventory system of system shock into console without sacrificing gameplay by making the game pause at the inventory screen, so you get stuck with bioshocks terrible "mash use key in every container without any consequences" system

this made me more excited to play prey than any of the videos they put out. tight shit.

>generic technobeat loop

Okay I understand most games don't use extravagant medleys because it takes away focus from the gameplay but this shit of praising garbage ambiance needs to stop.

What they need to do is get Mort Garrison-sounding shit.

That won't matter though because the game is going to be shit since MaxofS2D is working on it.


It's shit.

>having a standard is bad

There's 0 point in the game having a wildly different control scheme, it's not revolutionary anymore.

not really, i mean really being unable to look around yourself properly is not a good thing. there is a reason why we made that leap in the first place.

that was the demo
check out last update, theres a video from a guy working on music where he mentions unreal

you got a link senpai?

This hipster crap doesn't suit SS1 in the least.
audio video, 3:10