Have you been left behind, Sup Forums?
Have you been left behind, Sup Forums?
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Not yet. Unfortunately.
I unfortunately have some glimmer of hope that it will be a good game by the end of its life cycle.
unless they make large gameplay changes, i dont think ill ever really get into SFV
i'm gonna be honest, i'm an 09 baby, but I enjoyed SFIV in nearly every aspect way more. SFV is just nowhere as interesting to watch OR play
like i used to tune into Excellent Adventures every Sunday to watch SFIV, but gootecks and mike ross don't seem to care any more and SFV is just such a bore
If rank is your biggest concern, play as Urien.
I just might too im getting tired of this crap
Double trips of truth
>like i used to tune into Excellent Adventures every Sunday to watch SFIV, but gootecks and mike ross don't seem to care any more and SFV is just such a bore
Are you me? I used to do tgat too but aince sf5 came out the show is unwatchable.
How's it feel knowing pic related is a better fighting game.
Left behind
What's with this new meme
>i used to tune into Excellent Adventures every Sunday to watch SFIV, but gootecks and mike ross don't seem to care any more and SFV is just such a bore
Same here man sf4 was soo much more fun to watch.and the wide range of characters both gootecks and Mike Ross used made the show even more exciting.
Mike playing Hugo was some of my favorite parts of the show
SFV is the spiritual successor to SF X Tekken.
SfV is trash and dumb to smoke
Pretty much. My main, Juri, got her playstyle destroyed.
>tfw you'll never get a raqe quit from Mike because he got bodied by Dan multiple times
literally everybody's main did user the game is a steaming pile of dogshit.
>main vega for 4 years in SF4
>consistently top 3 at weeklies and enjoying him immensely even to the final year
>excited he makes it into vanilla SF5 roster
>they slapped on a half-assed stance system gimmick to him where his clawless state had more damage potential than his clawed state
>clawless vega was actually a thing
>claw hitboxes somehow worse than they were in SF4
dumb game.
I played this turd for nearly 10 months, finally quit after the s2 "patch".
They will never fix the game.
Another Vega main with his hopes and dreams destroyed, i feel your pain, Vega was fun as fuck, that neutral jump h.k was fucking cool.
Vega cuck alert!
He's always been there to filter out faggots.
This shitfest did get me into third strike, so at least something positive came out of it.
Yeah, Vega got it bad, but you gotta admit Juri got fucking annihilated.
She might as well be a different character entirely.
I have mained Ryu since 1992, when i went to the arcades with my brother.
>Bro: "there's this new popular game called Street Fighter 2. I'm gonna play Ken with a red Gi."
>Me:"Can i play it too?"
>Bro:"No! I'm gonna ply him, but you can play Ryu, he has a white Gi and he's cool."
>Me:"This is my character then"
I'm 26 now, and I still play Ryu. and he fucking sucks balls.
When have you ever heard someone say "I'm gonna open you up with Ryu!"? Never.
This game hates Ryu. No hadoken. No Shoryuken. Below average normals and pressure. This game has no nutreal. No "low forward whiff x sweep" footsies.
This game is ass.
Play 3S, Ryu is at his best in that.
Kolin literally just saved SFV for me. Like, she's a character that's FUN to play and even if you can't do damage (which is balanced because amount of harassment she can cause is dangerous enough) she feels different and like a fun Chessmaster/Rush down mix
A rushdown character with short normals and unimpressive anti airs who relies heavily on setups and frame traps? Capcom really flexed their creative muscles with her. I haven't seen a character like that since every other character in this game except Guile, Urien, and Dhalsim.
My guy I'm usually critical of sfv but that's some bait that I wouldn't even lay. Though, anti-airs are universally shit and you're absolutely right about that, the characters feel a little more diverse than what you're saying.
She kinda is, because her story is about how she lost the feng shui engine in SF4 and is now using an alpha version.
Once I get her button combinations down, she'll be fine. Right now, her Target Combos feel like a weird version of Dudley.
Also need to learn what her high damaging stuff is, because a lot of what the trials teach you is some low damage nonsense.
Is it? In what way? Has Ubishit really outdone Crapcom?
Even older gen people can admit that SF4 had its flaws, but still fun to play.
SFV on the other hand has it's flaws AND it isn't fun. The game is just so damn tamed, even watching majors to that game is soooo boring.
She has some good stuff but I just don't really get how you are meant to get it started
She feels like she has to take a risk to get anything done
t. capcom employee
I am truly astounded at just how much incompetence Capcom has displayed with SFV. I'm convinced the project started with three-four freelancers making a bet with the CEO to make the game as barebones and low-budget as possible and still sell a few million copies. Anything else makes no sense. I have never seen a major IP become this mismanaged. It really is like a fan part-time project and not an actual SF game.
And then the rootkits, the useless updates, dumb useless lobbies, netcode from the 90's and the awful PC optimization that basically emulates the PS4 version. And now there's discovery that the game has animation-bound loading system that makes a 3-second loading upwards a whole minute. It's honestly reaching the point where I am geniunely fascinated just how incompetent and out of touch a company can be for the simple process of making a fighting game.
You can pick up any fighting game out there, and it will feel more complete and geniune than SFV ever will. Everything about SFV is cheap, greedy and ugly. Capcom is getting outdone by fucking everyone. They're dead-last and because of this, doing the most damage to the genre.
>She feels like she has to take a risk to get anything done
This. Like I said, she's like a weird version of Dudley minus his god tier Straight and Ducking Straight to get in.
capcom probably on the verge of going out of business.
games funded by Sony, SFV and RE7.
games funded by Microsoft, DR4
games funded by Disney?, MvC4
They don't have the money to make their own games.
I didn't mean to sound like that but it does look overenthusiastic and robotic. I just really want to like SFV and she's the first character I like playing in it.
>costs $40
>every new character is free
>even new skins can be obtained for free by simply playing
>works great, very snappy and quick
>costs $60 with two $30 Season Passes
>only way to unlock characters except paying is playing the sadistic piece of shit mode that is Survival mode
>costumes are either overpriced or simply not obtainable without real money
>essential game features like key bindings, proper lobbies and non-shit netcode still lacking
>anything that doesn't give them DLC money is simply ignored and swept under the rug
Can someone take a shotgun to Capcom HQ and properly cleanse the working force?
I'm one of those that wanted Ryu nerfed, and I know he got it hard. But Ryu on season 1 was cancer incarnated with his AA jab, j.lk and retarded damage, and if they buff him, they better buff him on different ways to what made him good on season 1, like making him the honest karate man he is supposed to be.
The nerf on invincible DPs were good on season 1 setting. The characters that had it were all top tiers, and not because of the invincible reversals. It was too much for them to have it. Even now, the only one deserving it back is Ryu. Cammy is already retarded good, and Ken is just retarded enough.
Even then, RE7 turned out good. There are ton of low-budget fighting games that turn out great. Just look at Guilty Gear which is done by 15 people. Fighting games don't require AAA budget. They are comparatively extremely cheap to make unless you insist on putting in a CoD campaign in there.
just throw ice balls and counter the shit out of your opponent. That's how you win with her.
How am I left behind?
The iceball is hard to use in neutral cause it is slow and leaves you open. You only really use it in set ups
Her counters also lead to CC if mistimed and have really bad recovery so you really do not want to risk them too often.
I think baiting reactions and punishing with her v-trigger is a good place to end up, in terms of how I rolled, just punish, punish and pressure. She's a pest character
Why was this hack allowed to produce SFV when he completely botched SFxT?
>Can someone take a shotgun to Capcom HQ and properly cleanse the working force?
The game would still go on, since everything is outsourced.
But on the topic of free content, you make 22500 FM with each character for finishing easy survival, prologue, trials and watching that tutorial. That's 360000, plus 80000 for finishing the cinematic story mode on easy and hard, which brings you up to 440000. If you buy 4 characters, you'll have 40000, plus 90000 from doing everything with the 4 characters you bought. Enough to buy another character and have 30000 extra. And you make 6600 a week with those missions. If you ain't a competitive guy, there is no need to buy every character anyway, so you can just do an alt account, buy the characters you're insterested in to try it out, and decide if you buy it on your main account or not.
But yeah, costumes has a retarded pricing. Good for me, I bough half of Mika's costumes with money from steam cards.
>Game is a mess
>Game gets heavy funded
>Use that money for Capcom Cup Pro Tour instead of fixing the game
>Even DLCs cost more than usual to help support these events
He had good ideas on paper, like people bringing their gems and colors on a pendrive to shake things up. But I want to believe it was a higher up that came up with cash colors and DLC auto-block gem.
You know what, nevermind. The ps3 had only 2 usb ports, how the fuck would people plug in their sticks and pendrives.
Is there any way to test out Kolin before buying her?
I don't use the 1-round survival mod anymore, but did for every character outside of Urien, Juri, Akuma, and now Kolin. So I have up to normal completed with every character and Hard and Hell left with those 4. I have every character bought, only a handful of story costumes for the characters I like, and all stages released so far beyond the ring of destiny. Pretty sure i'm only at ~230,000 FM at this point.
I don't think weekly challenges are enough incentive to build FM and I understand that you were never supposed to be able to get everything because they need to make money somehow, but I honestly would feel weird about spending an extra dime of my own money in a game that I don't see as getting better overall.
I mean, the only premium costume I've bought is Birdie's and that was done only through farming steam cards.
I think the prices for FM content are way to inflated for what is being rewarded and seriously think that, beyond the characters, it needs to be scaled back somewhat. I mean, when their charging 4 bucks for a costume that you used to be able to get 5 in a bundle for SFIV, are they really hurting for cash?
Post your face when Alex was nerfed with this patch
I'm not joking, they removed his tick command grab from H chop
Probably not.
Here's my pitch:
If you like the illusion of a rekka character that has ibuki-grade damage and a wierd set of tools that makes her gameplan sketchy but kinda promising, go for it. Get a second opinion though
Make an alt account and do family share, or something like that.
It was a glitch, but literally no one was upset over it and it wasn't even that good
On PS4 can't you make another user profile?
On PC you can make another Steam account and then family share with your main account.
>all this negativity towards SFV
>nobody goes back to SFIV
You fucking idiots.
No. Do you like Ibuki? Then buy her. Do you like actual damage for little effort? Don't bother.
Juri is a better character than Vega in season 2 though. Season 2 Vega is fucking trash.
Just because I don't like SFV that doesn't mean I'm ready to hop back into a game that's really just kinda okay at best and has a league of already seasoned people who won't waste their time with newcomers.
I tried once and it wasn't fun, USFIV is just a single-player game for me now.
Honestly, she seems to be a shitty Ibuki. I wouldn't bother.
She's actually pretty clunky to play.
I was hoping you could actually play her though. If someone described Karin to me before I played the Beta I'd probably have no interest but she's my main
>alt account
That's not a bad idea actually. It's remarkable easy to get at least 100k fight money isn't it? Might go for it
Because SFIV's success revitalized the modern FGC. Something that SFxT didn't need to worry about doing, especially considering its budget.
I don't like SFIV. It's too ugly and clunky.
GG is too flashy.
I'm waiting for UMVC3 on Steam, and for my toaster to handle it, and then, MVCI. I hope I'll have a PS4 by the time MVCI releases.
Her design is dick fuel.
She looks like a generic NPC. Laziest fucking character design I've seen in a while.
>tfw you liked fat face korin
I like how she plays and I like the way her moves look but her design is kind of average and unmemorable. It's like a KOF design when they're at low point.
this, she looks like garbage, if the other characters look like that I'll just get akuma
Get this costume. Hides her ugly new face and hair.
Karin is who I intended to main after the first beta, but then I found the Bird Man.
fuck you, her hair in the default costume is pure sex
Can confirm, I completely gave up on SFV when Juri came out and turned out to be not only a completely different character in terms of moveset but also a plain bottom-tier character.
I reinstalled the game back in January and something clicked for me about this new Juri. I mean, the game was still lame overall but I could at least body people almost as consistently as I did in SFIV. She seemed faster after the update to me, and they thankfully fixed overlapping inputs on her leg special moves that fucked me over so much previously. But it's still the same in trials, and that's why I couldn't finish her trials. youtube.com
big boobs, thick legs and sexy accent
What do you do as a follow-up to EX parrabelum?
This is my favorite r/kappa meme
>have no FM
>dont want to touch survival
>can't play colon
hmmmm, yeah ill just play usf4 instead.
air throw
Her hair looks like cheese whiz in game
its an /fgg/ meme, kappa fags just copied it so they could promote their actual meme which is pretending that sf4 was a good game
Aw shit, the exact same thing the rest of the ladies have but with even less personality. Damn, you got me good.
And what's the point of big tiddies if you can't even see the tiddy really?
Air throw or one of the 50 things you can do off backwards command dash.
>those thighs
what other has a russian accent and a secretary outfit with a mini skirt and glasses ?
I'd rather get bodied in SFV forever than to wait 3 hours to connect to a laggy host and end up thrown off a ledge as soon as i get in
The Capcom logo should be Capcom.sys.
>generic ice powers npc who looks like shit
>not even lewd
>not even original
they keep fucking up, they should have added honda or sagat, or at least a lewd almost naked whore like laura, instead we get this shit
She's pretty lewd. ZR and panty hose is patrician taste. Laura is a Brazilian STD skank.
I can't link it to air throw at all.
I like that pic but she's nothing like that in game, maybe when she gets a new lewd premium skin I'll get her, but for now it's just akuma for me
Anyone want to play a Kollin lobby?
Literally just let Urien kill himself I hold back and neutral jump, literally wait until he does something stupid and it's almost guaranteed he will
Okay, now that we're getting more specific let's change our approach: Just because it didn't exist before doesn't mean it's successful in being unique in manner that stands out as appealing beyond the basic tiddies and accent. Like, if there was a character with a basic ass polo shirt he would look different from the rest of the cast but not in a way that's really iconic.
you need to do the backdash jump special and link it to air throw after the ex parrabelum. you cant do air throw if you just jump at them aftert the ex parrabelum.
I can,in 45 mins and if you are EU
SFV is almost as boring to play as it is to watch
dude, im gonna marry her, and nothing you say its gonna make me change my love for her