Thoughts, Sup Forums? Seems like a nice cause to get behind desu.
Thoughts, Sup Forums? Seems like a nice cause to get behind desu
We just had this thread, fuck off
>western games
kek and lel
Why the hate against russians?
That's pretty racist.
Talks in GDC are funny. They're either REALLY REALLY good, or just ridiculously bad like pic related.
It's definitely not worth it going to GDC, just watch videos on the vault at home or on the youtube channel.
Also, funny thing, some people who go to GDC take everything the presenters say as fucking gospel so you know some moronic cunt probably stood there watching this presentation like it was the bees knees.
Why push for this? Games are usually very sparse on the development of the character you play because you're supposed to project yourself onto them what the fuck is wrong with these people.
Gotta push their twisted narrative in the most popular medium among young people.
Your Target demographic shouldnt be pandered to
Nice business plan
They are trying to normalize queers and degenerates and make masculine men hate themselves basically.
Fuck profits games are a political brainwashing tool now
I would be fine with a Cis gender disabled man as a character.
Seems like that could have some interesting gameplay implications
Yeah the problem is that these people dont care about gameplay or making something interesting but only to fill quotas.
thats right cuck. Go join Sup Forums and hate women and black people
its sarcasm but thats what poltards are doing
I agree. Cute white traps should be the default instead
>Fuck profits games are a political brainwashing tool now
I have a feeling that large publishers are eyeing this stupid shit like hawks, or at least they should be
these retards may scream the loudest but they're not the ones buying the games
I think a game SORT OF like the movie Rear Window might be kinda rad.
It would need fucking phenomenal writing, though.
I think I know who the speaker was.
I really don't want to play devils advocate, but doesn't it make sense to make the default character the most common person on earth? Able bodied? Yeah because players want to play as somebody in a wheelchair.
Remember when video games used to be about fun and not gender politics?
>people are triggerd that 1 game protagonist isnt male or a sexobject
If you think that's whats happening you're pretty retarded. I think it's funny that 90% of people in the "SJW" can't really formulate a logical argument just like you.
>game panders to that particular audience
>6 copies sold
Thoughts on this 5 in a Sup Forums thread?
This is why Trump won!!!! Fuck u libtards!
>not hating black """""people""""""
what did he mean by this?
>Masculine men
Lets just call this what this is, toxic femininity. It exists, as does toxic masculinity.
All it is is that a bunch of annoying faggots got raised without being taught an ounce of humility.
>ess jee wee so triggered he needs to try and derail the thread because he got BTFO
its ok, you can do a thread crying about it
>RPGs have very diverse character creation systems that only really lack in terms bodytype variety
>People always bitch about the games with a main char set in stone
But yeah how surprising that white men make games with characters they can relate to and understand (white men) targeted at the largest buyer sector of the product (white men).
Ironically, they'd probably get shat on anyway even if they did make the main char a dwarf black lesbian trans woman because then they would just be pretending to understand the STRUGGLE.
and this is why Trump won
Not him. Yeah, this anti-White shit is disgusting. But none of this SJW stuff exists in a vacuum. Just as the Nu-Right movement reacted against SJWs, the SJW movement reacted against something before that. One thing creates the next thing, but people are too emotionally underdeveloped to recognize and acknowledge that.
All that racism in the past created SJWs, which created a new racism, which will create another blowback. And on and on and on.
Burgers and their way of thinking are retarded.
>people buy Horizon because of its politics and not because it looks good and open world meme
people are so angry about the protagonist of Horizon is a girl, offended when people desired a female Link or Zelda in hero-role and keep making fun of sjw games
I don't get what you're implying
>Zelda stars a white, CIS gendered male. Able bodied
>Horizon stars a white, CIS gendered female. Able bodied
>sells gangbusters
Why does tv and film get a free pass but games don't? I don't hear anybody screaming for more wheelchair bound actors s in Hollywood
I don't need a character to be white and a dude to relate to and understand them.
Roll for your waifu.
>being THIS mad
wew lad
Ive never seen anybody angry that Aloy is a female, just that she is ugly. Especially when concept art exists of her being not ugly
>u-u mad?
Too easy. Just like getting a 5.
>We should talk about problems women face
Like fucking what? Women have so many god damn privileges that in a few years it will be legal for women to shoot a man if they don't like the guy
You're not on the right groups, there are definitely groups out there that wants non abled bodied people to be pushed more in movies.
You're not listening to the right sources. And be glad you aren't. It's all not enough diversity anywhere you look.
Yeah, I'm waiting for the Stellaris AI talk by some qt pajeeta. I love AI talks. Just recently finished the neural net shit from Google, future is looking pretty bright for my robot overlords.
>Have to be able-bodied to play 1 2 Switch
It's not FAIR
>is still trying to derail the thread because someone disagreed with
>n-no u!
this is precious
Reply to this post with a cute girl and you will wake up as her.
>Ant Arachne
Is cleary an Ant Centaur
Just as they don't need to be a black lesbian cripple to relate to one, but try telling them that.
you have a huge victim complex
Me neither but neither should they. The only reason I can see it mattering is that they would want the plot to revolve around oppression. Otherwise it's just a guy with another skin colour and an accent.
Are they retards or just really trying to look like ones?
Video games do not deserve to be treated as a respectable medium until it sheds it's ugly white male centric dominance.
>make a game where you kill whitey to end cis scum
>tanks because cis white men dont like being antagonized 24/7
>Still angry that someone BTFO your poor grammar and trying to save face
Poor, poor child. Still replying too. You must be awfully triggered right now. Mind holding this 5 for me?
You go, girl!
Why are straight white males such snowflakes who complain about everything? No wonder you voted for Trump, you need a daddy figure who'll coddle you and tell you that America and the world will go back to a time where white males ran everything.
>sjws on Sup Forums
Where did everything go so wrong?
Tell me how do you even measure privilege? I mean for every disadvantage women have I could list one for men. How do we reach a consensus of which group has it worse? Hell even minorities have privileges, as they're defined by leftist dogma, which is even more systematic than what they wail against as in affirmative action and on a societal level they are given more leeway to be openly racist.
this time it'll work!
Muslim* black lesbian cripple.
I'll never understand why these people see muslims as an ally when the religion goes against 99.9% of their agenda
White males do run everything.
Except China.
A Sonic style platformer with the main character in a wheelchair would be kinda cool. Have all kinds of loops and jumps and stuff, and have conserving momentum being a big deal.
Then just make the character a gay black tranny muslim or something. You'd need a forklift to carry all your awards home.
Why are western devs so embarrassing?
Sup Forumstard have a huge victim complex that they think someone wants to get rid of white men
>Blame the dominance of your species
Uh.. Is he admitting hes a reptile?
Good. Shit like this will turn me off this wasteful hobby. Thanks shitlibs you're making me a better person by being such fucking cunts
nah I'm not the one filling a thread with shit because someone hurt my feelings, go post in your tumblr about that meanie with shit grammar from Sup
Why not?
Post hot vidya girls
>white males create literally everything
White people merely saw how well it worked for evey other group so now they've jumped on the bandwagon. The fact that minority groups played identity politics means that white people begin doing the same, and white not, it clearly works.
>mods delete the thread/it gets saged 10 times in a row
>op keeps making the same thread
What did the faggot OP mean by this and why can't OP on his containment board?
CIS is basically the tumblr word for normie.
Give me my fucking succubus.
Someone does you dumb cunt. They're called Jews keep being an ignorant fool though.
I thought the (((globalists))) ran everything :^)
And another forklift to carry all your unsold copies too.
He is admitting his inferiority, apparently.
In Mankind Divided you play as a quadriplegic gentleman of Mediterranean descent.
Pretty spot on, goyim.
Best girl reporting in
I've never seen someone so upset that they got criticized. You're embarrassing yourself at this point. You must be red faced and everything. Just take a nap, child.
Op is a Sup Forumstard and wants to recruit people to his "hate everyone nonwhitemale" views
Is this edit? I can't believe they became so straightforward
It's way overused, but it does have a purpose in very specific contexts. Generally, there is no good reason to specific, but if you are talking about gender and/or transgender people (and god help you if you are on a regular basis), it's handy to have a word for people that aren't transgender. Just as straight and white are handy words.
Man screw this shit discussion, I want fuck Aqua's thighs while grabbing that amazing butt all day long