Japanese MC

>Japanese MC
>Looks like a white guy

When will this meme stop?

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Name one game or anime that does this

attack on titan

The characters in AoT aren't supposed to be Japanese though.

Japs wish they were white

lol why is this ching chong wearing a cheap italian suit? why dont he wear a kimono or something xDD

You can't bring it up without sounding racist, but it really is obvious thats what japanese want to see themself as, white/pure/normal eyes, etc.


he's like german sort of tho

Some Japs could pass off as white if they didn't have slanted eyes.

those who are mixed with Ainu

>All Japanese people are flat-faced slant-eyed and yellow

Not true. The ones from the northern isles especially.

>black man
>using electricity, driving cars and has human rights
when will they stop appreciating my culture?

I think it's because since 90% of everything done by the Japanese is inspired by western legends and mythos they got used to drawing the same generic white guy faces and plaster them all over the place.

Probably an Ainu.

they aren't meant to be white though, they're supposed to be ambiguous cartoon characters

Nips are white asians. They just have small eyes.

Most anime style people are based on european beauty standards. They use large open eyes, round faces, pointy chins. When they actually uses noses they are pointy. They avoid using black hair a lot of the time even though 99% of japanese people have that.

I would say most japanese video games don't fall into this trope though. (Like Nioh for example has good Japanese looking characters) Just games that are modeled on 2d anime.

>People in this thread with no fucking inkling of how the psychology of this style of character design works

They're specifically designed to look white to westerners and eastern to Japanese people. Take FF for an example, As far back as Squall they've used this technique, Japanese people see him as looking fully Japanese, westerners see him as a white guy, because he has strong features of both but wrapped up in an artstyle that lets the viewer fill in the rest with their cultural norm.

The only FF they specifically went for a more obviously eastern look was X, and then they changed the models in the remake to de-chinaman the cast and make them ambiguous.

Honestly I didn't think they'd be able to get away with it with the jump in graphical fidelity, but they're really fucking good at it, I think this is the first time they did it and they spent a hell of a lot of time and money making her appeal to both western and japanese audiences while keeping her "photorealistic".

They're not based on european standards as much as their ancestor is old Disney. Osamu Tezuka's old shit straight up looks like old Popeye and Steamboat Willy at points.

The rest of their industry took that point and incestually copied each other until it became its own thing.

They choose wild colors and big eyes for animation purposes, not because they curse the squintyness of their eyes.

>draw a stick figure
>people say you're drawing softcore hentai about naked black men



When you stop projecting like a retard.